Events Hosted by Al-Hewar Center
(Comprehensive List of Events Since We Opened in December 1994)

(Click Here to see the Calendar of UPCOMING EVENTS)

Watch Many of our Past Events on YouTube!


10/14/23: Open discussion about the War in Palestine (Event in Arabic)

10/6/23: Open discussion about “The 50th Anniversary of the October 1973 War... How and Why Did Military Victory Turn into Political Defeat?” With an introduction by Dr. Hassan Nafaa, writer and professor of political science at Cairo University (Event in Arabic)

9/29/23Open discussion about “Lessons from Two Events on September 28: the Secession of the United Arab Republic and the Death of Gamal Abdel Nasser,” with an introduction by Mr. Mohamed Abdel Moneim Al-Shazly, former Egyptian ambassador and member of the Egyptian Council for Foreign Affairs, and Mr. Maan Bashour, president of the Arab and International Center for Communication and founder of the Arab National Forum in Lebanon (Event in Arabic)

09/22/23 A conversation with Dr. Abdelhamid Siyam about “What is Expected to Be Achieved at the United Nations General Assembly Session regarding Palestine and the Current International Crises.” (Dr. Siyam teaches political science & Middle East studies at Rutgers University, is the UN Bureau Chief for Al-Quds Al-Arabi and is an accredited Senior Journalist at the United Nations, and is a writer and media commentator).

9/15/23A conversation with Lebanese writer and journalist, Dr. Faisal Jaloul, about "The Danger of Corruption in Resistance Movements."  Dr. Jaloul is a researcher, writer, and journalist who has lived in Paris for more than three decades. His well-known books include
"Yemen - The Two Revolutions, the Two Republics, Unity,"  "The Musta’rab Soldier,” “Criticism of Palestinian Weapons,” and “The Meaning of Being an Arab Today.”

9/8/23: A conversation with writer and former Dean of the Faculty of Arts at the Lebanese University, Dr. Sassine Assaf, about "Functions of Democracy in the Arab World" (Event in Arabic)

9/1/23: A  conversation with the former Lebanese minister and former president of the Lebanese University, Dr. Adnan Hussein, about "What is the Nature of the Chaos in Today's World Order, and Where is the World Heading Next? Is There a Way Out of these Crises and Conflicts, or Will the Chaos Spread all over the World?" (Event in Arabic)

8/25/23: Open Discussion about "Will the 'Middle East' Witness Settlements of Crises this Year, or Will It Have More Regional and International Crises? and, Is There the Possibility of a Security Escalation Inside Lebanon and with Israel?" with an introduction by Mr. Oraib Al-Rantawi, Director of the Al-Quds Center for Political Studies in Amman, Jordan (Event in Arabic)

8/18/23: A conversation with Jordanian researcher and economic analyst, Dr. Muhammad Ahmad Al-Bashir, about "Independent Development and Social Justice... Is There a Way to Achieve This in the Arab World?!" (in Arabic)


8/11/23: A conversation with former Lebanese Minister, Mr. Bechara Merhej, about "Is There Hope for a Better Future for the People of Lebanon, and How Can It Be Achieved?"  (Event in Arabic)

8/4/23: A conversation with Sudanese writer and researcher Dr. Muhammad Hasab al-Rasoul and Sudanese lawyer Ms. Noun Ibrahim Kashkoush, about "Why Regional and International Mediations Are Faltering in Stopping the Armed Conflict in Sudan, and What are the Possible Solutions at this Stage?" (Event in Arabic)
Dr. al-Rasoul holds a Ph.D. in Strategic Studies in International Relations. A writer and researcher on regional affairs, he has experience in diplomatic work and in the field of strategic studies and strategic planning); Ms. Kashkoush is a member of the leadership office of the Nasserite Democratic Unionist Party, a member of the Political Committee of the Democratic Alliance of Lawyers, and head of the Sudan Violations Committee.


7/28/23: A conversation with Tunisian historian, Dr. Abdel Latif Al-Hanashi, about "Religion and Politics in Tunisia and Maghreb Societies" (Event in Arabic)


7/21/23: Open discussion about "Egypt's Position on the Palestinians from Nasser's 1952 Revolution to the Present,” with introductions by Mr. Maan Bashour, president of the Arab and International Center for Communication and founder of the Arab National Forum in Lebanon, and Mr. Muhammad Esmat Seif al-Dawla, Egyptian writer and researcher specializing in Arab national affairs and head of Egypt's movement against Zionism (Event in Arabic)


7/14/23Open discussion about "How the Differences and Discrepancies Amongst NATO Countries Impact the War in Ukraine and the Conflict between the 'East' and the 'West'” with introductions by Dr. Edmond Ghareeb (professor at George Washington University's Elliott School of International Affairs) and Dr. Yousif Makki (academic researcher and writer in Saudi Arabia) (Event in Arabic)


7/7/23: A conversation with Dr. Mohamed Gharbi*, Professor of International Relations at the Faculty of Law in Tangiers, Morocco, about "The Necessity of Arab Integration to Face the Challenges of the Era and Achieve Desired Regional and National Development” (Event in Arabic)

*Dr. Gharbi is a Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Law of Mohammed V University in Rabat,  Morocco; Founding member of the Moroccan Association for Asian Studies; Member of the Moroccan Association of Political Sciences; and a member of the Moroccan Association of Constitutional Law


6/30/23: Open discussion about "How the Wagner Action in Russia Impacted the War in Ukraine and the Russian Conflicts with the West,” with an introduction by Lebanese military researcher Brigadier General Elias Farhat (retired) (Event in Arabic)


6/23/23A conversation with writer and Palestinian activist, Mr. Mounir Shafiq, about "The Current Situation for the Palestinians and the Differences between Palestinian Leaders” (Event in Arabic)


6/16/23: Open discussion about "Transformations in the World Order: Challenges and Opportunities for the Arab World,” with the participation of Dr. Hassan Nafa from Cairo and Dr. Haytham Manna from Geneva (Event in Arabic)


6/9/23: A conversation with Egyptian writer and journalist, Mr. Abdullah Al-Sinawi, about "What is the Future for Turkey after Erdogan's Victory... and for Relations with both Egypt and Syria?” (Event in Arabic)


6/3/23: Open discussion about:  "How Deep is the Rift between the Biden Administration and the Netanyahu Government over Iran and Palestine... and How Does It Affect Current American Foreign Policies?” (Event in Arabic)


5/31/23: A Special Evening to Honor the Life of Kamal Chatila, Arab Nationalist Thinker and Politician, and President of the Lebanese People's Congress, Who Passed Away on May 26, 2023


5/26/23:  A conversation with Tunisian historian Dr. Abdul Latif Al-Hanashi, on the content of his new book: “Bourguiba and the Palestinian Cause and its Arab Extensions 1938-1978: Pioneering Realism or Betrayal of the Cause?”  (Event in Arabic)


5/19/23: A conversation with Dr. Muhammad Noureddine, Professor of History and Turkish Language at The Lebanese University, about "A Reading of Syrian-Arab and Syrian-Turkish Relations in Light of Current Developments" (Event in Arabic)


5/12/23: A conversation with Dr. Amr Hamzawy about "The Future Role of China in the Middle East" (Event in Arabic)


5/5/23: Open discussion about "How Current Regional and International Developments Are Affecting the Palestinian Cause," with an introduction by Mr. Oraib Al-Rantawi, Director of the Al-Quds Center for Political Studies in Amman, Jordan (in Arabic)


4/28/23: Open discussion about "The Causes and Consequences of the Bloody Conflict Between the Military Wings in Sudan," with introductions by Dr. Muhammad Hasab Al-Rasoul (from Khartoum) and Dr. Hassan Nafaa (from Cairo) (in Arabic)


4/14/23: Open Discussion about "The Centrality of Jerusalem in the Arab/Zionist Conflict and the Responsibility of the Arabs and the Palestinians at this Stage." (in Arabic)


4/7/23: A discussion with Dr. Nasr Aref, Egyptian academic and political thinker, about "The Human Being as the Axis in the Purpose of all Religions, and How Nations Can Advance by Changing Their Culture" (Event in Arabic)


3/31/23: A discussion with Dr. Raef Zreik, Palestinian writer and researcher, about "A Reading of the Current Situation in Israel and Palestine" (Event in Arabic)


3/24/23: Interview with Professor Ali Fattom, Vaccine and Microbiology Specialist, Adjunct Research Associate Professor at the Institute of Nanotechnology at the University of Michigan Medical School, about "Vaccines, Infection, and Immunotherapy in a Time of Viral and Respiratory Disease" (in Arabic)


3/17/23: A conversation with Palestinian writer and activist, Mr. Amir Makhoul (from Haifa), about "Is it a Limited Political Struggle or the Beginning of a Rift in Israeli Society?... and How Will the Netanyahu Government Deal with Regional Changes?"  (Event in Arabic)


3/10/23A discussion about "The International Day of the Woman and the Role of Arab Women toward Their Specific Issues and Society in General" (Event in Arabic)


3/3/23: "12 Years Since the Start of the Syrian War: A Better Understanding of What Happened and What Is Happening," a conversation with Syrian writer and human rights activist, Dr. Haitham Manna, founder of the Scandinavian Institute for Human Rights in Geneva  (Event in Arabic)


2/24/23"How Global Power Polarization is Affecting Tensions Among the Maghreb Countries and Their Goal of Unity," a Conversation with Dr. Mokhtar Benabdallaoui, president of the "Maghreb Forum" and professor of philosophy at Hassan II University, Dr. Didi Ould Salek (Mauritania), and Dr. Abdellatif Hanchi (Tunisia) (Event in Arabic)


2/17/23:  Open discussion about "The Obligations of Arab Governments and Oppositions in the Current Crisis in the Arab World" (Event in Arabic)


2/10/23: Open discussion about "The Palestinians and Palestine... before Oslo... and after Oslo... and to Where?" (Event in Arabic)


2/3/23A conversation with Dr. Masoud Daher about the subject of his new book: "Lebanon's Contemporary Social History" . Dr. Daher is a prominent historian and researcher in Lebanon, the Arab world, and the rest of the world. He has taught at the Lebanese University since 1973 and is still supervising doctoral theses in history at the Higher Institute for Doctorate in Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. He was a visiting professor at the University of Tokyo and the University of Georgetown, Washington. He has published about 25 books in Arabic and three papers in English and has participated in 107 group books published in various languages. (Event in Arabic)


1/27/23: A conversation with Dr. Mutahar Al-Saeedi, former member of the Shura Council and professor of economics at Sana’a University/about: "Is the Existing Truce in Yemen a Prelude to a Political Settlement or a Temporary Pause (a Rest for a Warrior)?" (Event in Arabic)


1/20/23: Open discussion about "The Role of Turkey and the Kurdish Issue in the Syrian Crisis" with an introduction by Dr. Mohammad Nour Eddeen, Professor of History and Turkish Language at the Lebanese University in Beirut (Event in Arabic)


1/13/23: A Conversation with Mr. Kamal Shatila, President of the Lebanese People's Congress, on his new book: "Colonial Democracy... The Collapse of the American Empire" (Event in Arabic)


1/6/23: Open Discussion about "A Reading of the Crises of the Past Year and Their Ongoing Implications in the Year Ahead " (in Arabic)


12/16/22: On the occasion of the 28th Anniversary of the founding of AL-HEWAR CENTER (the Arab Dialogue Center) and the conclusion of this year's weekly meetings: An Open Discussion about "How This Slogan Can Be Applied to All Arabs: 'Arabism Brings Us Together, and Palestine Unites Us' " (in Arabic)


12/9/22: A conversation with former Egyptian Foreign Minister and Ambassador, Mr. Nabil Fahmy, about "The Impact of International Conflicts and the US Elections on the Middle East" (in Arabic)

12/2/22: Open discussion about "Controversial Political and Cultural Dimensions of the World Cup," with introductions by Oreib Rintawi (Jordan) and Asia Attrouse (Tunisia) (in Arabic)

2/25/22: Open discussion about "How Will Current International and Regional Developments Affect the Fate of the Middle East Crises? (Example: Iran - Palestine - the Crises of Syria, Lebanon, Yemen and Libya)", with an Introduction by Egyptian Writer and Academic Dr. Hassan Nafaa (in Arabic)


11/18/22: Conversation with Tunisian writer and journalist, Mr. Achef Chibani, about "The Sharm El-Sheikh Conference and the Arab Region: Can Climate Change Pledges Result in Action?" (in Arabic)


11/11/22: Conversation with Palestinian writer, Mr. Amir Makhoul (from Haifa), about "The Palestinians of '48 Facing the Racist Fascist Tide... and Notes on the Knesset Elections" (in Arabic)


11/4/22: (Evening session): In-Person Gathering: An Evening of Open Dialogue and a Book Signing with Yemeni Writer and Poet, Qassim Al-Wazir, and Reading from His New Book (Event in Arabic)

11/4/22: (Afternoon session): On-line Open Discussion about "A Reading of the Upcoming US Midterm Elections and the Most Prominent Challenges Currently Facing the Majority Democratic Party," with introductions by Egyptian journalist Mohammed ElSetouhi, Palestinian journalist Said Arikat, and Moroccan journalist Mohamad Said Ouafe (Event in Arabic)

10/28/22: A Conversation with Dr. Anwar Musa (Gaza - Palestine), Wireless Communications Engineer and Part-time Associate Professor in Palestinian Universities, about: "The Strategic Objectives of the Virtual Arab Watan (Homeland Initiative)" (in Arabic). Mr. Mousa is the founder of the “Virtual Arab Watan Initiative”, Dr. Eng. in wireless communications, Part-time Associate Professor in Palestinian Universities, a former visiting scholar at the University of California-San Diego, graduated from NTUA-Athens, ENST-Paris, METU-Ankara and studied at BZU-Jerusalem.

10/21/22: A Conversation with Dr. Mohamed Finaish, former Executive Director of the International Monetary Fund (MIF), about: "The Crisis Facing the Global Economy and Its Repercussions on the Arab Region" (in Arabic)

10/14/22: A Conversation with Dr. Ilham Nasser, Director and Senior Researcher, Human Development Program and Co-Editor of The Journal of Education in Muslim Societies (JEMS), about “Education and Media Under the Israeli Occupation...and How the Arabs are Seen in American Educational Curricula” (in Arabic)

10/7/22: A Conversation with former Egyptian Ambassador, Mr. Abdel Moneim El-Shazly, and former Lebanese Ambassador, Mr. Massoud Maalouf, about “The Impact of America's Internal Conflicts and Divisions on Its Foreign Policies” (in Arabic)

9/30/22: In light of the experience of the "National Youth Camp" for three decades... “The Role of Youth in Achieving the Arab Renaissance Project”. Contributors: Mr. Abdullah Abdel Hamid, former Secretary General of the camp’s Board of Trustees and coordinator of the activities of the Arab National Forum (Lebanon); Mr. Muhammad Ismail, current Director of the National Youth Camp (Egypt); Dr. Hazrashi bin Jalul, university professor and supervisor of the camp’s cultural program (Algeria); and Mr. Khaled Al-Masalma, lawyer, member of the camp’s previous committee, and member of the Arab National Congress (Syria)

9/23/22: A conversation with Archbishop Theodosius Atallah Hanna, about  "Is There a Relationship Between 'Christian Zionists' and Christianity with Its Beliefs, Sacred Texts, and Lofty Values?" (in Arabic)

9/16/22: A conversation with Libyan writer and researcher Abdullah M. Mouaman about "How Philosophy, Science and Religion Address the Question of Violence" (in Arabic)

9/9/22: A conversation with Iraqi thinker and writer, Dr. Abdul-Hussein Shaaban, about: "The Question of Identities in Multicultural Societies... Between Unity and Division" (in Arabic)

9/2/22: A conversation with Palestinian politician and former member of the Knesset, Ms. Haneen Zoabi, and Professor Asaad Ghanem, a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Political Science at Haifa University, about "What Is the Role of the 1948 Palestinians in the Issue of Palestinian Liberation and the Composition of the Israeli Cabinet?" (in Arabic)

8/26/22: A Conversation with Dr. Mohammed Abu-Nimer, Professor at the School of International Service at American University in Washington, about "The Role of Identity and Religious Institutions in Creating Conflicts...and in Resolving Them" (in Arabic)

8/19/22:  A Conversation with Dr. Ziad Al Hafez about "How Does the Economic Factor Affect the Current International Crises? (in Arabic)

8/12/22: Open Discussion about "Are the World and the Arab Region on the Eve of Crisis Settlements or Escalations on the Fronts?" (in Arabic)

8/5/22A conversation with the Secretary-General of the Arab National Congress, Mr. Hamdeen Sabahi, about "Egypt's Current Regional and International Challenges" (in Arabic)

7/29/22: On the First Anniversary after His Passing: Reflections on Sadiq Jawad Suleiman as We Knew Him Intellectually and Personally (in Arabic)

7/22/22: A conversation with Mr. Maen Bashour about "The Concept of Arab Nationalism 70 Years After the July 23 Revolution in Egypt" (in Arabic)

7/15/22: Open Discussion, about "What Comes After the US President's Visit to Jerusalem and Jeddah?," with introductions by Ambassador Massoud Maalouf (Washington), Mr. Oraib Rentawi (Jordan),  and General Elias Farhat (Lebanon)

7/8/22: A Conversation with Dr. Issam Al-Saadi, Jordanian writer, historian, and poet, about "The Jordanian National Movement and the Special Relationship Between the People of Jordan and Palestine" (in Arabic)

7/1/22:  A Conversation with Dr. Hassan Nafaa, Professor of Political Science at Cairo University, about "U.S. Policy in Kyiv to Al-Qudus to Jeddah...What is the Future of the Crises in the Middle East?" (in Arabic)

6/24/22: A Conversation with Dr. Hazarchi Ben Jelloul, Professor of Modern and Contemporary History at the University of Algiers and Member of the General Secretariat of the "Arab National Conference" about "Remarks about Arab Efforts to Unify and Why They Failed" (in Arabic)

6/17/22: A Conversation with General Elias Farhat, former Brigadier General in the Lebanese Army, about "From the Stalemate in the Iranian Nuclear File to the Dispute Over Lebanon's Maritime Rights... What Are the Prospects for a Military Escalation in the Region Now?" (in Arabic)

6/10/22: A Conversation with Dr. Samir Ghattas about "The Importance of Egypt's Role in the Arab/Zionist Conflict" (in Arabic). Samir Youssef Ghattas, is an Egyptian researcher and journalist, member of the Egyptian parliament since 2015, president of the Middle East Forum for Strategic Studies in Cairo, and director of the Muqaddas Center for Strategic Studies. Ghattas was an advisor to the Palestinian martyr Khalil al-Wazir (Abu Jihad), and editor-in-chief of the Palestinian military magazine. He is a member of the editorial team of the Palestinian Encyclopedia in Ramallah, and he works at the Al-Ahram Center for Strategic Studies).

6/3/22: Opinions about "Which is More Realistic Now for the Future of the Palestinian Cause: The Two-State Solution or the One-State Solution?" with an introduction by Wassef Erekat, Palestinian military expert and analyst and retired Major General  (in Arabic)

5/27/22: A conversation with Dr. Philip Salem, writer, physician, and President of the Salem Oncology Centre in Texas, about "Opinions on US Foreign Policy in the Middle East" (in Arabic)

5/20/22: A conversation with Dr. Amer Hamzawy, Egyptian writer, academic, and politician, about "Repercussions of the War on Ukraine on Issues of Liberation and Democracy in the Arab World" (in Arabic)

3/13/22Special Event to Commemorate the Nakba of Palestine and to Honor the Memory of Arab Nationalist Thinker, Dr. Clovis Maksoud, who died in 2016 on Nakba Remembrance Day - May 15 (in Arabic)

5/6/22: A Conversation with Mr. Kamal Chatila, a Lebanese politician and President of the People's Congress (Mootamar al Shaabi), about "The Role of the Triad of Faith, Patriotism, and Arabism in Building a Better Arab Future" (in Arabic)

4/29/22: A Conversation with Dr. Sassine Assaf, a Lebanese writer and former Dean of the Faculty of Arts at Lebanese University, about "Is There Any Hope for Reforming the Situation in Lebanon? Where to Begin?" (in Arabic)

4/22/22: A Conversation with Egyptian writer and activist, Mr. Mohamed Esmat Seif El-Dawla, about "The Role of Religious and Political Beliefs in National Liberation: Examining Jerusalem"  (in Arabic)

4/15/22: A Conversation with the former Ambassador of Iraq to the US and the UN, Mr. Samir Sumaidaie about "Iraq's Current Internal and Regional Challenges"   (in Arabic)

4/8/22: A Conversation with Dr Fathi Hasan Malkawi, Regional Director of the International Institute of Islamic Thought in Jordan and Editor-in-Chief of Islamiyat al-Ma’rifah Journal of Contemporary Islamic Thought, about “The Importance of Revision and Renewal in Islamic Thought” (in Arabic)

4/1/22: A Conversation with Mr. Hani Al-Masri, Director general of Masarat - the Palestinian Centre for Policy Research and Strategic Studies in West Bank, about "What Opportunities Are Available to the Palestinians at this Stage, and Do the Palestinian Leaders Deal with Them Well?" (in Arabic)

3/25/22: A conversation with Palestinian thinker Mr. Mounir Chafiq, about "A Preliminary Reading of the Post-War World in Ukraine" (in Arabic)

3/18/22: "The World Now... in Poetry," featuring Lebanese poet Tariq Al Nasser Al-Din from Beirut; Yemeni poet Qassem Al-Wazir from Washington DC; Palestinian poet Walid Kilani from Texas (in Arabic)

3/11/22: Open discussion about "Palestine and Israel... and the Ukrainian Crisis," with an introduction by Dr. Hassan Nafaa (from Egypt) and Mr. Oraib Al-Rantawi (from Jordan) (in Arabic)

3/4/22: Open discussion about "Is the Conflict in Ukraine Right or Wrong... and Is It Between Russia and the West?," with an introduction by Dr. Haitham Manna, founder of the Scandinavian Institute for Human Rights in Geneva (in Arabic)

2/25/22: A conversation with General Elias Farhat, former brigadier general in the Lebanese army, about "The Affect of the Russian/American Escalation Globally and on the Arab World," (in Arabic)

2/18/22: On the 64th Anniversary of the United Arab Republic, a conversation with writer and political analyst Dr. Kamal Khalaf Al-Taweel, about "Are There Other Ways to Unite the Arab World?" (in Arabic)

2/11/22: Open discussion about "The Internal Factors that Contribute to Extremism, Violence, and Sectarian and Ethnic Division in the Arab World" with introductions by invited speakers: Dr. Ali Fakhro (Bahrain); Mr. Maan Bashour (Lebanon); and Dr. Hassan Nafaa (Egypt) (in Arabic)

2/7/22: "Cancer and Coronavirus: The Challenge to Mankind and the Triumph of Science," a conversation with Philip A. Salem, M.D., Chair of The Philip A. Salem, M.D. Chair in Cancer Research at Baylor St. Luke’s Medical Center and President of the Salem Oncology Centre (in Arabic)

2/4/22: "How Nations Rise and Achieve Comprehensive and Equitable Development," a conversation with Egyptian academic and writer, Dr. Nasr Aref, with comments by Syrian economist Dr. Abdullah Al-Dardari, former World Bank Advisor on the Middle East  (in Arabic)

1/3122:  Open discussion about "What Is Delaying the United States' Return to the Iranian Nuclear Agreement?" (in Arabic)

1/28/22A conversation with former Egyptian diplomat, Mohamad Abdulmenaim Alshazali, about: "Arabism Schools of Thought and the Role of the New Arab Generation"  (in Arabic)

1/24/22: Open discussion about "From Ukraine to the Middle East... Political Settlements or Acts of War this Year?"  (in Arabic)

1/21/22: Open discussion about "A Year Into the Biden Administration; Where Did It Succeed and Where Did it Fail In Its Internal and External Agendas," with introductions by former Lebanese Ambassador Massoud Maalouf, Palestinian journalist Said Arikat, Moroccan journalist Mohamed Said Al-Ouafe, and Egyptian journalist Atef Abdel-Jawad (in Arabic)

1/17/22: On the birthdays of Gamal Abdel Nasser and Martin Luther King Jr., an open discussion on "The Role of Individuals and Leaders in Changing Societies and the Fate of Peoples and Nations" (in Arabic)

1/14/22: A conversation with writer and Egyptian activist, Mr. Abdullah Al-Sanawi, about "Were Memories of the Nasser Experience Present in the Egyptian Consciousness During the January 25, 2011 Revolution?" (in Arabic)

1/7/22: A conversation with Palestinian writer and activist, Mr. Munir Shafiq, about "Positive Elements Latent in the Palestinian National Liberation Process" (in Arabic)

1/3/22Open discussion about "An Assessment of the Events of 2021 and Their Implications for the New Year" (in Arabic)


12/17/21: On the occasion of the 27th Anniversary of Al-Hewar Center: AN EVENING OF POETRY, ZAJAL, & MUSIC  (in Arabic).  Thank you to everyone who participated in this special event - and to everyone who has been involved with the Center through the years!

12/10/21:  On the day of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: A conversation with Dr. Haitham Manna, President of the Scandinavian Institute for Human Rights about "The Currency, Centrality, and Universality of the Palestinian Cause" (in Arabic)

12/3/21: Open discussion about "What Are the Expected Implications of the United States' Return to the International Agreement with Iran?", with an introduction by former Lebanese General Elias Farhat (in Arabic)

11/26/21: A conversation with Wissam Charafeddine about His New Book in Arabic: The Awaited Arab State: The Confederation Project. Wissam is an educator, writer, entrepreneur, engineer, activist, and humanist in Michigan (in Arabic)

11/19/21: A conversation with two former Ambassadors of Lebanon to several countries: Dr. Ali Ajami and Mr. Masoud Maalouf, about “Lebanon... the Blessings of the Nation and the Curse of Its Regimes” (in Arabic)

11/12/21: Open discussion about "A Plan for an Arab Renaissance and the Role of the New Generation in Achieving It," with introductions by Dr. Sassine Assaf and Mr. Adnan Elbourji (in Arabic)

11/5/21: Open discussion about "What is Happening in Sudan, and What Are the Real Agendas of the International Players?" (in Arabic)

10/29/21: A conversation with Archbishop Theodosius Atallah Hanna about “The Arab Christians and The Palestinian Issue” (in Arabic)

10/22/21: A conversation with Dr. Kamal Khalaf Al-Taweel about "Does the Arab East Have Footing to Rise Again?" (in Arabic)

10/13/21: A conversation with Dr. Mohamed Gharby, Professor of International Relations at Abdelmalek Saadi University, Tetouan, Kingdom of Morocco, about "The Struggle for Spheres of Influence in the World Between the New Global Powers" (in Arabic)

10/6/21: A conversation with Mohamed Esmat Seif El-Dawla, Egyptian writer, activist, and researcher specialized in Arab national affairs, about "Egypt and the Arab World from the October War to the Camp David Agreements" (in Arabic) 

10/1/21 On the Occasion of the 51st Anniversary of the Death of Gamal Abdel Nasser (September 28, 1970) and the 60th Anniversary of the Syrian Coup Against the Union with Egypt (September 28, 1961), a conversation with Dr. Hoda Gamal Abdel Nasser about: How did Nasser understand the Arab identity of Egypt and the question of Arab Nationalism?; Why and how did Nasser respond to the call for unity with Syria?; Nasser's reaction to the 1961 Secession Plot; and Nasser's vision for the Arab federal experiments in the sixties  (Event in Arabic)

9/22/21: A conversation with Mr. Maan Bashour, Founding President of the Arab National Platform in Lebanon, about "What Do the Arabs Expect from the Upcoming Summit in Algeria, and Is There any Hope for a Return to Arab Solidarity?"

9/15/21:  A conversation with Dr. Amr Hamzawy, Egyptian political scientist, human rights activist, and public intellectual, about "The Imperative of Separating Religion and Politics" (in Arabic)

9/8/21: Open discussion about "20 Years Since September 11: Lessons and Conclusion for Americans, Muslims, and Arabs" (in Arabic)

9/1/21: Discussion of paper prepared by Dr. Massad Arbid and Mr. Osama Ammouri on "The Palestinian National Liberation Project: Reading for History and the Future" (in Arabic)

8/25/21: "What Role Can Professional Unions Play to Help Improve National and Social Life and Arab Cooperation", a conversation with Dr. Ahmed Al-Qadri, Former Head of the Dentists Association in Amman Khaled Ramadan, Engineer and member of the Engineers Syndicate in Amman Hassan Matar, Attorney and Coordinator of the Independent Jurists Committee in Beirut   (in Arabic)

8/18/21: Open discussion about  "How Will the US Withdrawal from Afghanistan Affect US Policy in Asia and the Middle East?" (in Arabic)

8/11/21: A conversation with Dr. Hani Bawardi, Professor of History and Arab-American Studies at the University of Michigan, about: The Question of Arab Americans' Identity: from "the Greater Syrian Immigrants” to “American Citizenship”! (in Arabic)

8/9/21: An Intellectual and Cultural Evening on "Zoom" for participants in Al-Hewar Center and those they wish to invite (every Monday - 8 pm Washington DC time). The aim of these special periodic evenings is to deepen the intellectual and personal relationship among participants in the Center (in Arabic)

8/4/21: A conversation with Dr. Khaled Shawkat, former Minister, Parliament Member, and President of the Arab Democracy Institute in Tunis, about "A Viewpoint on the Current Constitutional and Political Situation in Tunisia" (in Arabic)

7/30/21: Special Event to Honor the Memory of Sadek Jawad Sulaiman, Al-Hewar Center Board Member who passed away on July 27 (in Arabic)

7/28/21:  A conversation with Egyptian writer and political analyst, Mr. Abdullah Al-Sanawi, about "The Egypt We Love" (in Arabic)

7/14/21: Conversation with former Ambassador of Libya to Mexico, Mr. Muftah AlTayar and Libyan writer (from Cairo), Ms. Fatima Ghandour about "The Regional and International Roles in the Libyan Crisis Going Forward, and the Prospects for Achieving the Political Solution Desired by the Citizens of Libya",
(in Arabic)

7/7/21: Open Discussion about "The Political Roots of Sectarianism in the Arab World", with an introduction by Sobhi Ghandour (in Arabic)

6/30/21: A Conversation with Iraqi Academic and former diplomat Dr. Ghassan Atiyyah and Dr. Abdul Hussain Shaban about "How Can Iraq's Unity and National and Arab Identity Be Strengthened?" (in Arabic)

6/23/21: A new American administration... An Israeli government without Netanyahu... A new government in Tehran... Saudi/Iranian meetings in Baghdad and Saudi/Syrian security meetings... American/European and American/Russian summits... Normalization of Egyptian relations with Turkey and Qatar... Arab efforts to activate Syria's role in the Arab League... OPEN DISCUSSION ABOUT: "What are the effects of all this on the Syrian crisis, over which major regional and international powers continue to wrestle, and what is the future of Syria?," with an introduction by Mr. Omar Abdelaziz Hallaj(in Arabic)

6/16/21: Open discussion about "How Regional and International Developments Will Affect the Middle East" (in Arabic)

6/9/21: A Conversation with Sociologist Dr. Omar AlTalib about "The Impact of Religious Groups on American Politics" (in Arabic)

6/2/21: Conversation with Dr. Hassan Nafaa about "Egypt and Sudan: The Challenges of Dealing with the Grant Ethiopian Renaissance Dam" (in Arabic)

5/26/21: Open discussion about "The Relationship Between the Current Developments in Palestine and the Negotiations with Iran" (in Arabic)

5/19/21: Open discussion about "Political and Security Conclusions from the Palestinian Resistance Against Israeli Occupation" (in Arabic)

5/5/21Opinions on Current Developments in Palestine and Jordan (in Arabic)

4/28/21: Open discussion about "The Effects of the Corona Pandemic on Our Habits, Perceptions, Priorities, and How We View Life and Spiritual and National Issues," with an introduction by Jordanian writer, Mr. Oraib Al-Rantawi, Director of Al-Quds Center for Political Studies in Amman
(in Arabic)

4/21/21: A conversation with thinker and writer, Dr. Hisham Altalib, about "Parenting in Post-Normal Times" (in Arabic)

4/14/21: A conversation with Dr. Mohamed Finaish, former Executive Director of the International Monetary Fund, about "Urgent Economic Problems in the Arab World" (in Arabic)

4/7/21: April is the month we celebrate Americans of Arab descent.  On this occasion, Al-Hewar Center and Arab America Foundation held a special event on "The Unique Character of the Arab Community and How to Ampllify the Positive Role of Arabs in American Society," featuring community activists from around the U.S. states) (Event in Arabic)

3/31/21:  A conversation with Mr. Bechara Merhej, the former Minister of Interior of Lebanon, about "What Can Be Done to Face the Difficult Situations in Lebanon and Its Arab Neighbors" (in Arabic)

3/24/21: A conversation with From Palestine: Mr. Hani Al-Masry, General Director of the Palestinian Center for Policy Research and Strategic Studies (Masarat) and From Damascus: Dr. Maher Al-Taher, Member of the Political Bureau of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine about "What is Hoped for from the Biden Administration on the Palestinian Issue and Calling for Elections in the Palestinian Territories?"  (in Arabic)

3/17/21: At the invitation of the Maghreb Forum and Al-Hewar Center:  Open discussion about "The Common and the Unique Concerns and Issues in the Mashreq and the Maghreb," with introductions by Dr. Didi Ould Salek (Professor at the University of Nouakchott, Mauritania) and Mr. Adnan Burji (Director of the National Center for Studies in Beirut) (Event in Arabic)

3/10/21: A Conversation with political and military analyst, General Elias Farhat, former Brigadier General in the Lebanese Army, about "What Is the Possibility for Security and Military Escalation in Lebanon and Syria?" (in Arabic)

3/3/21:  Open discussion about "What Obstacles Does the U.S. Face to Rejoin the International Nuclear Deal with Iran?" (in Arabic)

2/24/21: Open discussion about "How Responsible Are the Arabs for Their Current State of Decline?" with introductions by Dr. Ali Fakhro (Bahrain), Dr. Mohammed Saif Al-Dawla (Cairo), and Dr. Mohammed Finaish (Washington) (in Arabic)

2/17/21:  Open discussion about "The Concepts of Nationalism, Nation, Culture, and Civilization" (in Arabic)

2/10/21: A conversation about "The Constants and the Changes in American Middle East Foreign Policy," with Mr. Oraib AL-RANTAWI (from Amman, Jordan); andDr. Hassan NAFAA (from Cairo, Egypt)  (in Arabic)

2/3/21A conversation with Egyptian Actor, Hussein Fahmy, about "The Role of Art and Culture in Reviving the Arab Renaissance" (in Arabic)

1/27/31Open Discussion about "Where is America Headed after the Trump Era, and What is the Future of the Republican Party?" (in Arabic)

1/13/21Panel Discussion about "Why the Arab Popular Uprisings Failed to Change Their Countries for the Better." Participants were: Dr. Khaled Shawkat, Former Minister, parliament member and President of the Arab Democracy Institute in Tunis; Dr. Hassan Nafaa, Professor of Political Science, Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University; and Mr. Moftah Ramadan Al-Tayyar, former Libyan ambassador to Mexico (Event in Arabic) لماذا لم تنجح الإنتفاضات الشعبية العربية في تغيير واقع الأوطان نحو الأفضل

1/6/21: On-Line Meeting: Open Discussion about "The Main Lessons of 2020; What Changes Are Expected in the New Year?" (in Arabic)   أبرز خلاصات ودروس العام 2020 وما هي المتغيرات المتوقعة في العام الجديد


12/16/20: On-Line Meeting:  Open discussion about "What Happens after the American Electoral College Cast Their Votes... and What Might Trump Do in the Final Weeks of His Presidency?"  (Event in Arabic)

12/9/20: On-Line Meeting:  On the Occasion of 10 Years since the Start of the "Arab Spring" in Tunisia and Egypt: A conversation with writer and human rights activist, Dr. Haytham Manna, about "Why the Arab Popular Uprisings Faltered, and Why They Went Awry" (Event in Arabic)

12/2/20: On-Line Meeting:  A conversation with Mr. Sadeq Jawad Sulaiman, Omani thinker and former ambassador, about "Philosophy Versus Religion."  Mr. Sulaiman discussed how philosophy and religions differ in the main epistemological reference for each (philosophy concerns the mind, and religions have revelation or inspiration).  But is it possible to completely separate them? Is it permissible to view them as opposites; and how can they meet and harmonize in the service of humanity? (Event in Arabic)

11/25/20: On-Line Meeting:  A conversation with Palestinian-American comedian Dr. Amer Zahr* about "How Can the Palestinians and Arabs Serve Their National Cause in the United States?" Dr. Zahr* is a comedian, writer, filmmaker, political activist, and Adjunct Professor at University of Detroit Mercy School of Law (Event in Arabic) *About Dr. Amer Zahr  -- on YouTube -- On Wikipedia

11/18/20: On-Line Meeting:  Open discussion about "Democracy in the Arab World," with introductions by Moroccan professor Dr. Mokhtar Benabedlawi and Dr. Jamal Barghouty from Texas (Event in Arabic)

11/11/20: On-Line Meeting:  A Conversation with Archbishop Theodosios Atallah Hanna, the Eastern Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem, about "The Forgotten Jerusalem in a Region of Civil Strife and a World of Extremism" (Event in Arabic)

11/4/20: On-Line Meeting:  Open discussion about "The Present and Future of the United States in Light of the Results of the American Elections" (Event in Arabic)

10/28/20: On-Line Meeting:  Open discussion about "How Will the US Elections Affect Washington's Foreign Policies, Especially in the Middle East?" with an introduction by Dr. Hassan Nafaa, an Egyptian writer and professor of political science at Cairo University (Event in Arabic)

10/21/20: On-Line Meeting:  A conversation with Dr. Mohamed Finaish, Libyan economist and former executive director of the International Monetary Fund, about "The Economic and Social Impacts of the Coronavirus Pandemic, Especially on Developing Countries" (Event in Arabic)

10/14/20: On-Line Meeting:  A conversation with Dr. Ali Fakhro, a physician, writer, and political thinker from Bahrain, about "Obstacles Facing Democracy in Western and Eastern Societies" (Event in Arabic)

10/7/20: On-Line Meeting: Open discussion about "The American Elections: Will They Happen and How?... and What Could Happen After Election Day?" (Event in Arabic)

9/30/20On-Line Meeting:  A conversation with Dr. Massoud Daher, Lebanese writer, historian, and professor, about "Lebanon in the American Archives; and What Does Washington Want in Lebanon Now?"  Dr. Daher is the author of a series of books, including Lebanon in the Documents of the American Archives
(Event in Arabic)

9/23/20: On-Line Meeting:  A conversation with Dr. Hoda Gamal Abdel Nasser, about "The Importance of Documenting the Thoughts and Experience of Gamal Abdel Nasser (1/15/1918-9/28/1970)" (in Arabic)

9/16/20On-Line Meeting:  A conversation with Mr. Maher At-Taher, member of the PFLP Central Committee, about "What Are the Options Available Now to the Palestinians after the Failure of Oslo and Trump's Pressure to Impose Normalization with Israel?" (in Arabic)

9/9/20: On-Line Meeting:  A conversation with Dr. Hassan Nafaa, about "Is Internationalization the Solution to the Arab Crises? ... and What Is the Relationship Between the Arab Civil Wars and the Arab-Israeli Conflict?" (in Arabic) Hassan Nafaa is an Egyptian writer and professor of political science at Cairo University. He was a coordinator of the National Association for Change, a loose political alliance in Egypt prior to the 2011 Egyptian revolution.

9/2/20On-Line Meeting:  Open discussion about "The Triple Influences on the U.S. Elections: Coronavirus, Economy, and Racial Tensions" (in Arabic)

8/26/20: On-Line Meeting:  A conversation with Lebanese writer and journalist, Dr. Sami Kleib, about "Does Arab Media Contribute to Enlightening Arabs or Mislead Them? (in Arabic)

8/19/20: On-Line Meeting:  A conversation with Mr. Maan Bashour, President of the Arab International Center for Communication and Solidarity in Beirut and Mr. Abbas Zaki, former representative of the PLO in Lebanon and a member of Fatah's central committee, about "What Can Be Done on the Palestinian Front and in the Arab World to Confront Normalization with Israel and the Attempts to Liquidate the Palestinian Cause?," featuring speakers from Lebanon and Palestine to be announced (in Arabic)

8/12/20: On-Line Meeting:  Open discussion about "How Likely Are the U.S. Elections to Take Place on Time and What Developments Might Occur This Year?" (in Arabic)

8/5/20: On-Line Meeting:  Open discussion about "Lebanon's Disasters and Crises: Where Is the Country Headed?," with an Introduction by Dr. Sassine Assaf, writer and former Dean of the Faculty of Arts at Lebanese University; and comments by former Lebanese Ambassador Mr. Massoud Al-Maalouf (in Arabic)

7/29/20: On-Line Meeting: A conversation with Dr. Nasr Arif, Egyptian professor of Political Science at Cairo University currently at Zayed University in Dubai, about "The Future of the Arab World in Light of Competing Foreign Visions" (in Arabic)

7/22/20: On-Line Meeting:  A conversation with the Director of Al-Hewar Center, Sobhi Ghandour, about "68 Years Since the July 23 Egyptian Revolution: Obstacles to Proper Change in the Arab World" (in Arabic)

7/15/20: On-Line Meeting:  A conversation (from Morocco) with Dr. Mokhtar Benabdallaoui, about "The Intensifying Role of Turkey in the Crises in the Levant and Maghreb Countries."  Dr. Benabdallaoui is a professor of Islamic studies and Director of the Doctoral Center for Studies in Politics and Religion at Hasan II University in Casablanca. He is also Founding Director of the Center for Humanities Studies and Research, a Casablanca-based nongovernmental organization (Event in Arabic)

7/8/20: On-Line Meeting:  A conversation with Dr. Ziad Hafez, Lebanese writer and economist, political researcher, and former Secretary General of the Arab National Conference, about "The Economic Crisis in Lebanon and How it Relates to the Region's Conflicts" (in Arabic)

7/1/20: On-Line Meeting:  Conversation with Dr. As'ad Ghanem, Professor at the School of Political Sciences at the University of Haifa, about "How Do the Palestinians in the Lands of 1948 See the Future of the Palestinian Cause, and What Is Their Role in the Next Stage?" (in Arabic)

6/24/20: On-Line Meeting:  Conversation with Dr. Sahar Khamis, Professor of Media and Women's Studies at the University of Maryland, about "The Multiple Effects of the Corona Epidemic on Arab Media and Arab Women" (in Arabic)

6/17/20: On-Line Meeting:  Conversation with Syrian writer and human rights activist, Dr. Haytham Manna, about "Caesar's Law and the Economic, Social, and Political Circumstances in Syria" (in Arabic)

6/10/20: On-Line Meeting:  Open Discussion about "What is the Role of Palestinians in North America Regarding the Palestinian Issue" (in Arabic)

6/3/20:  ON-LINE MEETING: Open Discussion about "Where are Racism and Violence Going in a Divided American Society?" (in Arabic)

5/27/20ON-LINE MEETING:  A conversation with Dr. Abdallah Bouhabib, former Ambassador of Lebanon in Washington, about: "The Conflict between Values and Interests in American Policies" (in Arabic)

5/20/20: ON-LINE MEETING: Conversation with researcher and former Emirati diplomat, Dr. Yousef Hassan, about "Jerusalem and the Palestinian Cause... in the Mind of the Arab Gulf Citizen," (in Arabic)

5/13/20: ON-LINE MEETING: Open discussion about "Remembering the Nakba of Palestine on the Eve of Mike Pompeo's Visit to Israel and the Illegal Decision to Annex the Jordan Valley," with introduction by Jordanian writer, Mr. Oraib Al-Rantawi, Director of Al-Quds Center for Political Studies in Amman (In Arabic)

5/6/20: ON-LINE MEETING:  A Conversation with Dr. Souheil Ghannouchi, A Tunisian writer & Professor at GW University, about: " The relationship between religion, reason and science" (in Arabic) Watch event on YouTube

4/29/20: ON-LINE MEETING:  A conversation with researcher and economic analyst, Mr. Zaid Jamal Al-Barzanji, about "The Reality and Future of the American Economy in Light of the Corona Epidemic... and Its Effects on the Global Economy" (in Arabic)

4/22/20: ON-LINE MEETING: A Conversation with Mr. Maan Bashour (from Beirut), about "What is the future for Arabs and Arabism in the new international order after the Coronavirus?" (in Arabic)

4/15/20: ON-LINE MEETING: "Palestinians in the Occupied Territories: Between the Hammer of the Epidemic and the Anvil of the Israeli Occupation," a conversation with Dr. Ashraf Bany Mohammad, Director of the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the University of Jordan, Amman; Mr. Taher Al-Disi, Executive Director of AlQuds Fund and Endowment, Jerusalem; and Mr. Munib Al-Masri, from Nablus, Palestine (in Arabic)

4/8/20ON-LINE MEETING: Open Discussion about "Lessons and Conclusions from the Spread of the Coronavirus, and What Are the Negative and Positive Results So Far?" (in Arabic)

4/1/20: ON-LINE MEETING: Open Discussion about the "Political Divisions in the United States and Their Impact on Tackling the Coronavirus" (in Arabic)

3/29/20:  SPECIAL ON-LINE MEETING:  A Tribute to Dr. Daoud Khairallah, who passed away on March 22, 2020 (in Arabic)

3/25/20: ON-LINE MEETING:  A conversation with Dr. Kamal Khalaf Taweel about "The Roots of the American-Israeli Relationship" (in Arabic)

3/18/20:  ON-LINE MEETING:  Open discussion about "The Era of Coronavirus: A World Without Globalization" (in Arabic)

3/11/20: ON-LINE MEETING:  Open discussion about the "How Should We Deal with the Fallout of the Coronavirus and Its Social Impact?" with the participation of Dr. Maurice Atiyeh (in Arabic)

3/4/20ON-LINE MEETING:  Open discussion about the "Internal Conflicts within the Democratic and Republican Parties" (in Arabic)

2/27/20:  IN-PERSON MEETING: an Evening of Culture and Art, featuring a screening of a film about the life of Egyptian Artist, Sayed Darwish, followed by a short discussion about the film, followed by live Oud music and traditional Arabic songs. Event hosted by Al-Hewar Center, in cooperation with
Global Media Center, Arabian Sights Film Festival, and Anha Productions.

2/19/20: ON-LINE MEETING: Open Discussion about "The Fate of the American Military Presence in Iraq and the Future Role of NATO in the Middle East Crises" with an Introduction by Former Iraqi General Ismail Sudani (Event in Arabic)

2/12/20ON-LINE MEETING: Open discussion about "The Turkish Military Involvement in Syria and the Battles in Idlib" (in Arabic)

2/5/20: ON-LINE MEETING: Open discussion about "A Reading of Trump's Speech About the American 'State of Division' and the Fate of His Agenda in the Middle East" (in Arabic)

1/29/20: ON-LINE MEETING: Open discussion about "What Are the Effects of Trump's 'Deal of the Century', the Israeli Elections, and the Palestinian Elections on the Path of the Palestinian Issue, and What is Expected to Happen about Palestine This Year?" (in Arabic)

1/22/20: ON-LINE MEETING: Open discussion about "The Left and the Right in America:  What Are the Prospects for Political, Intellectual, and Ethnic Division in the United States?" With an introduction by Mr. Masoud al-Maalouf, a former Lebanese Ambassador residing in Washington
(in Arabic)

1/15/20: ON-LINE MEETING: Open discussion about "Questions about the Role of Turkey in the Arab Region Crises"  (in Arabic)

1/8/20: ON-LINE MEETING: Open discussion about "What Are the Limits of the Escalating Confrontation Between the United States and Iran... and How Will This Impact the Other Crises in the Middle East? (in Arabic)

1/5/20ON-LINE MEETING On the 55th Anniversary of the Palestinian Revolution: A conversation with Mr. Munib Al-Masri (Nablus/Palestine) --  Memories about the Beginning of the Palestinian Revolution and What Palestinians and Arabs Should Do Now for the Palestinian Cause (in Arabic)


12/18/19ON-LINE MEETING: A Special Evening about the 25th Anniversary of Al-Hewar Center (in Arabic)

12/11/19: ON-LINE MEETING: Open discussion about "What Happens After the US House of Representatives Vote on the Impeachment of President Trump... Why Are Some American Presidents Held Accountable for Internal Issues While Other Presidents Are Not Held Accountable for Their Terrible Foreign Policy?" (in Arabic)

12/4/19: ON-LINE MEETING: Open discussion about "Trump Between the Hammer of Democratic Lawmakers and the Anvil of Differences with the Europeans" (in Arabic)

12/1/19: ON-LINE MEETING: A conversation with Dr. Marwan Muasher, Vice President of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and Former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Information of Jordan, about "The Challenges to the Democratic Issue in the Arab Countries" (in Arabic)

11/20/19:  ON-LINE MEETING: Open discussion about "What the Popular Uprisings in Lebanon, Iraq, and Iran Have in Common, and What is Unique to Each of Them" (in Arabic)

11/14/19:  IN-PERSON MEETING:  A conversation with H. E. Ambassador of Tunisia Faysal Gouia about "Tunisia Between Its Developing Democratic Experience and the Regional Challenges Around It" (in Arabic)

11/10/19:  ON-LINE MEETING:  A conversation with the President of The Lebanese People's Congress, Mr. Kamal Shatila, about: "How Does the Arab-Israeli Conflict Impact Lebanon's Internal Crises? (in Arabic)

11/6/19:  ON-LINE MEETING: Open discussion about "Lessons from the Arab Popular Uprisings Over the Last Decade" (in Arabic)

10/30/19ON-LINE MEETING: Open discussion about "The Popular Movements in Iraq and Lebanon:  Same Demands, Same Risks" (in Arabic)

10/23/19: ON-LINE MEETING: Open Discussion about "Will the Lebanese Popular Uprising Against the Ruling Political Class Succeed?" (in Arabic)

10/16/19: ON-LINE MEETING: Open Discussion about "Can You Answer This Question: What is the U.S. Policy Now in the Middle East and Towards the Crises in the Region?" (in Arabic)

10/9/19: ON-LINE MEETING: Open discussions (in Arabic) about: What is the Nature of the Current Crisis in Iraq and Where Is It Headed? and  The American Position on the Turkish/Kurdish Conflict in Syria

10/6/19: ON-LINE MEETING: A conversation with Egyptian writer and activist, Mr. Mohamed Seif El-Dawla, about "Egypt and the Arab-Israeli Conflict" (in Arabic)

9/25/19: ON-LINE MEETING: Open discussion about "What Do We Expect from the United Nations Meetings on the Issues of Iran, Syria, and Palestine?" (in Arabic)

9/19/19IN-PERSON MEETING "How the Community Can Respond to Extremism in America and its Impact on Society and Political Life," a conversation with Dr. Souheil Ghannouchi and Dr. Ghassan Rubeiz, writer Former Regional Secretary of the World Council of Churches (in Arabic)

9/11/19: ON-LINE MEETING: "18 Years Later: Was 9/11/01 the Beginning or Part of the Cycle?" (in Arabic)

9/8/19: ON-LINE MEETING: A conversation with Syrian writer and human rights activist, Dr. Haytham Manna, about "The Prospects for a Comprehensive Political Solution in Syria under Complex Interventions and the Sharing of Spheres of Influence" (in Arabic)

9/4/19: ON-LINE MEETING: "The Palestinian Issue: Between Trump's 'Deal of the Century' and the United Nations Assembly Meetings" (in Arabic)

8/14/19: ON-LINE MEETING: A conversation with visiting professor at Rice University in Texas and spokeswoman for the Professional Coalition in Sudan Dr. Nuha Zein, and with an Algerian guest (to be announced), about, "Where is the Current Popular Movement in Sudan and Algeria Headed?" (in Arabic)

8/7/19: ON-LINE MEETING: Open discussion about, "Violence in America: Its Causes and Its Political and Societal Repercussions" (in Arabic)

7/24/19:  ON-LINE MEETING: Open discussion about "Mueller's Testimony Before Congress... and What Are the Prospects for Trump's Re-Election?" (in Arabic)

7/17/19: ON-LINE MEETING: A Conversation with Lebanese journalist and visiting professor Dr. Ghassan Abu Diab on: "A Look at Lebanon: Its Current Challenges and Opportunities" (in Arabic)

7/10/19: ON-LINE MEETING: Open discussion about "What Are the Trump Administration's Options in the Crisis with Iran?" (in Arabic)

7/6/19SPECIAL ON-LINE MEETING: A discussion about "Building a Better Future for the Arab World: The Role of Arab Youth" with an Introduction by Lebanese teacher and writer, Mr. Adnan Bourji and the participation of a group of Arab youth attending the Arab National Congress meeting in Beirut.

6/27/19:  IN--PERSON MEETING:  A conversation with the Ambassador of Iraq to the United States, Dr. Fareed Yassen, about "How Iraq Is Dealing with the Current Regional and International Developments" (in Arabic) *

6/19/19: ON-LINE MEETING: A conversation with Sama'a Al-Hamdani, non-resident fellow at the Middle East Institute in Washington, D.C. focusing on political dynamics in Yemen, about "The War in Yemen: The Reality of Conflicts and Elements of the Desired Solution" (in Arabic)

6/23/29: ON-LINE MEETING: A conversation with Dr. Nuha Zein, a Visiting Professor at Rice University in Texas and a spokeswoman for the Professional Coalition in Sudan, about "Is Sudan on the Brink of Civil War? What Is the Reality of Religion and International Positions and Intervention in Sudan?" (in Arabic)

5/22/19:  ON-LINE MEETING: Open discussion about "If No War and No Negotiation Between the U.S. and Iran, What's Next?" (in Arabic)

5/15/19: ON-LINE MEETING:  Open discussion about "Palestinians on the Eve of the Attempt to Liquidate the Palestinian Cause:  What Are Their Choices and What Is Their Role?", with an introduction by Dr. Abdelhamid Siyam, Professor of Political Science and Middle East Studies at Rutgers University and Bureau Chief of Alquds Alarabi at the United Nations (in Arabic)

5/8/19ON-LINE MEETING: A conversation with Georgetown University Imam Yahya Al-Hindi, about "Religious Values We Are Missing in Our Current Era" (in Arabic)

5/1/19ON-LINE MEETING: A conversation with Dr. Kamal Khalaf Al-Taweel, about "Impressions About the Situation in Syria and Lebanon" (in Arabic)

4/24/19: ON-LINE MEETING: A conversation with Zouhour Boutaleb, the granddaughter of Emir Abdelkader AlJazairi, about "Freedom in Algeria... from the Era of Emir Abelkader AlJazairi to the Current Populist Movement" (in Arabic)

4/17/19IN-PERSON MEETING:  A conversation with Max Blumenthal about “The Palestinian Issue and Trump’s Plans for the Middle East after the Israeli Election” (in English).  Mr. Blumenthal is an award-winning journalist and author of several books, including his latest, the Management of Savagery: How America’s National Security State Fueled the Rise of Al Qaeda, ISIS, and Donald Trump. His discussion was followed by remarks by Mohamed Mohamed, Executive Director of the Palestine Center, co-sponsor of this event.

4/10/19: ON-LINE MEETING:  A conversation with retired Lebanese Ambassador Mr. Massoud Maalouf, about "American Oddities and Contradictions in the Popular Support for Trump" (in Arabic)

4/3/19: ON-LINE MEETING: A conversation with Dr. Souheil Ghannouchi, about "How to Deal with Racism, Extremism, and Islamophobia" (in Arabic)

3/27/19: ON-LINE MEETING: Open discussion about "Where Does the Trump-Netanyahu Coalition Take the Middle East?" (in Arabic)

3/20/19:  IN-PERSON MEETING: A conversation with Dr. Abdullah Dardari, World Bank Senior Advisor on Reconstruction for the Middle East and North Africa, about "What Hinders Reconstruction in Syria and the Return of Syrian Refugees to their Homeland?" (in Arabic)

3/13/19: ON-LINE MEETING: Open discussion about "Democracy in the Arab World and the Relationship Between the Freedom of the Homeland and the Freedom of the Citizen" (Event in Arabic)

3/6/19: ON-LINE MEETING: Panel discussion to commemorate the International Day of the Woman about "Arab Women and Their Expectations from Men and from Society" The panelists will be:  Dr. Amal David, Dr. Najat Khalil, Dr. Sahar Mohamed Khamis, and Dr. Malak Ben Salem (Event in Arabic)

2/27/19:  ON-LINE MEETING: Open Discussion about "The Popular Uprising Movement in Sudan: Who Are the Leaders? What Is Their Agenda? What Are Their Methods to Make Political Changes in Sudan?" with an introduction by Dr. Nuha Zein, a Visiting Professor at Rice University in Texas and a spokeswoman for the Professional Coalition in Sudan (Event in Arabic)

2/20/19: ON-LINE MEETING: A conversation with former Ambassador of Libya in Mexico, Mr. Meftah al-Tayar, about "The Challenges of Security and Democracy in Libya After 8 Years of Revolution"  (in Arabic)

2/13/19:  ON-LINE MEETING:A discussion about "What Does Washington Want from the Warsaw Conference and How Will it Affect Iran and the Palestinians?" (in Arabic)

2/6/19: Open discussion about "U.S. State of Disunion" (in Arabic)

1/30/19ON-LINE DISCUSSION: Open discussion about "Trump's Two Years in the White House: Where Has He Succeeded and Where Has He Failed to Achieve His Agenda; What is Expected of Him Now?" (in Arabic)

1/23/19:  ON-LINE DISCUSSION: A conversation with Dr. Shafeeq Ghabra about "An Attempt to Understand the Transformation and Revolutions in Arab Societies" (in Arabic)

1/16/19:  ON-LINE DISCUSSION: Open discussion about:  "Where is Egypt Now After the July 23 and January 25 revolutions?" (in Arabic)

1/9/19: IN PERSON MEETING:  A conversation with Dr. Edmond Ghareeb and Dr. Khalil Jahshan about "Internal and External Obstacles to the Trump Agenda in 2019." Moderated by Journalist Mohamed ElShinawi (in Arabic)

1/2/19: ON-LINE MEETING: A conversation with Dr. Imad Mustapha, Syrian Ambassador to China and formerly Ambassador to the United States, about "Syria after Trump's Decision to Withdraw U.S. Troops" (in Arabic)


12/19/18: An Evening of Poetry with Mr. Qassim Al-Wazir, Mr. Yousef Abdul Samad, Mr. Walid Keilani, and Dr. Majd Al-Ghatrif (in Arabic). This was the last event of the year and also marked Al-Hewar Center's 24th Anniversary!

12/12/18:  ON-LINE MEETING: Discussion with Dr. Alma Abdul Hadi Jadallah, President of Kommon Denominator, about "What Are the Best Ways to Resolve Conflicts and Disputes Between People, Groups, and Nations? (in Arabic)

12/5/18ON-LINE MEETING:  Open Discussion about "The Possibility of a Political Solution for Syria and the Future of Regional and International Intervention," with an introduction by Dr. Abdullah Dardari (in Arabic)

11/28/18:  ON-LINE MEETING: Open Discussion about "Trump's Agenda Toward Saudi Arabia, Iran, and the Palestinian Issue," with introductions by Said Arikat, Atef Abdul-Jawad, and Mohammed El-Stouhi (in Arabic)

11/14/18:  ON-LINE MEETING: Open Discussion about "The Question of Identity -- and How to Answer It" (in Arabic)

11/7/18: IN-PERSON MEETING: A discussion about "How the Mid-Term Elections Will Affect U.S. Foreign Policy," with introductions by Dr. Imad AbdulHadi and Mr. Said Arikat.  Mr. Saba Shami discussed the Role of the Arab Community in the Elections (Event in Arabic)

10/24/18:  ON-LINE MEETING: A conversation with Dr. Majd Al-Ghatrif, about "The Role of the Syrian Community in the United States" (in Arabic)

10/17/18:  ON-LINE OPEN DISCUSSION about "U.S.-Saudi Relations After What Happened to Kamal Kashogi" (in Arabic)

10/10/18:  IN-PERSON MEETING: A conversation with Dr. Daoud Khairallah, professor of international law at Georgetown University, about "How International Law Sees What is Happening in Yemen, and What is Needed to End the War".
Following the discussion, Mr. Wael Alkhairo, Executive Director of Mosul Recovery Foundation, gave a short presentation about the foundation's mission (in Arabic)

9/26/18:  ON-LINE DISCUSSION about "What We Expect from the United Nations General Assembly This Year (Focusing on the Crises in Syria, Yemen, Libya, and Palestine)" (in Arabic)

9/19/18:  ON-LINE DISCUSSION: with oncologist Dr. Philip Salem, about his recently published book "Defeating Cancer - Knowledge Alone is Not Enough" (in Arabic)

9/12/18IN-PERSON MEETING:  A conversation with Nathaniel Greenberg, Assistant Professor of Arabic at George Mason University, about "Islamists of the Maghreb Countries" (in English and Arabic)

9/5/18ON-LINE DISCUSSION: On-line conversation with writer and journalist Mr. AbdelBari Atwan, publisher of Rai Al-Youm newspaper in London, about "What Is Happening Among the Palestinians... What Is the Plan for the Palestinian Cause... What Should the Palestinians and Arabs Do"
(in Arabic)

8/15/18:  ON-LINE DISCUSSION:  Open discussion about "American Policy Toward Regional Powers in the Middle East:  Israel, Iran, and Turkey" (in Arabic)

8/8/18: ON-LINE DISCUSSION:  Open discussion about "How to Explain the Continued Support for Trump by the Republican Party and His Voting Base, and Why is There a Difference in America's Position Toward Iran and Russia" (in Arabic)

8/1/18ON-LINE DISCUSSION:  "Hope for a Better Arab Future...  And How to Work to Achieve It," a conversation with Arab American Activist in Houston, TX, Dr. Abdel Kader Fustok, with comments by Yemeni writer and thinker, Mr. Qassem AlWazir (in Arabic)

7/18/18: ON-LINE Discussion:  A conversation with Dr. Hanna Hanania, Senan Shaq, and Shukri Taha, about "The United Palestine Council: Working Toward Better Coordination Among the Palestinian Institutions in the United States" (in Arabic)

7/11/18: ON-LINE Discussion:  Open discussion about "Will Trump's meetings with the NATA leaders and Russian President Putin Affect the Current Situation in Syria and the Arab Region? (in Arabic)

6/27/18:  A conversation with Thinker and former Ambassador of Oman, Sadeq Jawad Sulaiman, about "Elevated Thought is Liberating and Ennobling" (in Arabic)

6/4/18On-Line Meeting - Open Discussion in Arabic about "Is War, or Peace, Coming Soon to the Middle East?

5/21/18: On-line meeting during Ramadan: A Conversation with Dr. Azizah al-Hibri about "Freedoms in Islam - Religious Freedom as a Model" (in Arabic)

5/9/18: IN-PERON MEETING: A conversation with Dr. Hisham Altalib, President of the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT), about "How To Be a Good American Muslim Citizen"  (in Arabic)

5/2/18On-line discussion with Aziz I. Shaibani, MD about "How Professional Success Can Be Combined with Public Service"

4/25/18: IN-PERSON MEETING - A conversation with Mr. Massoud Maalouf, a former Lebanese Ambassador, about "The Evangelicals in the US: Their Political Power and Their Support for Israel" (in Arabic)

4/18/18: Open on-line Discussion

4/11/18: Open on-line Discussion

4/4/18: Open on-line Discussion

3/28/18: On-line discussion with Dr. Kamal Khalaf Al-Tawil about the Future of the Syrian War

3/21/18On-line Discussion: Poetry reading on the occasion of Mother's Day in the Arab world (in Arabic)

3/14/18A conversation with Dr. Maher Mahmassani, a Lebanese writer and professor, about "Islam, Secularism, and Democracy," followed by remarks by Dr. Mohammad Finaish and Mr. Qassem Al-Wazir (in Arabic)

2/7/18:  A conversation with Dr. Abdullah Dardari, World Bank Senior Advisor on Reconstruction for the Middle East and North Africa, about "International Plans for the Reconstruction of Syria, Iraq, and Yemen: How and When They Can Be Implemented" (in Arabic)

1/10/18: A conversation with attorney and professor Dr. Daoud Khairallah, about "One Hundred Years of Conflicts in the Arab World and the Faltering Attempts at Reform"  (in Arabic)


11/29/17: A conversation with Dr. Najla El Mangoush, about "In the Shadow of the International Effort to Resolve the Crisis in Libya... Can the Libyans Rebuild Their Country?"  Najla El Mangoush was born in Libya and is the Program Officer for Peacebuilding and Traditional Law at the Center for World Religions, Diplomacy, and Conflict Resolution. She is professor of law, with a focus on war-to-peace transitions and peace processes.  Event moderated by journalist Mr. Mohammad Shinnawi. (in Arabic)

10/18/17: A conversation with the Ambassador of Iraq, Dr. Fareed Yassen, about "The Future of Iraq after Ending the Da'esh State" (in Arabic)

9/27/17: A conversation with broadcast journalist and university lecturer,  Mr. Atef Abdel Gawad, about his New Book: "Muslims in America."  Moderated by journalist Mr. Mohammad Shinnawi  Muslims in America explores the history of Muslims in the United States, including their numbers, ethnic groups, and how they arrived in America, as well as organizations, activism, and the challenges of being Muslim in the U.S.  The book concludes with a prediction for the future of Muslims in America based on the previous experiences of Catholics, Jews, and other religious and ethnic groups in America. (Event in Arabic)

8/30/17: Open discussion about "The Future of the Countries of the Levant after the Daesh State Ends,"  with comments by the two journalists, Said Arikat and Mohammed El-Stouhi (in Arabic)

6/28/17: Open discussion about "Where is Trump Taking the Middle East?" with introductions by journalists Said Arikat, Joe Macaron, and Sobhi Ghandour (in Arabic)

5/17/17: A conversation with the Muslim Chaplain at Georgetown University, Imam Yahya Hendi, about, "How to deal with the questions of Islam and Palestine in the American Society" (in Arabic)

5/3/17:  A conversation with University of Maryland Professor Dr. Sahar Khamis about "The Role of Social Media in the Social and Political Transformation in the Arab Region: A Critical Overview Six Years after the Arab Spring."  The presentation​ will provide an overview of the most important contributions, potentials, and limitations of social media in bringing about social and political transformation in the Arab region, and why and how this role has been evolving and changing over the last six years, since the eruption of the Arab Spring movements (in Arabic)

4/19/17: A screening of the short documentary, "Madame Parliamentarian," by filmmaker Ms. Rouane Itani, followed by a presentation and discussion about the participation of Lebanese Women in the Parliament and Lebanon's political life.  (Film and event in Arabic)

4/5/17: A conversation with Dr. Chakib Khelil, former Minister of Energy and Mines in Algeria, about "What Do the Oil Rich Arab Countries Need to Do to Overcome Their Dependence on Oil Revenues?”  (Presentation in English; Discussion in English and Arabic)

3/22/17:  A conversation with Palestinian-American journalist and educator, Samar Dahmash-Jarrah, about "How Can We Bridge The Gap Between Americans and the Arab World?”  Ms. Damash-Jarrah has written three books about the Arab American Experience and relations between East and West, co-hosts a live radio show in Florida, and spoke to many American groups after the 9/11 attacks (Event in Arabic)

3/8/17: On the occasion of International Women’s Day, a panel discussion about “How Arab Women See What’s Happening in the United States and in the Arab World,” with panelists Dr. Sahar Khamis, Dr. Najla El Mangoush, Ms. Jihan Al-Hussaini, Ms. Alma Khouri-Korkor, and Ms. Azza Kamel Maghur. The panel was co-organized and moderated by Dr. Amal David (Event in Arabic)

2/22/17: Open Discussion about "The Future of Syria and Lebanon in Light of Current Regional and International Changes," with introductions by Dr. Daoud Khairallah and Mr. Munif Atassi (in Arabic)

2/8/17: A conversation with the Ambassador of the PLO Delegation to the U.S., Maen Rashid Areikat, about "The Future of the Palestinian Issue Under the Trump Administration" (in Arabic)

1/25/17: Open Discussion about "The New U.S. Administration: Where Will It Take the U.S. and the World?,"  with introductions by Mohamad Cherkawi, Said Arikat, Saba Shami, and Emad Abdul Hadi (in Arabic)

1/11/17: A conversation with Dr. Souheil Ghannouchi, about "Where are Tunisia and the Arabs Six Years after the Start of the Arab Popular Movement" (in Arabic)


12/14/16: An evening of Thought, Culture, and Poetry with Yemeni Thinker and Poet, Qassem bin Ali Al-Wazir, about His Latest Book of Poetry (Event in Arabic)

12/7/16: A conversation with Dr. Mohammad Finaish, former Executive Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), about "Malek Bannabi: The Question of Ideas in the Muslim World" (in Arabic) 

11/30/16: Open discussion about the Future of Libya and the Current Crises in the Middle East under the New American Administration” (in Arabic)

11/23/16: A conversation with Internist Dr. Maurice Atiyeh and Clinical Psychologist Dr. Mona Abuhamda, about "Health Advice to Follow After 50" (in Arabic) 

11/16/16A conversation with Former Iraqi General Ismail Sudani about "Elements Critical to the Success in the War Against ISIL (DAASH) in Iraq" (in Arabic) 

11/9/16: Open discussion about "After the Election: Where is the U.S. Headed, and How Will It Affect the Middle East?" featuring comments by members of the Arab media (in Arabic) 

11/2/16:   A conversation with Arab League Ambassador Salah Sarhan about  "The Role of the Arab League in Resolving the Crises in the Region and the Future of Arab Coordination."  Also hosted Open discussion about "the Lebanese Presidential Election" (in Arabic) 

10/27/16:  A conversation with former Egyptian diplomat and presidential candidate Dr. Abdallah Al-Ash'al who is visiting Washington about "Egypt and the Arab World and the Challenges of the Zionist Plan for the Middle East" (in Arabic) 

10/20/16: A conversation with attorney and professor, Dr. Daoud Khairallah, about his new book recently published in Beirut Professor of philosophy from Beirut, Dr. Najla Hamadeh, will discuss the book with the author. (in Arabic) 

10/12/16:  A conversation with Mohammad Abu Rajeb Al-Tamimi, ANERA Director of Donor Development adn PCID Engineer from Hebron, and Rabah Odeh, ANERA Deputy Chief of Party and PCID Chief Engineer for from Nablus, about "The Challenges of Development in Palestine under the Israeli Occupation." Event presented in coordination with ANERA  (in Arabic) 

10/5/16: A conversation with Dr. Khalil Jahshan and Mr. Sobhi Ghandour about "The Reasons the Arab Lobby Falters in Washington." Moderated by Mr. Mohammad Shinnawi (in Arabic)

9/28/16: Open discussion about "Why Arabism is Losing Ground in the Arab World".  The evening will also include a poetry reading by American-Palestinian poet, Mr. Walid Keilani (Evening in Arabic) 

9/21/16: A conversation with Dr. Azizah al-Hibri, Professor Emerita of Law and Founder of KARAMAH, about "American Muslims at the Crossroads:  Will Constitutional Protections Hold in the New Era?" (in Arabic)

9/14/16: A conversation with American-Palestinian Writer and Journalist, Mr. Fawzi Freij, about his two new books, including a short novel about Palestine  (in Arabic) 

9/7/16: An Evening of Literature and Thought with Yemeni Writer and Thinker Mr. Zaid Alwazir (in Arabic)

8/24/16: A conversation with Egyptian Academic and Former Member of Parliament Dr. Amr Hamzawy about his new book on Egypt (in Arabic)

8/3/16:  A conversation with Dr. Waleed Mahdi, Assistant Professor at the University of Oklahoma and Specialist in US-Arab and Muslim Cultural Politics, about "A Reading of Present and Future Yemen" (in Arabic)

7/27/16:  Open Discussion about "The Conflicting Agendas for the Present and Future of the United States and Where Arab American Interests Fit into the Republican and Democratic Agendas" (in Arabic)

7/13/16: A conversation with Dr. Edmund Ghareeb, about "The Consequences of the Sykes-Picot Agreement 100 Years Later."  The presentation will include a document by Mikhail Naimy (1889-1988) warning about the future of Palestine and the Middle East (Event in Arabic)

6/29/16:  A Ramadan Evening:  An Open Discussion About How to Understand the Islam of the Prophet Abraham (in Arabic)

6/15/16: A Ramadan Evening:  An Open Discussion About "Islam and Secularism and Arabism: How Do They Differ and How Do They Integrate" (in Arabic)

6/1/16: A conversation with Dr. Asaad Al-Saleh, Professor of Arabic Literature at Indiana University Bloomington, about "The Ideology of Daesh and Its Problematic Exploitation of Religion" (in Arabic)

5/25/16: Open discussion about "The American Policy Toward the Arab Gulf Countries After the Deal with Iran," including comments by Dr. Faisal Abusalib, political science professor at Kuwait University, and Dr. Nabeel Khoury,  Non-resident Senior Fellow at the Rafik Hariri Center for the Middle East (in Arabic)

5/18/16Special Event to Honor the Life and Legacy of  Dr. Clovis Maksoud who passed away on May 15, 2016.  Read a brief biography of Dr. Maksoud prepared by Dr. Mokhless Al-Hariri .  Dr. Ghassan Rubeiz was originally scheduled to speak this evening about  "Ecumenism as Liberation Theology: Building Bridges and Circumventing Walls".  Click here to read his presentation.

5/4/16 A celebration of the 1,000th event at Al-Hewar Center and the 27th Anniversary of the Experiment of Dialogue in Washington (the founding of Al-Hewar Magazine) A special evening and open discussion about: The Important Political Milestones During these 1,000 Events; Memories and Highlights of Events at the Center; The Difference between Dialogue and Negotiation; Why We Need Dialogue to Solve Our Problems; and Some Quotations about the Ethics of Dialogue.  With introductions by Founder of Al-Hewar Center, Sobhi Ghandour; Advisory Board member, thinker, and former diplomat, Dr. Clovis Maksoud; Al-Hewar Center member Mr. Dhiya Al-Saadawi and other members of the Center  (in Arabic).  SPECIAL NOTE:  This was Dr. Clovis Maksoud's last public appearance before his passing on May 15, 2016.

4/27/16: A conversation with Dr. Maher S. Mahmassani about his book:  "Islam in Retrospect: Recovering the Message" (in Arabic)

4/20/16: A conversation with former Ambassador of Iraq Samir Sumaida’ie, about "The Elements Needed to Win the War Against Da-ash and Terrorism" (in Arabic)

4/6/16: Open Discussion about "Is the Syrian War Coming to an End?" with an introduction by Mounif Atassi (in Arabic)

3/30/16: A special event To Honor the Thoughts and Legacy of Dr. Taha Jabir Al-Alwani who passed away on March 4.  Speakers included Dr. Clovis Maksoud, Dr. Azizah al-Hibri, Dr. Hisham AlTalib, Dr. Zainab Taha Alwani, Mr. Mohamad ElShinnawi, Sheikh Saed Mohammed Bakr Al-Kashmiri, Dhiya AlSaadawi, Dr. Safei El Deen Hamed, Mr. Sabr ElKilani and Mr. Sobhi Ghandour (in Arabic)

3/23/16: A conversation with Arab-American Women, including Dr. Amal David, Ms. Jihan Andoni, Ms. Bushra Jabre, and Dr. Malak bin Salem, about "The Lack of Equal Rights for Women: Is the Problem in Culture, Religion, or Human Nature?" (in Arabic)

3/16/16: A conversation with Dr. Esam Salem Omeish/Libyan American Public Affairs Council, about "The Future of Libya... After the Tyranny of the Past and the Chaos and Terrorism of the Present" (in Arabic)

3/9/16: A conversation with Dr. Azizah al-Hibri, Professor Emerita of Law and Founder of KARAMAH, about "The Marrakesh Declaration and the Case of Minorities and the Rights of Citizenship in the Muslim World"  (In Arabic)

3/2/16: A conversation with the New Ambassador of Tunisia, Faysal Gouia, about "Tunisia Five Years After the Revolution" (in Arabic)

2/24/16: Open Discussion about "Five Years After the January 2011 Revolution: Where is Egypt Now?," with introductions by Tarek AlMasri and Mohammad ElShinnawi, (in Arabic)

2/17/16: Open Discussion about "Where is the Palestinian Cause in this Era of Arab Civil Wars?" (in Arabic)

2/10/16: A discussion with Zuheir Al-Faqih about "Contemporary Sufism:  If the Poets Rabia' al-Adawiyya or Hafiz Were Alive Today, What Might They Say about Our Times?" (in English)

2/3/16: A conversation with Dr. Edmund Ghareeb, about "How Do The US Presidential Candidates See the Middle East Issues and How Will the Election Process Affect US Foreign Policy" (in Arabic)

1/13/16: A conversation with Ambassador of Iraq Lukman Faily about "How to Solve the Challenges Facing Iraq" (in Arabic)

1/6/16: Open Discussion about "Will 2016 Be the Year of Settling the Middle East Wars?" (in Arabic)


12/16/15: An Evening of Literature, Poetry, and Music with Sudanese Poet and Musician, AbdelKarim Al-Kabli (in Arabic)

12/9/15: An open discussion about "The Future of the Arab Crisis in Obama's Last Year", with introductions by journalists Said Arikat and Aziz Fahmy (in Arabic)

12/6/15: Dinner for the 21st Anniversary of Al-Hewar Center at Bawadi Restaurant. Evening featured a buffet dinner, oud music by Fuad Foty, and short speeches by Sobhi Ghandour, Clovis Maksoud, Azizah al-Hibri, Qassem al-Wazir, and Abdallah Hassan.

12/2/15: A conversation with Mr. Ahmed Alshami, International Coordinator, Yemen Center for Human Rights, about "The War in Yemen and Human Rights" (in Arabic)

11/25/15: A presentation with video clips by Moroccan journalist, Mohamed Said Ouafi, about "The Arab Media and the Making of Arab Public Opinion Since 2011"(in Arabic)

11/11/15: On the Anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba: (1) Memories of the Day of Al-Nakba by Dr. Kamal Khaldi and Mr. Yussif Farsakh (in Arabic); and (2) The Role of the New Palestinian Generation in Serving the Palestinian Cause featuring comments by some young Palestinians (in English and Arabic).  See 3-minute YouTube Video about the event

11/4/15: Conversation with Mr. Waleed F. Mahdi, Professor at George Mason University, about "The 'Other' as Viewed in the American and the Arabic Cultures" (event in Arabic)

10/21/15: Two topics this evening (both in Arabic): (1) Opinions about the Current Situation in Yemen (2) Poetry Reading and Conversation with Mr. Walid Keilani, Palestinian poet visiting from Texas

10/14/15: A conversation with Dr. Nabil Mikhail and Dr. Daoud Khairallah, about  "The Dimensions of the Russian Military Escalation in Syria" (in Arabic)

10/7/15: Open discussion about "Reading the Future of the Middle East in Light of United Nations Meetings" with comments by writer and journalist Said Arikat (in Arabic)

9/30/15: Open discussion about "The Future of Syria After the American-Russian Summit."  The evening started with a few words about the passing of Dr. Jamal Barzinji (in Arabic)

9/16/15: A conversation with Delinda Hanley, Executive Director of the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, and Dale Spuransky, Assistant Editor, about "The Israeli Lobby, the Iran Deal, and the U.S. Congress" (in English)

9/9/15: A Memorial Tribute to renowned scholar, Dr. Suheil Bushrui, who passed away on September 2, 2015, featuring fond memories and words of tribute from some of his friends and fans (in Arabic) Click here to send condolences to the family Click here for pictures from the tribute at Al-Hewar Center.  Click here to see the entire event on YouTube.

8/12/15:  Discussion with Jordanian writer and journalist, Michel Hanna Al-Haj,and Imam at Georgetown University, Imam Yahya Al-Hindi, about "The Phenomenon of Da'esh: Two Opinions about Its Ideology and How and Why it Developed" (in Arabic)

7/29/15A discussion with Georgetown University Professor, Dr. Daoud Khairallah, about "Elements Contributing to the Weakness and Imbalance in the Arab World" (in Arabic)

7/22/15: Open Discussion about "Iran, the West, and the Arab World" (in Arabic)

6/26/15: Ramadan Iftar / Dinner at Shalal Kabob Restaurant & Cafe in Fairfax, VA

6/10/15: "A Point of View about the Current Realities of the Iraqi Army and the Reasons for the Successive Setbacks," a conversation with Iraqi Brigadier General Ismael Alsodani, Former Iraq Defense Attache to the U.S. He served nearly 30 years in the Iraqi Army (in Arabic)

6/3/15:  A Conversation with Iraqi Thinker and Writer, Mr. Alaeldin Al-Araji, about "The Arab Nation Between Revolution and Extinction"  (in Arabic)

5/27/15: A Conversation with Dr. Nijmeh Hajjar, Associate Professor of Literature at the University of Sydney (Australia), about "Ameen Rihani and Arab Renewal after 100 Years: How Do We Read Rihani's Vision of Change in Arab Society?" (in Arabic)

5/6/15: Open discussion about "The Future of the Current Arab Crises in Light of the Developments in Yemen" (in Arabic)

4/29/15: A Conversation with Egyptian Journalist, Ismail Alexandarani, about "A Point of View About Armed Violent Groups in Egypt" (in Arabic)

4/22/15: Open discussion about "The Current State of U.S.-Israel Relations and Expectations for the Future," with introductions by Dr. Mohammed Nimer, Professor at American University, and Mr. Saba Shami, President of the New Dominion PAC (in Arabic)

4/15/15: A Conversation with Dr. Alma Abdul-Hadi Jadallah, President, Kommon Denominator, about "Perspectives and Discussions on the Current Developments in Yemen and in Light of the Final Report of the UN Panel of Experts Established Pursuant to Security Council Resolution 2140 (2014)." Dr. Jadallah served as the Coordinator and Regional Expert on the U.N. Panel of Experts on Yemen from May 2014 - March 2015 (in English)

4/8/15 A Conversation with Imam Mohamad Bashar Arafat, President, Civilizations Exchange & Cooperation Foundation, Baltimore, about "How Islam is Perceived in American Society" (in Arabic)

4/1/15: Open discussion about "The Arab Summit in Egypt" and "How the Outcome of the Iran Nuclear Negotiations May Affect the Middle East," with introductions by Dr. Nabil Makhail and Dr. Atef Abdul-Jawad (in Arabic)

3/25/15: A Special Evening with Arab Youth about "Arab Youth in the United States: Their Priorities and Concerns; How They See What is Happening in the Middle East; and How They See Their Role in a Better Arab Future"  (in English and Arabic)

3/11/15: A conversation with Dr. Clovis Maksoud about "Is There Any Hope in the Arab Future?"  (in Arabic)

3/4/15: A conversation with Mr. Samer Khalaf, President of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) and Imam Johari AbduMalik, Outreach Director at Dar al-Hijra, about "Discrimination in the United States."  Moderated by Mr. Marwan Ahmad (in English)

2/25/15: A conversation with Dr. Shibley Telhami, The Anwar Sadat Chair for Peace and Development at the University of Maryland, about "Iran and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in the American Public Opinion" (in Arabic)

2/11/15: "Points of View about Egypt Four Years after the Collapse of the Mubarak Regime," with Egyptian Professors Dr. Safei El Deen Hamed and Dr. Tarek Omar, and Egyptian journalist Muhammad Mansour (in Arabic)

2/4/15: Open discussion about "Political and Security Developments in Yemen" (in Arabic)

1/28/15: A conversation with Dr. Mohamad Finaish, former Executive Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), about "Remapping the Middle East: Past and Future Plans" (in Arabic)

1/21/15: Open discussion about "The War on Terror and American Middle East Policy" with an introduction by Journalist and Correspondent, Mr. Joe Macaron (in Arabic)

1/7/15: A conversation with Dr. Daoud Khairallah about "Religious or Secular Government... Where is the Arab Interest?" (in Arabic)


12/17/14: An Evening of Poetry  (in Arabic)

12/3/14: A conversation and book-signing with May Rihani about her new book "Cultures Without Borders," which can be purchased at, on  and at Barnes and Noble.  (Event in Arabic; Book in English)

11/23/14A Special Evening and Dinner to Celebrate the 20th Anniversary of Al-Hewar Center, featuring live music by Simon Shaheen and ensemble; a ceremony to Honor Retiring Congressman Jim Moran (D-VA), and former Arab League Ambassador Dr. Clovis Maksoud; remarks by president of Al-Hewar Center's Advisory Board, Mr. Sadeq Jawad Sulaiman, and the Founder and Director of Al-Hewar Center, Sobhi Ghandour.  

11/19/14: A conversation with Mr. Sadek Jawad Sulaiman about "Humankind and the Question of Identity" (in Arabic)

11/5/14: Open discussion about "The Impact of the Mid-Term Elections on Obama's Agenda" (in Arabic)

10/15/14:  A conversation with Ambassador of Iraq Lukman Faily about "Iraq and the War Against Terrorism" (in Arabic) 

10/1/14: A conversation with Dr. Yvonne Haddad, Professor at Georgetown University's Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding, about "What is the Future of Christians in the Middle East?" (in English)

9/1714: "The Political and Military Secrets behind the Nakba of Palestine," an evening with Dr. Amer al-Juburi about the new book authored by his father, Saleh Saib al-Juburi, former Chief of Staff of the Iraqi Army during the 1948 war of Palestine. This book includes a brief history and a thorough exploration of the issues of Palestine and Zionism, Jews and the British Mandate, and offers an extensive explanation of the political facts that preceded the outbreak of fighting in Palestine in the wake of the 1947 UN partition resolution. It also provides details of the war and the military movements of the Iraqi army and the battles fought until the signing of the armistice agreements. The book contains chapters on the tripartite aggression against Egypt in 1956 and the June 1967 war, and provides supplements, maps, and illustrations. (in Arabic)

9/3/14: A conversation with Ambassador of Qatar in Washington Mr. Mohammed Al Kuwari about "Qatar and the Current Developments in the Arab World" (in Arabic)

8/13/14: Special Tribute to Islamic Yemeni Thinker Ibrahim bin Ali Al-Wazir (1932-2014) (in Arabic)

8/6/14: Open discussion about "From Baghdad to Gaza:  The Connection Between Civil Wars and the Arab-Israeli Conflict," with an introduction by visiting professor from Morocco Dr. Mokhtar Benabdallaoui (in Arabic)

6/25/14: Open Discussion about "The Future of the Iraq in Light of Current Events" (in Arabic)

6/11/14"How the New Arab Generation Sees the Facts and Future of the Arab World" (in Arabic and English)

5/28/14: Dr. Clovis Maksoud will discuss and sign copies of his new book:  "From the Corners of Memory" (in Arabic)

5/14/14: Discussion about "Ideas about the Role of the Arab and Palestinian Communities Toward the Palestine Issue" followed by a Reading of Poetry about Palestine (in Arabic)

5/7/14: A conversation with Delegate Patrick Hope, the Democratic Candidate who is running to replace retiring Congressmen Jim Moran in Virginia’s 8th District.  Like Jim, Patrick is a good friend of the community. (in English)  Visit his Website:  Hope for Congress

4/30/14Open Discussion about The Challenges of Security and Democracy in Egypt" followed by Session 2:  A conversation with Dr. Abdulwahab Al-Qassab, an Iraqi writer and political analyst, about "Iraq and the Regional Challenges" (in Arabic)

4/23/14: A conversation with Dr. Azizah al-Hibri, Founder and Chair of KARAMAH, about "Devolution of State Power and Transformation of Societies" (in Arabic)

4/9/13: Alison Weir, President of the Council for the National Interest and Executive Director of If Americans Knew, will speak about and sign copies of her explosive new book, Against Our Better Judgment: How the U.S. Was Used to Create Israel, available at Al-Hikma Bookstore and on Amazon (In English)

4/2/14: A conversation with Dr. Melhem Salman, about "A Reading of the Current Situation in the Arab World and Ideas about Options for the Future" (in Arabic)

3/26/14: A conversation with former Arab League Ambassador Dr. Clovis Maksoud, about "How Civil Society Can Help Build Arab Solidarity" (in Arabic)

3/12/14:  Presentation of a play by Moroccan journalist Mohammed Saeed Ouafe entitled "News Flash" (in Arabic)

3/5/14: A conversation with D.C. Mayoral Candidate Mr. Andy Shallal about his platform and his plans for Washington, D.C. (in English)

2/26/14: A conversation with Dr. Daoud Khairallah, about "The Political and Security Challenges Facing Lebanon" (in Arabic)

2/5/14: A conversation with writer and professor Dr. Mohamed Rabie and physician and writer  Dr. Kamal Khalaf Al-Tawil, about "Regional and International Agendas for the Palestinian Issue and The Arab/Israeli Conflict in 2014" (in Arabic)

1/29/14: A conversation with Dr. Edmund Ghareeb, about "International Negotiations with Iran and Their Impact on the Region" (in Arabic)

1/8/14: A conversation with Dr. Radwan Masmoudi, President of the Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy (CSID), about "Where Is Tunisia Heading Three Years After the Revolution"  (in Arabic)


12/18/13:  A conversation with Ambassador of Iraq, Lukman Faily, about "Iraq's Foreign Policy in Light of Regional Challenges" (in Arabic)

12/15/13: A Special Evening to Celebrate Al-Hewar Center's 19th Anniversary and to support its activities at Dewan/Jerusalem Restaurant in Falls Church, VA.  Program featured a buffet dinner; music and poetry by Sudanese Oud Player and Artist Dr. Abdel Karim Alkabli; music and songs by Palestinian artist, Fuad Foty; speeches by Dr. Clovis Maksoud and Sobhi Ghandour; a special video about Al-Hewar Center prepared by Mohamed Said Ouafe; and readings of short poems by Mohamed ElShinawi -- Abeer Kayed -- Abdallah Hassan -- Omar Khaldieh -- Mohamed Said Ouafe.  If you would like to support our activities, please send contributions to Al-Hewar Center, PO Box 2104, Vienna, VA 22180

12/11/13:  A Conversation with Dr. Alma Abdul-Hadi Jadallah and Mr. Khaled Elgindy about "Where is the Problem in the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process?" (in English)

12/4/13: Open Discussion about "The Connection Between the Arab Identity and the Religion/State Relationship" with an introduction by Dr. Daoud Khairallah (in Arabic)

11/20/13: Open discussion about "Egypt:  Where Is It Going? (in Arabic)

11/16/13: An Evening of Literature with author Dr. Shawki Qassis about "The Poetry of Al-Mutanabbi: The Poet of Arab Nationalism" [held at Al-Hikma Bookstore] (in Arabic)

11/6/13: Open discussion about "The Future of the Resistance Movements in Lebanon and Palestine in the Light of Ongoing Regional and International Changes" (in Arabic)

10/30/13: A conversation with Mr. Zaid Al-Wazir, writer from Yemen, about "The Dilemma of the Cult of Personality in Current and Historical Arab Political Life" (in Arabic)

10/23/13: Discussion at AlHikma Bookstore about a paper prepared and presented by Mr. Dhiya ElSaadawi entitled, "Journey through the History of the Arab-Islamic Schools of Thought (Using the Safa Brothers as a Model)" (in Arabic)

10/16/13: A conversation with professor and author, Dr. Ghazi Hassoun, about "Being a Palestinian in the Diaspora: A Story Americans Should Hear." Dr. Hassoun is the author of Walking Out Into the Sunshine: Recollections and Reflections:  a Palestinian Personal Experience (available at Moderated by Dr. Alma Abdul-Hadi Jadallah. (Event in English)

10/12/13:  A Special Evening to Honor the Memory of Fawzi Al-Asmar (held at Al-Hikma Bookstore)

9/25/13A conversation with Oil and Environmental Engineer, Mr. Ala'a Khatib, about "Energy Sources, Shifts in the Global Energy Mix, and the Oil Market Forecasts Until 2035" (in Arabic)

9/19/13:  Open Discussion about "A Look at the Reality and the Future of Political Islam in the Arab Countries" (in Arabic)

9/11/13: A conversation with Dr. Yvonne Haddad, Professor at Georgetown University's Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding, with comments by Dr. Ahmed Elrefai, about "Remarks on How the U.S. Sees Islam and Muslims" (in English)

8/14/13: A conversation with Dr. Mohamed Finaish, Former Executive Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF),  about "Factors of Unification in the Arab World Are Turning Into Forces of Disintegration...Is There a Way Out?" (in Arabic)

6/12/13: A conversation with physician and writer Kamal Khalaf Al-Tawil, MD, and Mohammed Nimer, professor at the American University School of International Service in Washington DC, about "Has the World Entered an Era of Multipolarity?  What Effect Will that Have on the Arab World?" (in Arabic)

6/5/13: Open discussion about "The Consequences of the Ongoing Arab Political Turmoil on the Arab-Israeli Struggle" (in Arabic)

5/29/13: A presentation by Egyptian lawyer Ms. Dina Guirguis, Executive Director of the Tahrir Institute, about "The Coptic Issue in Egypt"

5/22/13: A conversation with Dr. Azizah al-Hibri, Esq., Founder and Chair of KARAMAH, about "Muslims and International Religious Freedom:  An Overview" (in Arabic)

5/15/13A special evening about "The 65th Anniversary of the Nakba of Palestine," featuring: Brief opinions by Palestinian activists about the reasons behind the struggle to clarify the Palestinian issue in American society; Poetry readings by UDC Professor Abeer Kayed Pelon (from her new book of poetry about "The Ongoing Nakba"; and Oud Music (Andalusiat) by Fuad Foty (Event in Arabic)

5/8/13: A conversation with Dr. Phebe Marr, a prominent American historian of modern Iraq with the Middle East Institute, about "The Future of American-Iraqi Relations." Dr. Marr has been research professor at the National Defense University and is a retired professor of history at University of Tennessee and Stanislaus State University in California (in English)

5/1/13: A conversation with Dr. Daoud Khairallah about "Internal and External Factors Contributing to the Lebanese Crisis" (in Arabic)

4/24/13: Open discussion about "A Look at the Experiences of the National and Religious Political Movements in the Arab Region" with an introduction by Sobhi Ghandour and final comments by Dr. Clovis Maksoud (in Arabic)

4/17/13: A conversation with Dr. Kamal Khalaf Taweel, about "Arab and Regional Dimensions of the War in Afghanistan" (in Arabic)

4/10/13:  A conversation with Dr. Safei El-Deen Hamed, about "A Review and Analysis of Mohammed Hassanein Heikal's Book, Mubarak and His Time: From the Stand to the Square"(in Arabic)

4/3/13:  A conversation with Bill Corcoran, President and CEO of American Near East Refugee Aid (ANERA), about "How Americans Can Help the Palestinian Refugees,"  with an introduction by Mary Lou Afifi (in English)

3/27/13: A conversation with Dr. Delinda Hanley, Executive Director of the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, about "What Americans Should Know about the Arab-Israeli Conflict" (in English)

3/20/13:  A conversation with Iraqi Professor of Political Science, Dr. Louay Bahry, and Iraqi writer and journalist, Mr. Salem Mashkour, about "10 Years After the American War on Iraq: The Future of the Iraqi State after Changing the Regime" (in Arabic)

3/13/13: An Evening of Arabic Literature and Poetry with Lebanese poet Ms. May Rihani  and Sudanese Artist Dr. Abdel Karim Alkabli  (in Arabic)

3/8/13: On the occasion of International Women's Day, a discussion about  "The Hopes and Realities of Arab Women," with the participation of Mrs. Nahla Abdul Latif Salman Alnaami, Dr. Doaa Taha Ebrahimi, and Dr. Souleyma Haddaoui, featuring and coordinated by Amal David, Ph.D., Chairwoman of ADC's Women's Initiative (in Arabic)

2/27/13: A Special Evening to Honor the Memory of Dr. Rushdi Said with the participation of Dr. Clovis Maksoud, Mr. Sadeq Sulaiman, and others (in Arabic)

2/20/13: Open Discussion "Syria:  Facts on the Ground and Where the Crisis is Headed" (in Arabic)

2/13/13: A Conversation with Dr. Edmund Ghareeb, about "A Reading of U.S. Foreign Policy in Obama's Second Term" (in Arabic)

2/6/13: A Conversation with Yousef Munayyer, Executive Director of The Jerusalem Fund, about "Choices for the Palestinians after the Israeli Elections" (in English)

1/30/13: A Conversation with Imam Yahya Al-Hindi and Ms. May Rihani with remarks presented on behalf of Mr. Sadeq Sulaiman about "Thoughts about Religion and Life"
(in Arabic)

1/16/13:  A conversation with Dr. Shibley Telhami, Anwar Sadat Chair for Peace and Development at the University of Maryland, about "Obama's Second Term and U.S. Policy Toward the Palestinian Issue" (in Arabic) (Held at Al-Hikma Bookstore, 5627 Columbia Pike, Falls Church, VA 22041)

1/9/13: Open discussion about "Two Years Since the Arab Popular Uprisings Began:  What Have They Achieved and Where Have They Tripped Up?" (in Arabic)


12/12/12: Open discussion about "The Question of Identity in the Time of Sectarian Divisions" (in Arabic)

12/5/12: A panel discussion with Mr. Sadeq Suleiman, Dr. Daoud Khairallah, and Dr. Anwar Haddam, about "The Relationship Between State and Religion in the Arab World" (in Arabic)

11/30/12: Reception and Dinner to Celebrate the 18th Anniversary of Al-Hewar Center and to support its activities. Our Guest of Honor: Egyptian Actor Hussein Fahmy, who spoke with the audience about the current situation in Egypt.  The evening concluded with poetry and music (Oud) by Sudanese Artist, Dr. Abdel Karim Alkabli.  Dinner was prepared by Ya Hala Restaurant in Vienna.  Desserts donated by Jerusalem Restaurant in Falls Church.  See special Video Tribute to Al-Hewar Center prepared by Mr. Mohamed Said Al-Ouafe.

11/28/12: A conversation with Dr. Mohamed Finaish, Former Executive Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), about "The Crisis of Europe: The International Dimensions and What To Do Now" (in Arabic)

11/20/12Open Discussion about "The Current Situation in Gaza and Reactions in the Arab World." This event took place a Al-Hikma Bookstore, 5627 Columbia Pike, Falls Church, VA 22041  (703) 820-7500 (in Arabic)

11/7/12: A conversation with Mr. Sadeq Jawad Suleiman about "The American National Experience: From Forging the Constitution to the Present" followed by an open discussion about "What the Results of the U.S. Elections Mean for the United States and the Arab World" (in Arabic)

10/23/12: A panel discussion about "The Major Differences Between the Policies of Republicans and Democrats:  Which Will Arabs and Muslims Choose?" featuring media and activists: Mr. Nihad Awad, Executive Director of CAIR, Mr. Saba Shami, Arab American Activist, Mr. Joe Macaron of Assafir Newspaper, and Mr. Mohamed Said Al-Ouafe of France 24 (in Arabic)

10/17/12: A conversation with Dr. Abubaker Al-Shingieti from the International Institute of Islamic thought (IIIT), about "Islamophobia and the American Election Year" (in Arabic)

9/26/12: A conversation with Egyptian Professors in the U.S.,  Dr. Tarek Omar and Dr. Khairi Abaza, about "Where is the Egyptian 'Third Republic' Heading" (in Arabic)

9/19/12A panel discussion with Dr. Kamal Khaldi and Mr. Osama Abu Irshaid, about "The Palestinian Situation in Light of the Changes in the Arab World, and What Will Become of the Palestinian State Project?" (in Arabic)

9/12/12: A conversation with Dr. Edmund Ghareeb, Lebanese-American Scholar in Washington, DC, about "Is the American Empire in Decline.... and What Will Be the New World Order?" (in Arabic)  Followed by a short conversation with Sudanese Artist, Abdul Karim AlKable, about the role of the arts in changing Arab societies - playing the Oud

9/5/12: A conversation with Dr. Clovis Maksoud about "What Will the 'Birth Pangs' in the Region Bring Forth?  The Case of Lebanon" (in Arabic)

7/18/12: A conversation with Dr. Edmund Ghareeb and Dr. Khalil Jahshan about "Middle East Crises in the U.S. Elections" (in Arabic)

7/11/12: "Thoughts about 'The Arab Spring' ", a conversation with writer Dr. Halim Barakat (in Arabic)

6/27/12: Open discussion about "Where Egypt is Heading After the Presidential Elections," with the participation of a number of Egyptian media and activists (in Arabic)

6/20/12: A conversation with Alison Wier, President of the Council for the National Interest and Executive Director of If Americans New, about "The Cost of Israel to the U.S.:  How to Work for Middle East Policies that Serve the American National Interest" (in English)

5/20/13:  "What Life Has Taught Me," A Special Evening with Dr. Clovis Maksoud and Dr. Rashid Kabbani. Followed by a short presentation by Mr. Rami Zahr from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, about "How Improving Educational Curricula and Methodical Thought Can Benefit the New Arab Generation" (in Arabic)

5/23/12: A Conversation with Dr. Shawki Qassis about:  "The History of Middle Eastern Christianity" (in Arabic). Dr. Qassis was born in Haifa in 1947 and is from the village of Rama in the upper Galilee. He holds a Ph.D. degree in Microbiology and Biochemistry from Tel-Aviv University. He and his family have been in the United States since 1979. He recently publish a book entitled, “A Tale of Two Cities”. The Arabic title of the book, “Haifa is no Cordoba”, implies that Haifa, Palestine, will remain an Arabic city, unlike Cordoba in Spain. In his book, he narrates the experiences and suffering of the Palestinians who were able to remain in their land in Palestine after the Jewish State was established in 1948 on 80% of Palestine.

5/16/12: A Conversation with the newly appointed Ambassador of the Arab League to the United States, Dr. Mohammed Rajaa Alhussaini Al Sharif, about "The Arab Spring and American Foreign Policy" (in Arabic)

5/9/12: A Conversation with Dr. Mohammad Altouraihi, Director of the Iraqi Cultural Center at the Embassy of Iraq, about "The Relationship Between Poetry and Arabic Culture - with Readings of Examples from Different Schools of Arabic Poetry" followed by comments and poetry readings by Dr. Irfan Shahid, Professor of Arab and Islamic Literature at Georgetown University (Event in Arabic)

5/2/12: A Conversation with Dr. Azizah al-Hibri, professor of Law at Richmond University and President and Founder of KARAMAH: Muslim Women Lawyers for Human Rights, about "What is the Impact on American Society of the New American Laws Against Shari'a Law?" (in Arabic)

4/25/12:  A Conversation with Ibrahim Sahed, Secretary General of the National Front for the Salvation of Libya, about "What is Happening in Libya Now" (in Arabic)

4/18/12: A Conversation with Dr. Imad Altohami, Charge d'Affaires of the Embassy of Sudan, about "The Current Political Situation in Sudan” (in Arabic)

4/11/12:  A Conversation with Dr. Mokhtar Banabdallaoui, Visiting Professor from Morocco, about "The Varied Colors of the Arab Spring” (in Arabic)

4/4/12: A Conversation with Dr. Suheil Bushrui about the new Arabic edition of his book, The Spiritual Heritage of the Human Race: An Introduction to the World's Religions.  Drawing on religious and spiritual traditions of the past and the present, Professor Suheil Bushrui, in collaboration with Mehrdad Massoudi, Michael Dravis, James Madaio, and Michael Russo, explores the commonalities of religions while respecting the differences that make each spiritual path distinct. In doing so, Bushrui not only offers a foundation for inter-religious dialogue, but also an increased understanding of our common innate yearning for wholeness, transcendence, and unity.  See Book Cover   (Event in Arabic)

3/28/12: A Conversation with Syrian Thinker, Mr. Jawdat Said, about "The Arab Spring and the Power of Nonviolence” (in Arabic)

3/21/12: A Conversation with Palestinian writer and journalist, Dr. Fawzi Asmar and Lebanese Lawyer and professor, Dr. Dawoud Khairallah about "The External Elements in the Syrian Crises"  (Event in Arabic)

3/14/12A conversation with Dr. Fuad Suleiman, Adjunct Visiting Professor of Political Science at St. Mary's College of Maryland "The Palestinian Question and the Arab Spring" (in Arabic)

3/7/12Special Event in coordination with The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), featuring a conversation with ADC President Warren David, about "The Three P's of ADC: Protecting Civil and Human Rights, Promoting Mutual Understanding, and Preserving the Arab Culture and Identity" (in English)

3/3/12Al-Hewar Center and IIIT jointly hosted a seminar in Arabic on "Our Identity Our Role". The seminar took place at the IIIT Library, Herndon, VA

2/29/12: A conversation with Dr. Jamal Barzinji, Vice President of IIIT, about "The Kurdish Question in the Arab Region" (in Arabic)

2/22/12: A conversation with Mr. Mohammed Saeed Ouafi and Mr. Hassan Samrhouni, about "Abd al-Karim al-Khattabi (1882-1963): Biography, Resistance, and Values" (Abd al-Karim al-Khattabi led the Moroccan resistance against French and Spanish occupations in the first half of the 20th century) (in Arabic)

2/15/12: "The Importance of Preventative Medicine and Health Care in Our Daily Lives," a Conversation with Dr. Mazen AbuBaker and Dr. Muna AbuHamda,and Comments by Dr. Maurice Atiyeh (in Arabic)

2/8/12: A Conversation with  Algerian Writer and Journalist, Mr. Rabeh Filali, and Dr. Mohammed Nimer, Professor at American University, about "Islamic Political Movements and the Arab Uprisings" (in Arabic)

2/1/12A Conversation with the new Iraqi Ambassador to Washington Mr. Jaber Habib Jaber, about "The Future of Iraq after the American Military Withdrawal" (in Arabic)

1/25/12: A panel discussion about "Where is Egypt Headed, One Year after the January 25 Revolution?" with presentations by Egyptian Academics Dr. Naim Sherbiny and Dr. Tareq Omar, followed by comments by Egyptian journalists Mr. Mohammad Shinnawi and Mr. Aziz Fahmy and by Dr. Clovis Maksoud (in Arabic)

1/18/12: A conversation with Dr. Ibrahim Oweis and Dr. Mohamed Rabie, about "A Look at the Relationship Between Economics, Politics, and the Issue of Democracy" (in Arabic)

1/11/12:  A conversation with Dr. Clovis Maksoud, about his new book in preparation:  "My Arabism... History and Permanence" (in Arabic)


12/14/11: Open discussion about "An Inventory of the Year of the Arab Spring" (in Arabic)

12/7/11: A conversation with Dr. Zainab Alwani, Assistant Professor of Islamic Studies at the Howard University School of Divinity, about "Arab Women Between Religion and Tradition." Dr. Alwani is a researcher, social and community activist, and the first female jurist to serve on the board of the Fiqh Council of North America (in Arabic)

11/30/11: A conversation with Dr. Ibrahim Oweiss about his new book "A Tale of Two Cultures: A Personal Account, with a preface by President Bill Clinton" (in Arabic).  Followed by a one-hour Open Discussion about "The Current Situation in Egypt and Syria"

11/16/11: "Middle East Issues and the Role of Arab Americans in the American Elections," a conversation with Dr. Edmond Ghareeb, Dr. Jamil Shami, Mr. Khaled Saffouri, and Mr. Saba Shami (in Arabic)

11/9/11: A conversation with Dr. Suheil Bushrui, Professor at the University of Maryland, about his new book "Abbas Effendi" (in Arabic).  Followed by a 1-hour discussion with Dr. Magda Kandil, Executive Director and Director of Research of the Egyptian Center for Economic Studies, about "The Current Situation in Egypt" (in Arabic)

11/2/11: A conversation with Dr. Hussein Hassouna, Ambassador of the Arab League in Washington, about "The Role of the Arab League in the Light of the Changes Taking Place in the Arab World" (in Arabic)

10/19/11: A conversation with Dr. Mohamed Finaish about "Algerian Thinker Malek Bin Nabi and the Question of Arab Renaissance" (in Arabic)

10/5/11A conversation with Maj. Gen. Mohamed Elkeshky, Military Attaché at the Egyptian Embassy in Washington, about "Strategic Lessons from the War of October 1973" (in Arabic)

9/28/11: An open discussion about "Evaluation of the Popular Revolutions in the Arab World This Year (in Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya):  What Was Accomplished and Where Are They Going?," with introductions by Khaled Troudi, Tarek Omar, and Aly Ramadan Abouzakouk (in Arabic)

9/14/11: Open discussion about "The United Nations and the Palestinian State" with an introduction by Palestinian Journalist Mr. Said Arikat (in Arabic)

9/7/11: A conversation with Dr. Hisham AlTalib, of the International Institute of Islamic Thought, about "Ten Years after 9/11:  What the West Doesn't Know About Islam."
Moderated by American-Egyptian Broadcaster Mr. Mohammed El-Shinnawi  (Event in English)

7/27/11: Open discussion about "Evaluating the Positions of Regional and International Powers on the Arab People's Uprisings." Dr. Edmund Ghareeb, Dr. Mohammad Rabie, and Dr. Fowzi Al-Asmar  invited to provide introductory comments (in Arabic)

7/20/11: A conversation with Dr. Rushdi Said, Dr. Clovis Maksoud, and Dr. Samer Shehata about "Egypt: From the July 23 Revolution to the January 25 Revolution" (in Arabic)

7/13/11: A conversation with Mr. Nuh Yilmaz, Director of the Foundation for Political, Economic, and Social Research (SETA) and Washington Bureau Chief for Turkish television channel, ATV, about “Turkey’s View of the Current Situation in the Arab World.” Moderated by Mr. Mohammed El-Shinnawi (in English)

7/6/11: A conversation with Mr. Kareem W. Shora, Senior Policy Advisor at the Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties at the US Department of Homeland Security about "The Rights and Obligations of the Arab Community with Respect to US Domestic Security." Moderated by Mr. Mohammed El-Shinnawi (Event in English and Arabic)

6/29/11: An open discussion about "Internal Arab Issues: Foreign Intervention is it a Problem or a Solution?" with an introduction by Dr. Daoud Khairallah, Professor of International Law at Georgetown University (in Arabic)

6/22/11: An Evening of Poetry (in Arabic)

6/15/11: Discussion with two visiting Palestinian professors: Dr. Nohad Ali, from the Department of Sociology and Anthropology and Multi Disciplinary Studies, Western Galilee College and the University of Haifa, about "National Discourse Among Islamic Movements" and Dr. As'ad Ghanem, from the School of Political Sciences at the University of Haifa, about "The Palestinian Question and Democratic Choices in the Arab World" (in Arabic)

6/8/11: A Conversation with Georgetown University Professor Dr. Halim Barakat, about His New Book "Ghurbat al Kateb al Arabi (The Estrangement of the Arab Writer)" (in Arabic)

6/1/11: Open discussion about "The Elements that Made the Egyptian Revolution a Success: Are They Present in the Other Arab Uprisings?"(in Arabic)

5/25/11: Open discussion about "Secularism and Religion in the Arab World" (in Arabic)

5/11/11Open discussion about "An Era of Political, or Geographical, Changes in the Arab Region?", followed by a short conversation with Mr. Awad AbdulFatah, General Secretary of the Tajamoa Party from Palestine (in Arabic)

4/13/11: A conversation with Dr. Radwan Masmoudi, Tunisian-American Activist and Founder and President of the Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy (CSID), about "Where Is the Tunisian Revolution Now and Where Is It Headed?" (in Arabic)

4/6/11: A conversation with Mr. Saba Shami and Mr. Khalid Saffuri,  about "What Will the Role and the Situation of Arab Americans Be After the Arab Movements for Change?" (in Arabic)

3/30/11: A conversation with Dr. Khalil Jahshan, Lecturer in International Studies and Languages at Pepperdine University Seaver College, about "The Effects of the Arab Movements for Change on U.S.-Arab Relations," (in Arabic)

3/23/11:  A conversation with Dr. Edmund Ghareeb, Adjunct Professorial Lecturer at American University's School of International Service, about "The Arab Movement for Change in the Eyes of the American and Western Politics and Media" (in Arabic)

3/16/11: "Libya: The Past Era, the Present Revolution, and the Future of the State," a conversation with Ibrahim Sahed, Secretary General of the National Front for the Salvation of Libya (in Arabic)

3/9/11:  "The Effects of Egypt's Revolution on the Palestinian Situation," a conversation with Dr. Fawzi El-Asmar, Dr. Ibtissam Ibrahim, and Mr. Oussama Abu-Arasheed
(in Arabic)

3/2/11: "How Do Arab American Youth See Their Role in the Political Changes Taking Place in the Arab World by Arab Youth," a conversation among Arab American Youth, featuring comments by Omar Al-Khalaf, Tamer Samman, and Dina Elshinnawi (in English)

2/23/11: Open discussion about "The Movements for Change in the Arab World: Realities and Possibilities," with an introduction by Mr. Zaid Alwazir about the situation in Yemen  (in Arabic)

2/16/11Open Discussion about "Thought and Method in the Arab Movements for Change" (with a definition from Thought and Method on the Issue of Arabism, a recent book by Sobhi Ghandour.  See what MSNBC Arabic wrote about the book) (in Arabic)

2/9/11:  Continuation of Last Week's open discussion about "Reading the Political Changes in the Arab World" (in Arabic)

2/2/11: Open discussion about "Reading the Political Changes in the Arab World" With introductions by Dr. Anwar Haddam and Dr. Tarek Omar (in Arabic)

1/19/11: A Book Signing and Conversation with Dr. Suheil Bushrui, Kahlil Gibran Chair at the University of Maryland about his new book in Arabic about Prince Charles "The Prince Speaks". This book contains speeches by Prince Charles and was edited by Dr. Bushrui and Professor David Cadman.  Dr. Bushrui has translated the book into Arabic. (Event in Arabic)

1/12/11: Open Discussion about "The Middle East Issues in the Year 2011: Adjustments or More Crisis?" With Introduction by Dr. Clovis Maksoud (in Arabic)


12/15/10: Panel discussion about "The Christians in the Middle East: Facts and Trends." Panelists included Reverend Fuad Khouri, Mr. Gabriel Habib, Mr. Mejdi Khelil, and Mr. Ghassan Rassam (in Arabic)

12/8/10: A conversation with former U.S. Ambassador to Yemen, Stephen Seche, about "U.S. Relations with Yemen and the Arab World" (in English)

12/1/10 A conversation with writer and professor Dr. Mohamad Rabie, about "China Through the Arabs' Eyes" (in Arabic)

11/17/10: An open discussion about "Current Choices Before the Palestinian People," with introductions by Palestinian journalist and writer, Dr. Fawzi Al-Asmar and others (in Arabic)

11/10/10: Open discussion about "Lebanon and the International Court: A Crossroad for Lebanon's Future," with an introduction by Dr. Daoud Khairallah, Professor of International Law at Georgetown University (in Arabic)

11/3/10Open discussion about "A Review of the American Election Results and How They Reflect on Domestic and Foreign Policy," with introductions by Mr. Khalid Saffuri, Mr. Aziz Fahmy, and Mr. Saba Shami (in Arabic)

10/20/10: A conversation with Dr. Bassam Haddad, Director, Middle East Studies Program and Assistant Professor, Department of Public and International Affairs at George Mason University, about "The Political Economy of Some Arab Countries" (in Arabic)

10/13/10: A conversation with Dr. Suheil Bushrui, Kahlil Gibran Chair at the University of Maryland, about "Have We Lost Touch with Our Human Spiritual Heritage?" (in Arabic)

10/6/10: A conversation with Mr. Nihad Awad, Executive Director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), about "Ideas about How to Face the 'New Islamophobia' in the U.S." (in Arabic)

9/29/10Opinions about "Egypt After Nasser: Is It Better?" On the occasion of the 40th Anniversary of Nasser's Death (September 28, 1970), with opinions by Dr. Rushdi Said, Dr. Naim Sherbiny, and Dr. Tareq Omar (in Arabic)

9/22/10: A Conversation with Dr. Yvonne Haddad, Professor at Georgetown University's Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding about "American Society and the Multiplicity of Religions" (in English)

9/15/10: A Conversation with Mr. Said Arikat, a former spokesman for the United Nations in Iraq, about "The Current Political Impasse and the Future of Security in Iraq"(in Arabic)

9/8/10: An Open Discussion about "The Possibilities of War and Peace in the Middle East"(in Arabic)

8/25/10An Evening of Literature and Poetry at AL-HIKMA BOOKSTORE, 5627 Columbia Pike, Falls Church, VA 22041 (703) 820-7500 (in Arabic)

7/28/10:  An Evening of Egyptian and Lebanese Popular Poetry read by Dr. Daoud Khairallah, Dr. Edmond Ghareeb, Dr. Fouad Tera, and Mr. Mohammad Shinnawi (in Arabic)

7/21/10: A conversation with Yemeni writer and thinker Mr. Qassim AlWazir, about "Yemen: National Crisis or Political Regime Problem?" (in Arabic)

7/14/10: A conversation with Dr. Irfan Shahid, Professor of Arab and Islamic Literature at Georgetown University, about "Amin Rihani (1876-1940): Apostle of the Arab-American Relationship" (in English)

7/7/10: A conversation with Political Science Professor Dr. Louay Bahry, about "Strategic Dimensions of the Arabic Rail Projects" (in Arabic)

6/30/10: A conversation with Dr. A. Hadi Al-Khalili, Cultural Attaché in Embassy of Iraq, about " 'Together for Iraq': A Project to Harness the Power of the Diaspora to Help Shape the Future of Iraq.  'Together for Iraq' is a model which might be duplicated by other Arab countries" (in Arabic)

6/24/10: A conversation with physicians Dr. Maurice Atiyeh, Dr. Suheil Muasher, Dr. Khalid Abousy, and Dr. Fadi Nasrallah about "General Guidance for a Healthy Life" (in Arabic)

6/16/10"Suggestions for Energizing the Arab Student Movement in the U.S.," featuring short introductions by Omar Al-Khalaf, Tamer Samman, Laila Mokhiber, Hassan Kamouni, and Rania Aburish (in Arabic and English)

6/9/10: A conversation with Dr. Edmond Ghareeb, Professor of Political Science, and Dr. Khalil Jahshan, Professor of International Studies, about "Current and Future U.S.-Israel Relations" (in Arabic)

6/2/10: A conversation with Palestinian professor, Dr. Asaad Ghanem about "The Main Challenges Now Facing the Palestinian People" (in Arabic)

5/26/10: A conversation with Dr. Daoud Khairallah, Professor of International Law, about "10 Years After the Lebanese Victory Against the Occupation" (in Arabic)

5/12/10: An Evening to Honor Dr. Rushdi Said on the Occasion of his 90th Birthday.  Dr. Said is a geologist and a former member of the Egyptian Parliament.  He is the Dean of the Egyptian Community in metro Washington (in Arabic)

5/7/10: A conversation with Dr. Ali Elrishi, Libyan Minister of Expatriates, about "U.S.-Arab Relations and the Role of Arab Expatriates" (in Arabic)

4/28/10: A conversation with Dr. Marc Gopin, Director of the Center for World Religions, Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution (CRDC) at the Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution at George Mason University about "An American-Jewish Point of View about Syria" (in English)

4/14/10: A conversation with author and sociology professor Dr. Halim Barakat, about "Alienation: a Process of Encounter Between Utopia and Reality" (in Arabic)

4/7/10: A conversation with Libyan Ambassador Mr. Ali Aujali and Arab League Ambassador Dr. Hussein Hassouna, about "The Future of Arab Coordination After the Arab Summit in Libya" (in Arabic)

3/31/10: A conversation with Ambassador of Syria, Dr. Imad Mustapha, about "U.S.-Syrian Relations and Current Developments in the Middle East" (in Arabic)

3/24/10: An Evening of Literature and Poetry (in Arabic)

3/17/10: A conversation with Ms. Ibtisam Ibrahim, Ph.D. , Assistant Professor of Sociology & Director of Arab Studies Minor Program, American University (click for bio), about
"Non-Violent Resistance of the Islamic Movement in the Palestinian Territories" (in Arabic)

3/10/10: Open discussion about "The Political and Security Results of the Iraqi Elections" (in Arabic)

3/3/10: A conversation about "The Role of Arab Satellite TV" with Mr. Abdulrahim Foukara, Al-Jazeera Washington Bureau Chief, and Mr. Lukman Ahmad, BBC Arabic Washington Bureau Chief (in Arabic)

2/17/10: A conversation with Nabeel Khoury, PhD, Director of the Near East South Asia Office of Analysis at the U.S. State Department, about "Yemen: Security and Political Challenges" (in Arabic)

2/3/10: "An Arab Perspective on Obama's First Year in Office," a conversation with Dr. Clovis Maksoud, former Ambassador of the Arab League to the United States and the United Nations (jn Arabic)

1/20/10: A conversation with Noura Erakat, Esq., adjunct professor of International Human Rights Law in the Middle East at Georgetown University,  about "Operation Cast Lead (the Israeli military offensive against Gaza): The Elusive Quest for Self Defense under International Law."  Ms. Erakat participated in the National Lawyers Guild fact-finding mission to Gaza after Israel's brutal assault December 08-January 09.  (In English)

1/13/10"Memories and Impressions of Former American Presidents", with Mr. Camille Nowfel, former Interpreter for the White House (in Arabic)

1/6/10: Open Discussion about "What Might Happen with the Middle East Conflicts in the Year 2010?," with introductions by Dr. Atef Abdul Jawad, Dr. Mohamad Rabie, and Mr. Aziz Fahmy (in Arabic)


12/16/09: A conversation with Dr. Laith Kubbah, Director in the Middle East program at the National Endowment for Democracy - Washington, about "The Upcoming Election in Iraq and Its Repercussions on  the Political and Security Situation" (in Arabic)

12/9/09: A conversation with Dr. Marwan Muasher, Senior Vice President of External Affairs at the World Bank, about "Toward a New Definition of Moderation in the Arab World" (in Arabic)

12/2/09: A conversation with Dr. Hisham AlTalib, of the International Institute of Islamic Thought, about "Thoughts about Islamic Outreach" (in Arabic)

11/25/09: An Evening of Literature and Poetry with Dr. Adnan Slim, about Al-Ouraba in Muhammad Mahdi al-Jawahiri Poetry. Followed by a poetry reading (in Arabic)

11/18/09: Open discussion about "The Question of Cultural Identity in the Maghreb," with introductions by Mr. Mohammad Said Al-Ouafe, and comments by Dr. Mohamed Finaish, Dr. Anwar Haddam, and Dr. Louay Bahry (in Arabic)

11/11/09: A conversation with Dr. Cemil Aydin, Professor of History at George Mason University, and Dr. Jamal Barzinji, Vice President of the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT), about "Turkey's New Policy Toward the Middle East:  Temporary Change or Reviving History?" Moderated by broadcaster Mr. Mohammad Elshinnawi (in English)

11/4/09: A conversation with Dr. Philip Salem, Director of the Cancer Research Program at St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital in Houston, about "Suggestions for Enhancing the Role of Arab Intellectuals in America" (in Arabic)

10/21/09: A conversation with Dr. Suheil Bushrui, Kahlil Gibran Chair at the University of Maryland, about "The Human Values in Arabic Literature" (in Arabic)

10/14/09: A conversation with Dr. Daoud Khairallah, Professor of International Law, about "The 'Goldstone Report' and the Problem of Palestinian and International Legitimacies" (in Arabic)

10/7/09: A conversation with Palestinian writer and professor, Dr. Mohamed Rabie, about his new book, “Leadership and the Making of History” (in Arabic)

9/30/09: A conversation with Dr. Lory Dance, Associate Professor of Sociology at the Institute for Ethnic Studies at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln, about "Struggles of the Disenfranchised: Commonalities Among Native Americans, Black Americans, and Palestinians." (Event in English)

9/23/09: Open Discussion about "The United Nations General Assembly and the Future of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, with an introduction by Dr. Clovis Maksoud" (in Arabic)

9/16/09: "The New Islamophobia," a conversation with Dr. Vincent Geisser, Researcher in Political Science and Sociology at the National Center for Scientific Research in France (Event in English). Dr. Geisser was visiting the Untied States as a participant in the U.S. State Department's International Visitor Leadership Program

9/9/09: "The Values of the East and the West: Where They Stand Eight Years After September 11," a conversation with former professor of sociology at Georgetown University Dr. Halim Barakat, thinker and political activist from Algeria Dr. Anwar Haddam; and Egyptian journalist and author Mr. Aziz Fahmy (in Arabic)

9/2/09: A conversation with Mr. Sadek Sulaiman, Thinker and Former Ambassador, about "How Arab Intellectuals Deal With the Subject of 'Us' and 'Them' " (in Arabic)

8/25/09A conversation with Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim, Egyptian Scholar and Visiting Fellow at the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at Harvard University, about "Democracy and the Experiences of Totalitarian Regimes" (in Arabic)

8/12/09:  A conversation with Ambassador Dr. Akec K.A. Khoc, Chargé d'Affaires of the Embassy of Sudan, about "How We Can Build Peace in Darfur" (in English)

8/5/09: A conversation with Ambassador Philip Wilcox, President of the Foundation for Middle East Peace, about "A New Hope for Middle East Peace: What the U.S. Must Do to End the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict" Click to read Ambassador Wilcox's bio (Event in English)

7/29/09:  An Open Discussion about "Where Things Stand 57 Years After Nasser's Revolution in Egypt," with introductions by Dr. Rushdi Said and Dr. Tarek Omar (in Arabic)

7/8/09: A conversation with Dr. Khalil Jahshan, Professor of International Studies, about "U.S.-Israeli Relations: Gains and Losses" (in Arabic)

7/1/09A conversation with Ishaq Budeiri, General Director of the Arab Studies Society in Jerusalem, about "The Symbolism of Occupied Jerusalem as the Capital of Arabic Culture "
(in Arabic)

6/24/09: A conversation with Mr. Said Naffaa, a member of the Israeli Knesset for the Arab National Democratic Assembly, about "The Palestinians Inside Israel:  Their Realities and Their Future" (in Arabic)

6/10/09: Open discussion about "The Political Results of the Lebanese Parliament Elections" (in Arabic)

5/31/09: Dinner to Celebrate the 20th Anniversary of Al-Hewar Magazine at Marco Polo Restaurant in Vienna. Program featured a reception and buffet dinner with short speeches by Dr. Irfan Shaheed, Mohammad Shinnawi, Mohammad Said Al-Ouafe, Sobhi Ghandour, Dr. Issam Omeish, Dr. Rashid Kabbani, and Dr. Clovis Maksoud.

5/27/09: A Conversation with Dr. Louay Bahry, Adjunct Scholar at the Middle East Institute, about "Foreign Labor in the Arabian Gulf: Impact on the National Identity Question" (in Arabic)

5/20/09: Open discussion about "An Overview of the Current Struggles in the Middle East and the Possibility of Peace Agreements," with introductions by Dr. Fawzi Al-Asmar and Mr. Sobhi Ghandour (in Arabic)

5/13/09:  A Conversation with Mr. Qassim Al-Wazir, a writer from Yemen, on "Ideas about Reform and Change in the Arab Region" (in Arabic)

5/6/09: A Conversation with Libyan Ambassador to the USA , Mr. Ali Aujali, about "The Future of Libyan-American Relations" (in Arabic)

4/29/09: A conversation with Dr. Hussein Hassouna, Arab League Ambassador to the United States, about "What's On the Horizon for U.S.-Arab Relations Under the Obama Administration?" (in Arabic)

4/22/09A Conversation with Dr. Yvonne Haddad, Professor at Georgetown University's Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding, about "Islam, the Obama Administration, and the Muslims" (in English)

4/15/09:  “An Evening of Memories and Reflections on the Experiences of an Arab Diplomat,” with Dr. Rashid Kabbani, former Syrian diplomat, with the participation of Dr. Clovis Maksoud.  Dr. Kabbani will also read poems by his brother, the poet Nizar Kabbani  (Evening in Arabic)

4/8/09:  A Conversation with Dr. Essam Omeish, Surgeon and Candidate for Virginia State Delegate, about "Thoughts about the Role of the Arab and Muslim Communities in American Politics" followed by brief remarks by Moroccan Media Expert, Mohamad Dou AlRashad about "The Current Arab Media" (in Arabic)

4/1/09Open Discussion about "Arab Coordination After the Doha Summit," with introductions by Dr. Rushdi Said, Mr. Qassem Al-Wazir, Mr. Mazhar Samman, and Mr. Sobhi Ghandour (in Arabic)

3/25/09: A Conversation with Lebanese Professor Dr. Ziad Al-Hafez about "Analyzing the Dysfunction in Lebanese Politics" (in Arabic)

3/18/09: A conversation with Dr. Alma Abdul-Hadi Jadallah, President and Managing Director of conflict management firm, Kommon Denominator, about "Challenges of Third Party Roles in Protracted Conflicts: The Arab Israeli Conflict" (in English)

3/11/09: A conversation with Ambassador of Iraq Samir Sumaida’ie, about "The Security and Political Challenges in Iraq" (in Arabic)

3/4/09: A conversation with Dr. Ibrahim Alsaeed, Professor of History and Political Science, about "American Cultural Trends and the Role of Arab Americans" (in Arabic)

2/25/09: A conversation with Attorney Elias Aoun, about "Lessons from the American Constitutional Experience" (in Arabic)

2/18/09A conversation with Mr. Mazhar Samman, former Vice President of the U.S.-Arab Chamber of Commerce, about "Arab Economic Integration:  Why and How" (in Arabic)

2/11/09: A conversation with Dr. Halim Barakat, former professor of sociology at Georgetown University, about “Religious Relations in the Arab World from a Sociological Perspective” (in Arabic)

2/4/09: A conversation with Dr. Fawzi Al Asmar, Palestinian writer and journalist, and Mr. Oussama Abu-Arsheed, Editor-in-Chief of Al-Meezan (An American Palestinian Newspaper) about "Dimensions of the Current U.S. Middle East Policy" (in Arabic)

1/29/09: A conversation with Ambassador of Qatar, H.E. Ali Bin Fahad Al-Hajri, about “The Role of the State of Qatar in Solving the Current Arab Crises” (in Arabic)

1/21/09: A conversation with Dr. Nabil Abuznaid, Charge d'Affaires of the PLO Mission to the U.S., about  "2009: Facts and Challenges in Palestine," (in Arabic)

1/14/09: Open discussion about  "Conclusions from the Experiences of Arab Nationalism and Islamic Movements," with introductions by Mr. Anwar Haddam and Mr. Sobhi Ghandour.  Followed by remarks by Dr. Clovis Maksoud about the Situation in Gaza (in Arabic)

1/7/09: A conversation with Yemeni writer and poet Qassim Bin Ali AlWazir about "A New Year Review of Trends in Arab Thought" (in Arabic).  Followed by an open discussion about Developments in Gaza (in Arabic)


12/29/08: Open Discussion about  "The Israeli Aggression in Gaza:  Objectives and Consequences"  (in Arabic)

12/17/08Conversation with Rev. Fouad Khouri, Pastor at the Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church in Washington; Mr. Gabriel Habib, Former Secretary General of the Middle East Council of Churches; and Mr. Rateb Rabie, President of the Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation, about "Christians in the Middle East and Christian-Muslim Relations" (in Arabic)

12/10/08: Conversation with Dr. Clovis Maksoud and Dr. Khalil Jahshan about "President-Elect Obama and the Issues of Iraq, Palestine, and Lebanon" (in Arabic)

12/3/08Conversation with Dr. Mohammed Finaish, former Executive Director of the International Monetary Fund about "Dimensions of the Current Financial Crisis and the Challenges Facing the World" (in Arabic)

11/26/08: An Evening of Reading Poetry, ending with songs from Andalusia by Moroccan singer Abdulkarim Al-Youssufi  (Event in Arabic). Held in the office of Global Media Center

11/19/08: "Interests and Concerns of Young Arabs in the USA," featuring Dr. Hanna Hanania, Tariq Hariri, and Nadine Wahab (in Arabic and English)

11/12/08: Conversation with Ambassador of Syria Dr. Imad Moustapha about "American-Syrian Relations After the Election" (in Arabic)

11/5/08"Foreign Policy Suggestions for the New U.S. Administration," with Dr. Edmund Ghareeb and Mr. George Hishmeh (in English)

10/22/08: Conversation with Dr. Suheil Bushrui, Kahlil Gibran Chair at the University of Maryland, about "The Spiritual Foundation of Human Rights" (in Arabic)

10/16/08Open Discussion with an Introduction by Dr. Clovis Maksoud, about "How the Sectarian Divisions in the Arab World are Affecting the Arab American Community" (in Arabic).

9/17/08: A conversation with Mr. Houcine Rhazoui, Political Counselor at the Embassy of Morocco, about "Security and the Challenges of Regional Integration of the Arab Maghreb Countries" (in Arabic)

9/10/08Open Discussion about "The Arab Community in the American Political Life" (in Arabic)

8/13/08: A conversation with Palestinian writer and professor, Dr. Mohamed Rabie, about When and How the Jewish People Was Invented?, the controversial new book from
Tel Aviv University historian, Prof. Shlomo Sand  (Event in English)

8/6/08: A conversation with Dr. Ghassan Atiyyah, Director of the Iraqi Foundation for Development and Democracy, London, about "Security Agreements and the Democratic Process in Iraq" (in Arabic)

7/16/08: A Conversation with Mr. Sadek Jawad Sulaiman, former Ambassador of Oman to the United States, about "Nationality, Arabism, and Religions in the Arab Life"(in Arabic)

7/9/08: A Conversation with Dr. Amr Hamzawy, Senior Associate, Democracy and Rule of Law Project, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, about "The Middle East:  Between the Absence of an Effective American Policy and the Active Involvement of Regional Players" (in Arabic)

6/18/08A conversation with Dr. Atef Al-Saadawy, Public Policy Scholar at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, about "The Dilemma of Political Leadership in the Arab World" (in Arabic)

6/11/08:  A Conversation with Dr. Haider Ala Hamoudi, Assistant Professor of Law at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law, about His New Book, Howling in Mesopotamia: Experiences and Stories of the Iraqi People in the Post-Invasion Era."  Followed by a one-hour discussion about Iraq with Dr. Ghassan Atiyyah, Director of the Iraqi Foundation for Development and Democracy (Entire Evening in Arabic).

5/28/08: A Conversation with Mr. Ishaq Boudeiri, Director of the Arabic Studies Association in Jerusalem, about "Jerusalem: The Reality of the Occupation and the Future of the Palestinian State Capitol" (in Arabic)

5/21/08:  A Conversation with former Member of the Egyptian Parliament, Dr. Rushdi Said, and President of engineering consulting firm ART, Inc. and Adjunct Professor at George Washington University, Dr. Tarek Omar, about "Social Conditions in Egypt and their Political Influences on the Government and the Opposition" (in Arabic)

5/14/08: Open discussion about "Developments in Lebanon and the Arab-Israeli Conflict"(in Arabic)

5/7/08A Conversation with Mr. Nihad Awad, Founding Executive Director, Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), about "Expanding the Vision for America Muslims:
From Civil Rights to Peace Building."  Moderated by Mr. Mohammed Al-Shinnawi (in English)

4/9/08: A Conversation with Ms. Bushra Jabre, Senior Communication Advisor at The Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs, about "Emerging Leadership in the Arab World: An Operational Research Project for Youth" (in Arabic)

4/2/08: An Open Discussion about "The Arab Summit and the Current Crises in the Middle East" (in Arabic)

3/26/08: A Conversation with Dr. Mohamed Finaish, former Executive Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), about "Minorities in the Arab World and the Principle of Citizenship" (in Arabic)

3/19/08: A Conversation with Dr. Hussain Hassouna, Arab League Ambassador to the United States, about "U.S.-Arab Relations - The Road Ahead." Moderated by Alma Abdul-Hadi Jadallah (in English)

3/12/08: A Conversation with Dr. George Bitar about "Plastic Surgery: Is It a Necessity or a Luxury?" Moderated  by Dr. Maurice Atiyeh (Presentation in English; Discussion in English and Arabic)

3/5/08: A Conversation with Dr. Kamal Khaldi and Dr. Fawzi El-Asmar about "Choices for the Plans for the Palestinian State" (in Arabic)

2/27/08: "Impressions about the Primaries and the Role of Arab Americans in this Election Year" with the participation of Activists and members of the Arab Media (in Arabic)

2/20/08:  A Conversation with Dr. Rida Al-Attar about "Arabs Before Islam" (in Arabic)

2/13/08: A conversation with Dr. James Zogby, President of the Arab American Institute (AAI) about "The Stakes Have Never Been Higher: U.S. Middle East Policy and the 2008 Elections." Moderated by Dr. Alma Abdul-Hadi Jadallah (in English)

2/6/08: Open Discussion about "The Lebanese Political Crisis: Is It Caused by Internal Elements or Foreign Influence?" (in Arabic)

1/30/08: A conversation with Gabriel Habib, Former Secretary of Middle East Council of Churches, and Imam Yahya Hendi, Muslim Chaplain of Georgetown University, about "Lessons and Conclusions from Dialogue Experiences Between Cultures, Religions, and Civilizations" (in Arabic)

1/23/08: Open discussion about "2008 - A Year of Wars or Peace in the Middle East?" (in Arabic)

1/16/08:  A conversation with Dr. Kamal Khalaf Al-Tawil, Arab American writer and medical doctor, about "Arabs in America and America in the Arab World" (in Arabic)


12/19/07:  An Evening of Music and Poetry to Celebrate the 13th Anniversary of Al-Hewar Center, featuring poetry recitals by Dr. Fawzi El-Asmar, Dr. Fouad Tera, Mr. Yacoub Sheeha, Ms. Jihane Mansour, Tarek al-Hariri, and others, followed by an 'oud recital and poetry reading by Mr. Mohamed Said Ouafi (in Arabic)

12/12/07 A conversation with Dr. Abdul Hadi Al Khalili, Cultural Attaché at the Embassy of Iraq, about "Health and Education Conditions in Iraq" (in Arabic)

11/28/07:  A conversation with Rateb Rabie, Founder and President of the Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation (HCEF), about "Arab Christians Struggling for Justice and Peace in Palestine: The Challenge of Christian Zionism."  Mr. Rabie will examine the plight of the Palestinian community under occupation and analyze ways to overcome it though understanding Western Church structures and the role that Arab Christians and Muslims can play to bring about peace in the Middle East (in English)

11/21/07:  A conversation with Dr. Azizah al-Hibri, professor of Law at Richmond University and President and Founder of KARAMAH: Muslim Women Lawyers for Human Rights, about "Current Challenges Facing Women Around the World - the Case of Muslim Women" (in Arabic)

11/14/07:  Conversation with Dr. Halim Barakat, novelist and former professor of sociology at Georgetown University, about "The Identity and Roles of the Arab Intellectual"
(in Arabic)

11/7/07: "Disease Prevention in Children and Adults," a discussion with Dr. Amin Barakat, Clinical Professor of Pediatrics at Georgetown University Medical Center; Dr. Maurice Atiyeh, Clinical Professor of Medicine at Georgetown University Medical Center Gastroenterology Division; and Dr. John Bitar, Pediatrician (in Arabic)

10/10/07Comments by Dr. Clovis Maksoud about "Current Developments in the Triangle of Crisis: Iraq, Palestine, and Lebanon" followed by a Poetry Reading and Egyptian Zajal by Dr. Fouad Tera and Mr. Mohamed Maaty (in Arabic)

9/26/07A conversation with Dr. Mohammad Alhabash, a member of the Syrian Parliament and director of the Islamic Studies Center in Damascus, about "Religious Coexistence and Current Conflicts in the Arab Middle East" (in Arabic)

9/19/07 A conversation with Dr. Amr Hamzawy, Senior Associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, about "The Experience of Turkey in Secularism and Democracy" (in Arabic)

9/12/07:  A conversation with Sam Rasoul, Democratic Candidate, Sixth Congressional District of Virginia '08, and Riz Khan, Aljazeera English Network, about "Arabs, Muslims, and American Public Opinion" (in English)

8/26/07:  A conversation with Dr. Laith Kubbah, former Spokesman for the Iraqi Government, about "Iraq:  The Realities of Today and the Possibilities for Tomorrow" (in Arabic)

8/5/07 A conversation with Dr. Hassan A. Barari, Senior Fellow at the U.S. Institute of Peace, and Dr. Fawzi Al Asmar, Palestinian writer and journalist, about "What are the Chances the Middle East Peace Conference Will Succeed?" (in Arabic)

7/22/07: A conversation with Egyptian writer and thinker Dr. Rushdi Said, about "A Review of How Democracy is Practiced in the Arab World" (in Arabic)

7/15/07:  A conversation with Dr. Daoud Khairallah, professor of law at Georgetown University, about "Israel's July 06 War on Lebanon:  When Did It Really Start and Has It Really Ended?" (in Arabic)

6/10/07:  An evening with Dr. Halim Barakat, novelist, sociologist, and retired Research Professor of Society and Culture at the Center for Contemporary Arab Studies at Georgetown University, about his new book "City of Colors," a historical novel about Beirut in the 1950s (in Arabic)

6/3/07Al-Hewar Center and the New Pen League of New York invite you to An Evening of Zagal featuring Professor Edgar Choueiri, Director of the Laboratory for Plasma Propulsion for Spacecraft at Princeton University, and Lebanese Poet Youssef Abdul Samad, Dean of the New Pen League (in Arabic)

3/30/07: Open Discussion about "Victory and Defeat in the Arab-Israeli Conflict -- 40 Years After the 1967 War and 7 Years After the Liberation of South Lebanon" (in Arabic)

5/23/07: A conversation with professor and author, Dr. Mohamed Rabie, about "Making the Arab Future: From Tribalism to Globalism" (in Arabic)

5/16/07:  An Evening of Music and Poetry on the occasion of Mothers Day in the US.  Modern and classical Arabic music by the trio of musician and professor Malak Ayad (violin/piano), composer Shawkat El-Maligi (singer), and composer Amir Adouani (singer/guitar).  Poetry featuring members of Al-Hewar Center (Event in Arabic)

5/9/07:  Conversation with thinker and political activist from Algeria, Dr. Anwar Haddam, and journalist and former diplomat from Morocco, Mr. Mohammad Said Al-Ouafi, about "Current Intellectual and Cultural Trends in the Countries of the Maghreb"  (in Arabic)

5/2/07:  A conversation with Dr. John Duke Anthony, President and CEO of the National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations, about "The Changing Nature of U.S. Interests in the Arab World: Implications for U.S. Policies" (in English)

4/25/07:  Open Discussion about "Susceptibility to Colonialism and Underdevelopment Problems," with an introduction by Dr. Mohamad Finaish (in Arabic)

4/18/07:  A conversation with scholars Dr.  Taher Adouani and Dr. Abdeljabar Obeidi about "Reading Historical Texts: Toward Achieving a More Accurate Understanding of History" (in Arabic)

4/11/07A conversation with Dr. Clovis Maksoud, former Arab League Ambassador to the United States and the United Nations, about "The State of the Crises in the Middle East After the Arab Summit in Riyadh" (in Arabic)

4/4/07A conversation with Dr. Hassan A. Barari, Senior Fellow at the U.S. Institute of Peace, about "The U.S. and the Arabs:  The Challenges that Lie Ahead" (in Arabic)

3/28/07:  A conversation with Ambassador of Syria, Dr. Imad Mustapha, about "U.S.-Syrian Relations and Current Developments in the Middle East" (in Arabic)

3/21/07: An evening honoring The Life of Nahida Fadli Dajani by her family and friends on the occasion of her birthday and Mother's Day in the Arab World.  (Every year, our dear friend Nahida Fadli Dajani hosted a poetry reading at Al-Hewar Center in honor of Mother's Day.  This year, her friends and family continued the tradition to celebrate her tremendous life and contributions to the community)  (Event in Arabic)

3/14/07:  A conversation with Ambassador of Bahrain Dr. Naser Al Belooshi, about "Elections and Democratic Experiences in the Arab Gulf (Bahrain as a Model)" (in Arabic)

3/7/07:  An open discussion about "The Future of the Bush Administration's Agenda in the Middle East," with an introduction by political analyst and former professor Ghassan Rubeiz (Event in Arabic)

2/28/07: A conversation with Hamid Alkifaey. Lecturer  at the University of Westminster in London, about "Iraq and Sectarianism," and Dr. Amr Hamzawy, Senior Associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, about "Arabs and Iran" (in Arabic)

2/21/07:  A conversation with Egyptian Journalist and Broadcaster, Mr. Aziz Fahmy, about his new book "Deconstructing the Theory of the Clash of Civilizations and Reintroducing Islam to the Western Mind," with final remarks by writer and former Ambassador of Sudan Mr. Khidir H. Ahmad (Event in Arabic)

2/7/07: Open Discussion about "The Future of the Struggle Between the Government and the Opposition in Lebanon and in Palestine" (in Arabic)

1/31/07:  A conversation with Theodore Kattouf, Former U.S. Ambassador and President of AmidEast, about "New American Policy or New Middle East?" (in English)

1/24/07:  An Evening of Poetry featuring Ambassador of Iraq Samir Shaker Mahmoud Sumaida'ie and Lebanese Poet Mr. Youssef Abdul Samad (in Arabic)

1/17/07 A conversation with Mr. Jamal Khashoggi, Media Advisor to the Saudi Ambassador in Washington, D.C., about "Saudi Arabia and Current Developments in the Middle East" (in Arabic)

1/10/07:  A conversation with thinker Mr. Sadek Sulaiman, about "Human Self-Perception - a Philosophical Perspective" (in Arabic).  Followed by a 1-hour open discussion about President Bush's New Strategy for Iraq.

1/3/07An Open Discussion about "Current Developments in  Lebanon, Palestine, and Iraq," with an introduction by Dr. Clovis Maksoud (in Arabic)


12/8/06: A conversation with Dr. Azizah al-Hibri, professor at the University of Richmond, about "The Divine, Justice, and Humanity" (in Arabic)

12/1/06:  A conversation with historian, political scientist, and journalist Dr. Carsten Wieland, of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, about "Syria and the Middle East Crisis."Moderated by Mr. Mazhar Samman. (Event in English)

11/17/06: A conversation with Dr. Zainab Al-Alwani, professor at Johns Hopkins University, about "The Etiquette of Dealing with  Differences from an Islamic Perspective" (in Arabic)

11/10/06:  A conversation with Dr. Suheil Bushrui, Kahlil Gibran Chair at the University of Maryland, about "Spiritual Elements in Arabic Poetry" (in Arabic).  Followed by a 1-hour discussion with Dr. Hesham Elnakib about The Direction of American Foreign Policy After the Recent Congressional Elections (in Arabic)

11/3/06: Open discussion about "The U.S. Elections in November: A Step Toward a Better Future."  Participants included Dr. Mounzer Sleiman, Dr. Jamil Shami, Mr. Alaa Bayoumi, Mr. Marwan Burgan, and others  (in English and Arabic)

10/20/06:  An Evening of Literature and Thought about "Identity, Religious Values, and the Etiquette of Dealing with Our Differences"  (in Arabic)

10/13/06:  "Lessons from the Current Experience in Iraq,"a conversation with Dr. Laith Kubbah, Senior Program Officer for the Middle East at the National Endowment for Democracy (in Arabic)

10/6/06: "Arabs and Arabism 36 Years After Gamal Abdel Nasser," a conversation with Dr. Clovis Maksoud, with an Introduction by Dr. Rushdi Said (in Arabic)

9/22/06:  An open discussion about "The Palestinian National Unity Government and the Future of the Relationship Between the Hamas and Fatah Movements," with opening remarks by Mr. Oussama Abud-Irashaid, Editor-in-Chief of Al-Meezan Newspaper (USA) (Event in Arabic)

9/15/06:  "The Arab and Muslim Community in the US:  Five Years After September 11,"  a conversation with Mr. Anwar Haddam, Mr. Khalid Saffuri, and Mr. Jamil Shami (in Arabic)

9/8/06:  Open Discussion about "The Middle East After the War on Lebanon," with an introduction by Sobhi Ghandour and Mazhar Samman (in Arabic)

8/11/06:  A conversation with Mr. Alaa Bayoumi  and Mr. Emad Mekay, about "The American Media and the Role of the Israel Lobby in the War on Lebanon (in Arabic)

8/4/06:  An Open Discussion about "Reading the Developments in Lebanon and the Middle East," with an Introduction by Dr. Daoud Khairallah, Professor of International Law at Georgetown University (in Arabic)

7/14/06:  A conversation with Retired Sudanese General Mohamed Zeinelabdin M. Hamad about "Preemptive Strategy and the Influence of Oil on International Relations" (in Arabic). Followed by a discussion about the "New Crisis in Lebanon and the Middle East"

7/7/06:  A conversation with former U.S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, James Akins about "Remarks on American Middle East Policy." With an introduction by former Arab League Ambassador to the United States and the United Nations Dr. Clovis Maksoud (Event in English).  

6/9/06:  A conversation with Mr. Alaa Bayoumi about "Immigration and Challenges of the American National Identity after 9/11" (in Arabic)

6/2/06"The Risks of Sectarian Trends in Modern Society," an open discussion, featuring introductions by Mr. Sadek Sulaiman and others
(in Arabic)

5/26/06:  A conversation with Dr. Omar Hesham AlTalib, about "The Question of Terrorism" (in Arabic)

5/19/06:  A conversation with Dr. Kamal Khaldi about his new book, Haifa is the Beginning, and Palestine is the Destination:  A Testimony, and a conversation with Dr. Walid M. Abdelnasser about his new book, The Dialogue of Civilizations and the Challenge of Globalization (Event in Arabic)

5/12/06:  "Women and Mothers in the Life and Literature of the Arabs" featuring Dr. Irfan Shahid, Professor of Arab and Islamic Literature at Georgetown University, and Others (in Arabic) 

5/5/06:  A conversation with Dr. John O Voll, Professor of Islamic History and Associate Director of the Prince Alwaleed bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding at Georgetown University, about  "Islam, Democracy, and the West." Moderated by Mr. Mazhar Samman. (in English)

4/28/06:  A conversation with Dr. Rushdi Said and Mr. Zaid Al-Wazir about "Secularism Between Religious Tradition and Contemporary Systems" (in Arabic)

4/21/06:  A conversation with Dr. Amr Hamzawy, Senior Associate, Democracy and Rule of Law Project at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, about  "The Rise of Islamist Movements in Arab Elections: On the Risks of Politics" (in Arabic)

4/14/06: A conversation with Arab League Ambassador Dr. Hussein Hassouna,  about "The Challenges Currently Facing Arab Solidarity" (in Arabic)

3/31/06:  A conversation with Mr. J. Forrest Sharpe, Editor and Managing Director of Light in the Darkness Publications, about "Re-casting the Debate on the War in Iraq:  'Right vs. Wrong' Rather than 'Right vs. Left'," moderated by Dr. Mounzer Sleiman.   Click for more information about Mr. Sharpe.  (Event in English)

3/24/06:  Open discussion about "Living Together in Palestine:  Religions after Hamas Wins the Elections," with introduction by 
Dr. Fawzi Al Asmar, Palestinian writer and journalist (in Arabic)

3/17/06:  "The Political Developments in Lebanon," an open discussion, with introductory remarks by Dr. Daoud Khairallah, Professor of International Law at Georgetown University (in Arabic)

3/10/06:  A conversation with Dr. Azizah al-Hibri, Professor at the University of Richmond about "The West and Muslims:  Misunderstanding Each Other."  Click here for more information about Dr. Al-Hibri

3/3/06:  A conversation with Ambassador of Egypt, Nabil Fahmy (in Arabic)

2/22/05:  A conversation with Reverend Clark Lobenstine, Executive Director of the InterFaith Conference of Metropolitan Washington, 
about "Lessons from the Interfaith Experience" (in English). Moderated by Dr. Munzer Sleiman.  This event was dedicated to the memory of Mona Ismail, who worked with the InterFaith Conference.  This event was co-sponsored by the Graduate School of Islamic and Social Sciences (GSISS).

2/15/06:  A discussion with Alaa Bayoumi, Director of Arabic Affairs at the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), about "The Neoconservative Revolution and Other Books:  How America's Publishing Houses are Shaping the Image of the Neoconservative Movement" (in Arabic)

2/8/06:  A Conversation with Mr. Kassem Al-Wazir, writer and thinker from Yemen, about "Priorities for the Arab Renaissance" (in Arabic)

2/1/06:  Open discussion about "Lebanon, Syria, and Palestine:  Where are They Headed?" (in Arabic).  With opening remarks by Sobhi Ghandour and final remarks by Dr. Clovis Maksoud.

1/25/06 A discussion with Dr. Imad Harb, Program Officer at the United States Institute of Peace, and Mrs. Alma Abdul-Hadi Jadallah, Conflict Resolution Specialist, about "Is There a Need for Peace Education?" (in English)

1/18/06:A conversation with Mr. Afif Safieh, Head of the PLO Mission to the United States about "About the Israeli Occupation and the Future of the Palestinian State" (in Arabic)

1/11/06: An Evening of Literature and Poetry on the occasion of  the 11th Anniversary of Al-Hewar Center, featuring several members of Al-Hewar Center, including Mr. Youssef Abdul Samad from New York (Event in Arabic)


12/21/05: A conversation with former Ambassador Dr. Clovis Maksoud, about "An Overview of 2005 and 2006 for the Arab World"  (Event in Arabic).  

12/14/05:  A conversation with Dr. Suheil Bushrui, Kahlil Gibran Chair at the University of Maryland, about " 'The Perennial Philosophy' and 'the Eternal Wisdom' of the Arabs"  (Event in Arabic).  

12/7/05:  A conversation with Dr. Paul Sullivan, Professor of Economics at the National Defense University, about "A Clash of Ignorances:  The War on Terror, Terrorists, and the Regular Folks" (in English).  Moderated by Mr. Mazhar Samman.

11/30/05: A conversation with Dr. Daoud Khairallah, Professor of International Law at Georgetown University, about "Law and Politics in the Mehlis and Larson Reports" (in Arabic)  

11/16/05:  A conversation with Dr. Michael Hudson, Director and Saif Ghobash Professor of Arab Studies, Center for Contemporary Arab Studies at Georgetown University, about "Post 9/11 American Policy Toward the Arab World and Islam" (in English)

11/9/05:  A conversation with Dr. Fuad Suleiman about "Life in Iraq: An Eyewitness Account."  Dr. Suleiman recently returned from Iraq, where he spent a year managing a large USAID assistance program.  He will discuss his impressions about the occupation and its effects (in Arabic)

11/2/05: A conversation with former Ambassador Sadek Sulaiman about "Do Arabs Want Change or More of the Same?"  (in Arabic)

10/19/05:  Open Discussion about "Current Developments in Iraq and Palestine ," with introductions by Iraqi Activist Dr. Ali Al-Attar and 
Palestinian Journalist Dr. Fawzi El-Asmar (in Arabic).

10/12/05:  Conversation with Dr. Majid Fakhry, Adjunct Professor at Georgetown University and Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at American University of Beirut, about "Working Toward Better Relations Between Islam and the West" (in Arabic)

9/28/05: Conversation with Dr. Mohamed Finaish, former Executive Director of the IMF, about "Foreign Aid and the Development Challenge." Followed by remarks about the ocassion of the  35th Anniversary of the Death of  Gamal Abdul Nasser Death and the 44th Anniversary of the Division Between Egypt and Syria. (Both events in Arabic)

9/14/05:  Panel Discussion about "The State of Democracy, Human Rights, and Development in Egypt:  The Perspective of Egyptian Americans," featuring Dr. Amr Hamzawy, Senior Associate, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and Ms. Heba El-Shazli, Communications Officer for the newly formed Alliance of Egyptian Americans (in Arabic)

9/7/05:  A conversation with Mr. John Marks, President and Founder of Search for Common Ground, about "Common Grounds for Peace in the Middle East" (in English).  Followed by a discussion (in Arabic and English) with Mr. Ayman AbdelNour, Syrian activist and editor of

8/28/05: A conversation with Ambassador of Sudan Khidir Ahmed about "Sudan and Arabic Culture" (in Arabic)

8/7/05A conversation with Ambassador of Syria Dr. Imad Mustapha about "Current Developments in US-Syrian Relations" (in Arabic)

7/24/05:  A panel discussion with Ishaq Budeiri, General Director of the Arab Studies Society in Jerusalem, about "What is Happening in Jerusalem?" (in Arabic)

7/10/05: Open discussion about "Reading the New Political Situation in Lebanon" (in Arabic), featuring Dr. Clovis Maksoud, Dr. Mohammad Shatah, and Dr. Daoud Khairallah.

6/26/05:  A conversation with Dr. Rushdi Said, writer and former Egyptian parliamentarian, about "The New Arab Liberalism" (in Arabic)

6/12/05:  A conversation with Iraqi activists, Dr. Ali Al-Attar and Mr. Kareem Al-Mousawi, about "Constitution Building in Iraq" (in Arabic)

5/25/05: A conversation with Dr. Ibrahim Elbadawi, Lead Economist and Manager, DECRG, World Bank, about "The Economic and Social Elements in the Sudanese Crisis" (in Arabic)

5/18/05:  A conversation with Dr. Amr Hamzawy, Senior Associate, Democracy and Rule of Law Project, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, about "The U.S. and the Islamic Movement in the Arab World"  (in Arabic)

5/13/05:  A conversation with Samar Jarrah, journalist, teacher, and peace advocate , about her new book "Arab Voices Speak to American Hearts." Moderated by Mr. George Hishmeh, President of the Washington Association of Arab Journalists (event in English)  
Click here for more information about the book

5/4/05:  "Current Developments on the Palestinian Issue,"a conversation with Palestinian journalists Dr. Fawzi Al-Asmar and Mr. Said Arikat
(event in Arabic).

4/27/05:  "Toward Freedom and Liberties in the Arab World: Conclusions from the Third UN Report on Human Development in the Arab World," a conversation with Dr. Clovis Maksoud, one of the authors of the report.  Moderated by former Ambassador Mr. Sadek Sulaiman.
(Event in Arabic)

4/20/05:  A conversation with Egyptian professors Dr. Saad Eldin Ibrahim and Dr. Rushdi Said about "The Question of Democracy in Egypt" (in Arabic)

4/13/05:  "30 Years after the Civil War Began in Lebanon:  Where is Lebanon Headed Now?" an open discussion with an introduction by 
Dr. Daoud Khairallah (event in Arabic)

4/16/05: "The Dilemma in Contemporary Arab Thought," a conversation with Dr. Taha Jaber Al-Alwani, President of the Graduate School of Islamic and Social Sciences in Ashburn, Virginia (GSISS) (in Arabic).  Event co-sponsored by GSISS.

3/30/05:  A conversation with Michael K. Bohn, author of "The Achille Lauro Hijacking:  Lessons in the Politics and Prejudice of Terrorism," about "Why is Terrorism Not Simply a Battle Between Good and Evil?" (in English).

3/23/05:  Poetry Reading, including Letters to Mothers in honor of Mother's Day in the Arab World, featuring several members of Al-Hewar Center, and 'Oud music by Mr. Mohamed Said Al-Ouafi (Event in Arabic)

3/16/05:  A conversation with Dr. Fadwa El Guindi, Visiting Professor of Anthropology, Center for Contemporary Arab Studies at Georgetown University, about "The Impact of Information Insularity and Educational Provinciality on the American Mind -- Anthropological Observations." (in Arabic)

3/9/05: A conversation with former Ambassador Mr. Sadek Sulaiman about "From Today's Extremes to Tomorrow's Moderation"  (in Arabic)

3/2/05:  A conversation with Dr. Paul Sullivan, professor at the National Defense University, and Dr. Samer Shehata, professor at Georgetown University, about "Ideas for Improving Arab-American Relations."  (in English)

2/23/05: Open discussion about "Lebanon's Horizons and Deteriorating Relations between the United States and Syria" (in Arabic)

2/16/05Open Discussion about The Assassination of Prime Minister Hariri and Possible Developments in Lebanon and the Middle East, with brief comments by Dr. Clovis Maksoud, Dr. Mohamad Chatah, Dr. David Khairallah, and Dr. Mounzer Sleiman (event in Arabic)

2/9/05: A conversation with Mr. Adam Ereli, Deputy Spokesman of the U.S. State  Department, about "The Iraqi Elections: A U.S. State Department Perspective" (n  English and Arabic).

1/26/05:  Evening of Poetry & Music to Celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Al-Hewar Center, featuring musician Simon Shaheen and poet Youssef Abdul Samad, founder of the Immigrant's Pen League in New York, who read from his new published collection "The Sword and the Iris".  

1/12/05: A conversation with former Ambassador Dr. Clovis Maksoud about "President Bush's Second Term and U.S. Arab Relations"  
(in Arabic)


12/8/04:  A conversation with Dr. Azizah al-Hibri, Professor at The T.C. Williams School of Law in Richmond, VA, about "What It Means to be an American Muslim." Moderated by Dr. Mounzer Sleiman.  Click here for more information about Dr. Al-Hibri  (Event in English)

12/1/04A conversation with Mr. Said Kamal, Deputy Secretary General of the Arab League for Palestine and Ambassador of Qatar Mr. Bader Omar Al-Dafa and  Arab League Ambassador to the United States Dr. Hussein Hassouna,  about "The Arab-Israeli Conflict and U.S.-Arab Relations"  (in Arabic)

11/10/04:"The American Factor in Modern Arab Poetry" -- Poetry and Lecture with Dr. Irfan Shahid, professor of Arab and Islamic Literature at Georgetown University (in Arabic)11/17/04:  Open Discussion about "The Future of Iraq After the US Elections," with an introduction by Dr. Laith Kubbah, President of the Iraq National Group (in Arabic)

11/10/04 A conversation with George Hishmeh, columnist and President of the Washington Association of Arab Journalists, Said Arikat, Palestinian political analyst in Washington, and Dr. Edmond Ghareeb, media consultant for Middle Eastern Affairs in Washington, about "An Arab Media Reading of the American Election Results" (in English) Moderated by Mazhar Samman.  As broadcast on C-Span.

11/3/04A conversation with Dr. Ziad Asali, President of the American Task Force for Palestine (ATFP), about "The Palestinian Question After the American Elections" (in Arabic)

10/20/04:  Open Discussion about "Internal and External Expectations After the U.S. Elections," with introductions by Dr. Hany Al-Konayyesi, Abu Dhabi TV Washington Bureau Chief; Khalid AbdulKarim, Middle East News Agency Washington Bureau Chief; and Alaa Bayoumi, Director of Arabic Affairs of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (in Arabic).

10/17/04 A conversation with Dr. Paul Sullivan, professor at the National Defense University in Washington, D.C., about "Energy and Economic Development in the Middle East."  Moderated by Mr. Mazhar Samman. (in English).

10/10/04:  "The Secrets of the October 1973 War as Revealed in American Documents," a new book published by Al-Ahram Newspaper in Egypt.  A conversation with the translator Khalid Daoud, Bureau Chief of Al-Ahram in Washington, with comments by Dr. Rushdi Said and others (in Arabic).

10/1/04:  A conversation with former Ambassador of Libya and retired professor Dr. Mohammad Youssef about his new book "Libya Between the Past and Present:  Pages from the Political History" (in Arabic). The author just published the first of three volumes on the recent history of Libya.

9/22/04A conversation with former Congresswoman The Hon. Mary Rose Oakar, President of the Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), about "Our Rights, Our Votes in the Election Year," about her experiences as a Congresswoman and why it is important to be politically active.  Moderated by Mr. Mounzer Sleiman.  (Event in English)

9/15/04: A conversation with Dr. Mounzer Sleiman, analyst and commentator on political and military affairs, about "The Danger of a National Security State and an Imperial Presidency," a critical analysis about reforms needed to the U.S. National Security apparatus (in Arabic).

9/8/04 A conversation with Helen Thomas, journalist and former Dean of the White House Press Corps, with an introduction by attorney, Dr. Albert Mokhiber (Event in English) Click here for more information about Ms. Thomas.

8/27/04:  "A Sudanese Point of View About the Darfur Crisis", a conversation with former Ambassador General Mohammad Al-Zein (in Arabic).

8/8/04:  A conversation with Ambassador of Syria Dr. Imad Mustapha, about "Syria and the Current Developments in the Middle East"
(in Arabic)

7/25/04:  An open discussion about "The Arab Situation: An Introspective Review  (Thoughts based on the proposal b Al-Hewar Magazine known as 'Al-Mithaq Al-Arabi')," with introductions by Dr. Clovis Maksoud and Dr. Taha Jaber Al-Alwani (in Arabic)

7/11/04:  A panel discussion about "The Challenges of Security, Sovereignty,and the Future Constitutional Experience in Iraq," featuring two Iraqi journalists, Mr. Nazar Haidar and Mr. Tarik Al-Azami (in Arabic).

6/27/04:  A conversation with Dr. Abdel Monem Said Aly, Director of Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies (Egypt) about "The Conflict in US-Arab Relations" (in Arabic), followed by a discussion about "Al-Mithaq Al-Arabi", a proposal by Al-Hewar Magazine of "Draft Principals for Unity and Reform in the Arab World", as explained by Sadek Jawad Sulaiman and Sobhi Ghandour .

6/6/04: A conversation with Dr. James Zogby, President of the Arab American Institute (AAI), about "Arab Americans & The Election Year."  Moderated by Mr. Mazhar Samman (English).

5/26/04:  A conversation with Dr. Suheil Bushrui, Director of the Kahlil Gibran Chair at the University of Maryland, about "The Concept of the Unity of Being in the Thought of Kahlil Gibran"(in Arabic).  Moderated by Mr. Sadek Sulaiman.

5/19/04:  A conversation with Egyptian writer, Ms. Nora Amin and Mr. Tarek Abousenna, Deputy Consul General of Egypt in New York, about  "Art and Culture in Contemporary Egypt." For more information, visit

5/12/04:  A conversation with Mr. David Ballard, Director of the U.S. Department of State's Office of Foreign Press, about "The Current U.S. Role in Iraq" (in English).

5/8/04: A conversation with writer and thinker Mr. Kassem Al-Wazir, about "Reasons for and Results of Division in Arab Society" (in Arabic). Co-sponsored by the Graduate School of Islamic and Social Sciences.

4/28/04:  A conversation with Mr. George Hishmeh, Columnist and President of the Washington Association of Arab Journalists, about "The Arab-Israeli Conflict in the U.S. Election Year" (in English). Moderated by Mr. Mazhar Samman

4/21/04:  A conversation with Dr. Taha Jaber Al-Alwani, President of the Graduate School of Islamic Studies in Leesburg Virginia, about "Reasons for the Lack of Success of Reform Attempts in Arab Society" (in Arabic).  Co-sponsored by the Graduate School of Islamic and Social Sciences

4/14/04: A conversation with former Ambassador Mr. Sadek Sulaiman, about "Constitutional Structure in Contemporary Arab Experience"
(in Arabic)

4/7/04A conversation with Dr. Faleh A. Jabar, Senior Fellow at the U.S. Institute of Peace, about "The Possibilities of Democratic Transformation in Iraq"(in Arabic).

3/31/04: An Evening of Poetry featuring Mr. Yousef Abdul Samad and Ms. Nahida Fadli Dajani (in Arabic).

3/24/04:  A conversation with Mr. Ibrahim Sahad, Secretary General of NFSL-Libya, about "Current Developments in Libya" (in Arabic).

3/17/04:  A conversation with Mr. Gabriel Habib, former Secretary General of the Middle East Council of Churches about "...And What About Arab Christians?" (in English)

3/10/04:  A conversation with Dr. David Khairallah, Professor of International Law at Georgetown University, and Dr. Edmund Ghareeb, Professor of Political Science at American University, about "Federation Within Some Arab Countries:  A System for Unification or Division?" (in Arabic).

3/3/04:  A conversation with Dr. Al-Tijani Abdul-Kader, about "The Future of Sudan After the Peace Agreements" (in Arabic).

2/25/04A conversation with May Rihani, Senior Vice President of the Academy for Educational Development, a Founder of the Ameen Rihani Organization, and an Advisor to the Ameen Rihani Institute, about "Ameen Rihani's Vision of US-Arab Relations" (in Arabic).  Click here for more information about Ameen Rihani.

2/18/04:  A conversation with Dr. Yvonne Haddad, Professor at Georgetown University's Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding, about "George Bush and the Muslims after 9/11:  The Search for Moderate Islam" (in English).  Moderated by Mr. Mazhar Samman.  Event co-sponsored by the Graduate School of Islamic and Social Sciences in Leesburg, Virginia.  To read more about the Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding, click here.

2/11/04: Open discussion about "Current Developments in Iraq," with an introduction by Mr. Kareem Al-Mousawi, the Washington Representative of SCIR in Iraq (in Arabic).

2/4/04:  Open discussion about "The Arab-Israeli Conflict and the American Elections," with an introduction by Mr. Said Arikat, political analyst in Washington (in Arabic).

1/29/04:  A special event, in coordination with the Academy for Educational Development (AED), about "What Arab Youth Can Do To Build a Better Understanding Between Arabs and the West," featuring: William Smith, May Rihani, Sandra MacDonald, and Gregory Valadie all from the AED, and two young people:  Fadi Elsalameen and Maryah Al-Dafa.  Moderated by Mr. Mounzer Sleiman from Al-Hewar Center. (Event in English and held at the AED in Washington).  To read more about the AED, click here.

1/28/04:   A conversation with Dr. Clovis Maksoud and Dr. Taha Jaber Al-Alwani, about "The Arabs:  Defining Ourselves and Facing Current Challenges" (in Arabic).  Event co-sponsored by the Graduate School of Islamic and Social Sciences in Leesburg, Virginia (GSISS).

1/21/04:  A conversation with Mr. Khalid Turaani and Dr. Fawzi Al-Asmar about "Palestine:  The State, the Authority, and the People" (in Arabic).

1//7/04:  A conversation with Dr. Imad Mustapha, about "The UN 2003 Report on Arab Human Development" (in Arabic).  Dr. Mustapha is one of the authors of the Report.


12/13/03: On the occasion of the 9th Anniversary of Al-Hewar Center, a Special Panel about "The Role of the Arab Community in the United States:  Setting Our Priorities," with panel discussions about (1) The Influence of the Current Situation in the Middle East on the Role of the Arab Community in the US; (2) Ideas for Setting Priorities for the Arab Community; and (3) Moving Toward Common Goals, featuring panelists H.E. Mr. Bader Omar Al-Dafa; H.E. Dr. Hussain Hassouna;  Dr. Taha Jaber Al-Alwani, Mr. Mazhar Samman; Dr. Ziad Asali; Mr. Nihad Awad; Dr. Azizah al-Hibri; Dr. Abdulkader Fustok; Abdallah Hassan; and Sobhi Ghandour.  Featuring a snack buffet. Held at the DoubleTree Hotel in Tysons Corner, Virginia.

12/10/03:  A conversation with Dr. Ali Al-Attar, about "A Point of View about Iraq's Present and Future" (in Arabic).

12/3/03:  A conversation with Dr. Paul Sullivan, professor at the National Defense University in Washington, D.C., about "Economics and Extremism" (in English).  To be moderated by Mr. Mazhar Samman, Vice President of the National US-Arab Chamber of Commerce.   

11/19/03:  A conversation with Syrian Islamic thinker, Mr. Jawdat Said about "How to Overcome the Weaknesses of Our Nation" (in Arabic).  Co-sponsored by Karamah: Muslim Women Lawyers for Human Rights. [To read more about Jawdat Said, click here]

11/5/03:  A conversation with Dr. Taha Jaber Al-Alwani, about "The Islamic View of Diversity" (in Arabic).

11/5/03: A conversation with the Ambassador of Lebanon Dr. Farid Aboud, about "The Current Situation in Lebanon and the Region" (in Arabic).

10/23/03:  Conversation with Dr. Mustapha Al-Faqey, Head of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Egyptian Parliament, about   "Current and Future Arab-American Relations" (in Arabic). Held at the Embassy of Egypt

10/22/03:  Conversation with Dr. Hasan Hami, Minister in the Moroccan Embassy, about "Diplomacy and Communications from an Arab Perspective." (in Arabic)

10/15/03:  Conversation with Ishaq Budeiri, General Director of the Arab Studies Society in Jerusalem, about "The Struggle Over Jerusalem: Current Facts and Future Possibilities" (in Arabic).  Followed by a short discussion with a delegation of women from Morocco and Syria invited by the Arab Women's Council Research and Education Fund.

10/8/03:  Open discussion about "The Question of Government Legitimacy:  The Role of Civil Liberties and Sovereignty," with an introduction by Mr. Sadek Sulaiman (in Arabic). 

10/1/03: Conversation with Dr. Mohammad Taki Baqer, General Secretary of FreeMuslim Association, Inc. about "An Islamic Point of View About Non-Violence" (in Arabic).  Followed by a short discussion with Iraqi media personality, Shameem Rassam, about The Current Situation in Iraq.

9/24/03:  Conversation with Dr. Walid Abdelnasser, Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of Egypt, about "Lessons from an Important Era During Gamal Abdul Nasser's Life" (in Arabic).  

9/10/03:  A discussion with Pulitzer Prize winning Washington Post reporter, Caryle Murphy,  who is the author of the new book "Passion for Islam: Shaping the Modern Middle East: The Egyptian Experience," about "September 11 and the War on Terrorism." Moderated by Mr. AbdulWahab Al-Kebsi.  (Event in English)

8/24/03:  Conversation with renowned oncologist and thinker Dr. Philip Salem, about "The Future of Lebanon: Options for a Solution" (in Arabic).  For more information about Dr. Salem, click here.

8/10/03 Research Workshop with Dr. Caroline Nagel, Lecturer of Human Geography at Loughborough University in England, and professor Lynn Staeheli, Associate Professor of Geography at the University of Colorado in Boulder, about  "What It Means to be a Citizen".  To read more about Dr. Nagel, click here.

7/27/03:  Panel Discussion about "Egypt and  the New Challenges in the Arab World," with Dr. Hesham Elnakib, Director of the Egyptian Information Office in Washington, Mr. Kahled Daoud, Washington Bureau Chief of Al-Ahram Newspaper, and Dr. Rushdi Said, former member of the Egyptian Parliament (in Arabic).

7/13/03:  Conversation with Ambassador Husain Haqqani, Visiting Scholar at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and leading journalist, diplomat, and former Advisor to Pakistani Prime Ministers, about "Winning Hearts Before Wars -- The U.S. and the Muslim World" (in English).  To read more about Ambassador Haqqani, click here.

6/22/03:  Open Discussion about "What is Needed to Build a Better Future for the Arabs" (in Arabic)

6/8/03:  Panel Discussion with Dr. Ibrahim Oweiss, Professor of Economics at Georgetown University, Dr. Tarik Yousef, Professor of Economics at Georgetown University, and Dr. Ibrahim Elbadawi, Lead Economist and Manager, DECRG, World Bank, about "Plans for the Future of the Middle East, Based on the American Vision of a Free Trade Area" (in Arabic).  

5/28/03:  Conversation with Mr. Ghaleb Darabya, Counsel for Political and Congressional Affairs for the Palestinian Liberation Organization Mission in Washington DC, about "Which Road Will End the Israeli Occupation and Begin the Palestinian State?" (in Arabic).  

5/21/03:  Conversation with Dr. Imad Mustapha, Deputy Ambassador of the Embassy of Syria about "Syrian American Relations" (in Arabic).

5/14/03:  Open discussion about "Arab Prospects After the Iraq War: Democratic Process or Civil Wars?", with an introduction by Washington Bureau Chief of Al-Ahram Newspaper Mr. Khaled Daoud, Publisher of Al-Hewar Magazine Sobhi Ghandour, and others (in Arabic).  Following the event, Mr. Camille Nowfel, former Interpreter for the White House, signed copies of  his new book in Arabic "America's Arabs: Hopeless Hostages".

5/7/03:  Panel discussion about "Why We Need Dialogue Among Cultures and Civilizations," featuring Mohamad Bashar Arafat, Ph.D., Muslim Chaplain and Professor of Islamic Studies and Theology in Baltimore; Mr. John Simmons, Director of Dialogue Technologies, City of Mind; and Dr. Lowell Christy, Chairman and Co-Founder, City of Mind.  Moderated by Mr. AbdulWahab Al-Kebsi (in English).

4/23/03:  Discussion with Mr. Camille Nowfel, former Interpreter for the White House, about his new book in Arabic "America's Arabs: Hopeless Hostages." (click for information)

4/16/03:  Discussion about the war on Iraq and its reflection on the Palestinian cause, with an introduction Dr. Kamal Khaldi President of the Damascus Chapter of the Union of Palestinian Writers and Journalists (in Arabic).

4/9/03:   Discussion with professor and former Arab League Ambassador to the United Nations and the United States Dr. Clovis Maksoud about "The War on Iraq and its Reflection on the Arab League and the United Nations"(in Arabic)

3/26/03:   Open Discussion about the War on Iraq and its Influence on the Region and around the World, with introductions by Mounzer Sleiman and Sobhi Ghandour (Event in Arabic).

3/19/03 Open discussion about "The Situation in Iraq and its Influence on the Arab World and Relations between World Powers," with an introduction by Dr. Laith Kubbah, President of the Iraq National Group (in Arabic).

3/12/03: A conversation with Dr. Taha Jaber Al-Alwani, thinker and Islamic Iraqi writer, about "The Iraqi Issue:  Shadows of the Past and Possibilities for the Future" (in Arabic). 

3/5/03:  A conversation with Dr. Azizah al-Hibri, professor of Law at Richmond University and founder and President of KARAMAH: Muslim Women Lawyers for Human Rights, about "Islamic Communities in America:  Understanding the Role of Minorities and the Art of Communication" (in Arabic). 

2/19/03:  A conversation with Arab League Ambassador to the United States, Dr. Hussein Hassouna, about "Arab Coordination and the Current Challenges in the Middle East" (in Arabic). 

2/12/03:  A conversation with Mr. Mounzer Sleiman, Political and Military Analyst and Commentator, about "The Role of U.S. 'Think Tanks' in the Formulation of American Foreign Policy" (in Arabic). 

2/5/03:  A conversation with Mr. Tareq Al-Azami, a member of the Islamic Iraqi Opposition, about "The Future of Iraq from an Opposition Point of View" (in Arabic).

1/29/03:  A conversation with Ambassador James Akins, about "Perspectives on American Foreign Policy in the Middle East" (in English).  Ambassador Akins served as an American diplomat for over 20 years specializing in the Middle East.  In 1973, President Nixon appointed him Ambassador to Saudi Arabia.  After strong differences with Henry Kissinger on policy matters, Akins left the Foreign Service in April 1976.

1/22/03:  A conversation with Dr. Fawzi Al-Asmar, Palestinian writer and journalist, about "After Two Years of the Intifadah and 25 Years after the Israeli-Egyptian Peace Treaty: How Israelis See Their Future."  Dr. Asmar recently returned from the Middle East where he held dialogues with some Israeli intellectuals.  (Event in Arabic).  

1/15/03A conversation with thinker and former Ambassador, Mr. Sadek Sulaiman, about "Islam, Democracy, and the Question of Violence: An Important Topic in Contemporary Arab Dialogue" (in Arabic).

1/8/03: A discussion with Dr. Majid Fakhry, Adjunct Professor at Georgetown University and Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at American University of Beirut, about "The Dialogue of Civilizations and the Prospects for Peace: Islam and the West." Moderated by Georgetown Professor Dr. Irfan Shahid. (in English)


12/18/02:  On the occasions of the 8th Anniversary of Al-Hewar Center and the end of 2002, a discussion with professor and former Arab League Ambassador Dr. Clovis Maksoud about "Reflections on a Turbulent Year" (in Arabic).

12/4/02:  Panel discussion about "Arab Christians: Between Internal Facts and External Plans", with Dr. Rushdi Said, Dr. David Khairallah, and Mr. Rateb Rabie (in Arabic).

11/27/02:  Open discussion about "Reasons for Violence in Societies," with an introduction by Mr. Kassem Al-Wazir (in Arabic).

11/20/02A discussion with Dr. Najib Sacirbey, retired Ambassador-at-Large of Bosnia, about "A Lesson in Tolerance: Things to Know about Islam and Muslims in Europe " (in English).

11/13/02:  A discussion with Dr. Taha Jaber Al-Alwani, President of the Graduate School of Islamic and Social Sciences (GSISS), about "Challenges for Arabs and Muslims in the U.S." (in Arabic).

11/6/02A discussion with the Ambassador of Jordan Karim Kawar, about "Jordan and Current Developments in the Middle East" (in Arabic).

10/30/02:  "Arab American Relations: Which Direction Will They Go?" a panel discussion featuring Ambassador of Qatar Mr. Bader Omar Al-Dafa, writer and professor Dr. Edmond Ghareeb, and Dr. Mohammad Al-Sayed Said, writer and Bureau Chief of Al-Ahram Newspaper in Washington (in Arabic).

10/16/02:  A Conversation with The Head of Mission, Embassy of Sudan, Khidir H. Ahmed about "Challenges for Peace in Sudan" with comments by Sudanese Economist, Dr. Ibrahim Elbadawi (in Arabic).

10/9/02:  Open Discussion About "Towards an Effective Presence for American Muslims and Arabs in American Politics," with introductions by AbdulRaham Al-Amoudi, Eric Erfan Vickers (AMC), and AbdulWahab Al-Kibsi (CSID) (in English).

9/25/02: A Conversation with Ambassador of Syria, Dr. Rustom Al-Zou'bi about "American-Syrian Relations" (in Arabic).

9/18/02:  A Conversation with Dr. Mohamed Al-Naqbi about "Asymmetry in International Relations [the Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations]" (in Arabic).  

9/11/02:  Special Panel to discuss "What Lessons Should be Learned by Americans and Arabs and Muslims from September 11?", featuring Mr. Jean AbiNader of AAI, Mr. Jason Erb of CAIR, and Nawar Shora of ADC.  Moderated by Mr. AbdulWahab Al-Kebsi  (English).

8/23/02An Evening of Literature and Poetry and History with Dr. Irfan Shahid, professor at Georgetown University, about "Al-Watan (the Homeland) in Arabic Poetry" (in Arabic).

8/11/02Conversation with Palestinian journalist, Dr. Fawzi Al-Asmar, about "Impressions from a Recent Journey to Palestine" (in Arabic).

8/4/02 Conversation with the former Chairman of the Lebanese Lawyers Association in Tripoli, Mr. John Harb, about "The Current Political Situation in Lebanon from a Legal Point of View" (in Arabic).

7/21/02:  "50 Years After Nasser's Revolution"Remarks and Opinions by a variety of Egyptian and Arab thinkers, including Dr. Fawzy Al-Asmar, Nahida Fadli Dajani, Sobhi Ghandour,  Mohammad Hakki, Dr. Rushdi Said, Dr. Mohammad Saied, and Mohammad Wahby (in Arabic).

7/14/02:  Discussion with Professor Don Stanton about "A Question of Balance: National Security Policy and the  Developing World."   Professor Stanton is a retired naval officer who worked on policy staffs in the Pentagon, served on the US-Russia Defense Conversion Committee, and was an adjunct professor of international relations and geography at Northern Virginia Community College - Alexandria.  He is a graduate of Cornell and Georgetown Universities. (English)

6/23/02 A Conversation with Dr. Clovis Maksoud about "The Arab World and The Current American Middle East Policy" (in Arabic).

6/9/02 Open discussion about "American-Israeli Relations...and a Comparison Between the Arab and Israeli Lobbies," with an introduction by Dr. Kamal Khaldi and Sobhi Ghandour (in Arabic).

6/2/02:  "The American Connection:  From Ramallah to Baghdad", a conversation with professor and writer Dr. Laura Drake, and
Mr. Hussein Ibish, Communications Director of ADC (in English).

5/29/02A discussion with Dr. Ahmed Ali Attiga, Advisor to the Executive Director of the World Bank, and Dr. Tarik Mohamad Yousef, Professor of Economics at Georgetown University, about "The Arab Economy in the Era of Globalization:  Reality and Prospects" (in Arabic).

5/22/02:  A discussion with Dr. Jayne Docherty, Associate Professor of Conflict Studies, Eastern Mennonite University in Virginia, about "Domestic and International Terrorism: Misunderstood Sources and Misguided Responses," focusing on Oklahoma City and September 11 as prototypical cases where authorities failed to correctly analyze the sources of violent acts  (in English).

5/15/02:  A conversation with Dr. Rushdie Said about "Living on the Verge of a New World" (in Arabic).

5/8/02:  A conversation with thinker and former Ambassador, Mr. Sadek Sulaiman, about "The Nature of American Philosophy" (in Arabic).

5/1/02:  A discussion with Mr. John Wagner, Commissioner Program Director, International Dispute Resolution, Federal Mediation and Conciliation Services, about "Conflict Management Needs of Domestic and International Communities" (in English).

4/24/02A Conversation with Dr. Mohammad Waqi'Allah, professor at the Institute of Islamic and Arabic Sciences in America, about "Saudi American Relations and the Campaign Against Terrorism" (in Arabic).

4/17/02:  A discussion with Dr. Ziad Asali, President of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), about "An Agenda for Arab Americans" (in Arabic).  Followed by an hour meeting with the President of the Arab Women's Solidarity Organization Dr. Nawal Saadawi, visiting from Cairo (in Arabic).

4/10/02:  An Evening with Professor and Director of the University of Maryland Kahlil Gibran Research and Studies Project Dr. Suheil Bushrui, about his new book "The Wisdom of the Arabs" (published by  One World Publications, UK), which draws on the vast spectrum of Arab writings, from classical literature and the holy Qur'an, to traditional folk sayings and the more recent wisdom of the legendary Kahlil Gibran.  The book offers a combination of practical and spiritual wisdom, as well as a deeper insight into the joys, sadnesses and passions of the Arab people (in English).

4/6/02:  A special tribute in memory of Dr. Fawzy Haikal, who passed away in February, featuring reflections and memories by his friends and colleagues. Co-sponsored by Al-Hewar Center, The Egypt Foundation, Center for Policy Analysis on Palestine, and the Center for the Global South at American University.  Held in the offices of The Jerusalem Fund in Washington, DC.

4/6/02:  A conversation with writer Mr. Al-Kassem Al-Wazir, about "Where We Stand on Western Civilization" (in Arabic).

3/27/02:  Open discussion about "American Movements Toward Iraq" (Arabic).

3/20/02:  Open discussion about "The Arab Summit and the Challenges Facing the Arab World," with introductory remarks by Dr. Abdul-Monem Al-Mashat and Mr. Mazhar Samman (in Arabic).

3/13/02:  Open discussion about "The New American Intervention in the Crisis in Palestine," with introductory remarks by Palestinian writer Dr. Fawzi Al-Asmar and the Executive Director of American Muslims for Jerusalem Mr. Khalid Turaani (in Arabic).  

3/6/02:  "Tips and Tools for Explaining Islam and the Middle East - Part 2", a workshop presented by Lobna Ismail, Alexander Kronemer, Abdulwahab AlKebsi, and Dr. Louay Safi (in English).

2/27/02:  Open discussion about "The Definition of Terrorism" with an introduction by Mr. Mounzer Sleiman, a political analyst in Washington (in Arabic).

2/20/02:  A conversation with Dr. Hesham Elnakib, Director of the Egyptian Information Office, and Dr. Mohamed El-Sayed Saeed, new Assistant Editor in Chief of Al-Ahram Newspaper and Manager Director of Al-Ahram Overseas-USA, about "The Role of Egypt in the Dialogue of Civilizations" (in Arabic). 

2/13/02:  A Workshop on "Tips and Tools for Explaining Islam and the Middle East" presented by Lobna Ismail and Naila Habiby (Part 1) (in English). 

2/6/02:  A conversation with Dr. Taha Jaber Al-Alwani, President of the Graduate School of Islamic and Social Sciences in Virginia, about "Arabism, Islam, and the West" (in Arabic).

1/30/02:  A conversation with Dr. Jon Alterman, Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, about "The State Department and the Middle East"  (in English).

1/27/02:  An Evening of Music and Poetry to Celebrate the 7th Anniversary of Al-Hewar Center!  Featuring musician Simon Shaheen and poet Youssef Abdul Samad  from New York and other participants from the Washington area (held at the DoubleTree Hotel in Tysons Corner, Virginia).

1/23/02:   A conversation with Ambassador Khidir H. Ahmed, Chargé d'Affaires of the Embassy of Sudan, about "The Current and Future State of American-Sudanese Relations" (in Arabic).

1/16/02:  An open discussion about "What is the Future of the Islamist and Arabist Movements in the Arab World?", with an introduction by Sobhi Ghandour, the publisher of Al-Hewar Magazine (in Arabic).

1/9/02:  A discussion with thinker and former diplomat,  Mr. Sadek Sulaiman,  about "Americans and the Arab World: Who has Misunderstood Whom? (in Arabic).


12/19/01:  Poetry Reading and informal gathering to celebrate the Holidays.   

12/12/01:  A conversation with Maurice Atiyeh, M.D. , about "Questions and Answers about How to Take Care of Your Health" (in Arabic).

12/ 5/01:  A conversation with Dr. Clovis Maksoud, President of the Center for the Global South at American University, about "Lebanon, Arabs and the World after September 11" (in Arabic).

11/28/01:  A discussion with Dr. Mohammed Sharafuddin, visiting Fulbright Professor in the English Department of George Washington University,  about "Positive Orientalism:  Islam in the Eyes of the West," an exploration of positive images of Islam in Western literature (in English).

11/21/01:  Dr. Abdalla Musa Al-Tayer, a Saudi journalist and Chairman of the Arabic Teaching Department, Institute of Islamic and Arabic Sciences in America (IIASA), about "The American Media Campaign Against Saudi Arabia" (both discussions in Arabic).

11/14/01: A conversation with activist Abdul Kader Fustok, M.D., about "Ideas and Remarks about Arab American Activism" (in Arabic).

11/7/01:  "Morocco and Current Developments," a conversation with Hassan Hami, Minister in the Moroccan Embassy (in Arabic).

10/31/01:  A Conversation with Ambassador of Qatar, Bader Omar Al-Dafa, about "A Look at Life in Qatar" (in Arabic)

10/17/01 "In the Footsteps of the Prophet": a discussion on the making of a documentary for American Television on the life and times of Prophet Muhammad, presented by film co-producer Alexander Kronemer  (in English), followed by a short address by Marwan Burgan about "Political Participation by Arab and Muslim Americans."

10/10/01 "How September 11 is Affecting the Arab and Islamic Community,"  an open discussion including comments by some members of Al-Hewar Center about their personal experiences during this crisis.

10/ 3/01:  Open Discussion about the "Changes Expected in American Society After the Tragedy of September 11" (in Arabic).

9/26/01:  A discussion with Dr. Fawzi Al-Asmar, a Palestinian writer and journalist about "The Effect of the September 11 Tragedy on the Arab-Israeli Conflict and the Effect of the  Palestinian Intifadah on Israeli Society" (in Arabic)

9/ 5/01: Panel Discussion about "The U.S. Middle East Policy:  What's Behind It?  How to Change It...", with professor and writer Dr. Laura Drake and Mr. Edward Abboud, author of the new book, "Invisible Enemy: Israel, Politics, Media, and American Culture (event in English).   

8/12/01:   A Literary Evening featuring (1) an hour with Iraqi artist Dr. Mohammad  Al-Sadoun about "Arabic Calligraphy as the Art of Civilization" featuring a slide show and (2) an hour with Mr. Abdullah Hassan speaking about "A Biography of Libyan National Poet Ahmed Rafiq Al-Mahdawi (1898-1961)" (in Arabic).

8/1/01:  A Conversation with the Ambassador of Jordan, Dr. Marwan Al-Muasher, about "Jordan and Current Developments in the Middle East" (in Arabic).

7/25/01A Conversation with the Ambassador of Syria, Dr. Rostom Al-Zoubi, about "Syria and Current Developments in the Middle East" (in Arabic).

7/21/01In coordination with the Egyptian-American Culture Association (EACA), you are cordially invited to a seminar with Dr. Rushdie Said entitled "My Experience with the 1952 Revolution: A Memoir of an Egyptian Politician," with comments by Mr. Sadek Sulaiman and Mr. Sobhi Ghandour (in Arabic).  Held at the Carnegie Institute in Washington, D.C. 

7/18/01:  A conversation with Dr. Hisham Sharabi about "Choices for the Palestinian People" (in Arabic).

7/11/01:  A conversation with Mr. Sadek Sulaiman about "The Commonality of the Human Condition" (in English).  Held in coordination with the Graduate School of Islamic and Social Sciences (GSISS).

6/27/01:  A Conversation with the Arab League Ambassador to the United Nations and the United States, Dr. Hussein Hassouna, about "The Arab League and Obstacles to Arab Coordination" (in Arabic).

6/20/01: A Conversation with Mr. Anwar Haddam, a leader of FIS in Algeria,  about "Self-Determination and the Question of Identity in Algeria" (in Arabic).

6/13/01: A Conversation with the Former Prime Minister of Sudan and  Head of Al-Umma Party, Mr. Sadeq Al-Mahdi,  about "What Direction Sudan?" (in Arabic) (Held at the DoubleTree Hotel in Tysons Corner, Virginia)

6/6/01:  A Conversation with Ambassador of Egypt Dr. Nabil Fahmy, about "Egypt and Current Developments in the Middle East" (in Arabic).

5/30/01:  A Sampling of Arabic Poetry about Freedom. Moderated by Mr. Sadek Sulaiman (in Arabic).

5/23/01A Conversation with Conflict Resolution Specialist Alma Abdul-Hadi Jadallah, about "Methods for Solving Personal and Social Conflicts" (in Arabic and English).

5/16/01: A Conversation with Dr. Samir Makdisi, Director of The Institute of Money and Banking; Chair of Economics Department and former Deputy President of AUB; and former Minister of National Economy of Lebanon, about "Lessons for the Future of Economic and Political Development in Lebanon" (in Arabic).

5/9/01:  Open Discussion about  "The Possibility of War or Peace in the Middle East" (in Arabic).  

5/2/01: A Panel Discussion In Memory of Activist and Thinker Adel Hussein, Secretary General of the Labor Party in Egypt, featuring remarks by Dr. Taha Jaber Al-Alwani, Dr. Abdel-Monem Al-Mashat, Dr. Ashraf Bayoumi, Dr. Fawzy Heikal, and Dr. Rushdi Said (in Arabic).  

4/25/01: A Conversation with Mr. Mazhar Samman, Vice President of the National US-Arab Chamber of Commerce about "How to Energize the Arab Common Economy".  Moderated by Dr. Fawzy Heikal (in Arabic).  

4/18/01:  A Conversation with Mr. Ahmad Y. Al-Kibsi, visiting diplomat from the Foreign Ministry of Yemen about "The Developing Democratic Process in Yemen" (in Arabic).  

4/11/01: A Conversation with Mr. Rateb Y. Rabie, President of the Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation about "Israel's Brutal Occupation and Its Agenda to Expel the Arab Christian Population" (in Arabic).  

4/4/01:  A Conversation with Mrs. Wendy Ghannam about "Arab-American Discrimination in the US Government Workplace and Its Ramifications" (in English).  

3/28/01 Open Discussion about "The Threat of Ethnic and Religious Divisions in the Arab World", with Introductory remarks by Mr. Sadek Sulaiman and Mr. Sobhi Ghandour  (in Arabic).

3/21/01:  Panel Discussion about "Muslim America and the New Bush Team: Current Assessment, Future Plans", featuring Mr. Nihad Awad (CAIR), Mr. Ali Ramadan (AMC),  Mr. Khalid Turaani (AMJ), and Dr. Hassan Ibrahim (MPAC);  Moderated by Mr. Abdulwahab Alkebsi (in Arabic).

3/14/01 Immigration Workshop: Get Your Questions Answered, with immigration attorney, Mr. Ismail Laher (in English).  

3/7/01:  An Evening of Literature and Poetry about "The Homeland in Immigrant Literature" with Dr. Suheil Bushrui, Mrs. Nahida Fadli Dajani, and Mr. Mounzer Sleiman (in Arabic).  

2/28/01:  Open Discussion About "Ten Years After the Liberation of Kuwait:  Has the Gulf War Ended?" (in Arabic).  

2/21/01: A conversation with Mr. Sadek Sulaiman about "Culture and the Role of Intellectuals" (in Arabic).  

2/16/01:  An Open Discussion about "New Developments Concerning the Occupied Palestinian Territories and the New Government of Israel" (in Arabic).  

2/7/01: "Thoughts about Islam and about Arabism," a conversation with Dr. Taha Jaber Al-Alwani (in Arabic).  

1/31/01: "Relations Among the Countries of the Nile," a conversation with Dr. Rushdi Said and Dr. Ibrahim Elbadawi (in Arabic).  

1/24/01: "Libya Yesterday and Today" a conversation with Dr. Mohammad bin Youssef (in Arabic).

1/17/01:  A panel discussion about "The Policies of the New American Administration Toward the Arab World," with Dr. Shafeeq Al-Ghabra and Dr. Abdul Monem Al-Mashat (in Arabic).

1/10/01:  "Al-Fardiyya (individuality) in the Arab Lifestyle and in Muslim History", a conversation with Mr. Zaid Al-Wazir about his new book "Al-Fardiyya" (in Arabic). 

1/3/01:  An Open Discussion about the Clinton Plan for the Palestinian-Israeli peace negotiations, with remarks by Dr. Khalid Abdalla (in Arabic). 


12/20/00:  A discussion with Dr. Clovis Maksoud about "The Current Situation in the Arab World:  The Year in Review" (in Arabic).

12/13/00  A conversation with Mr. Charles A. McGee, a consultant, lobbyist and political activist, about "The Narrow Roads to the Great Pyramid:  My journey from a miseducated colonialist to a universal evolutionist in human affairs" (in English).

12/6/00:  A conversation with Ambassador of Algeria Idriss Al-Jaza’iry about "The Cultural Legacy of Prince Abdel Qader AlJazai'ry" (in Arabic).

11/19/00 An Evening to Celebrate the 6th Anniversary of Al-Hewar Center, featuring a Reading of Poetry about the Intifadah, and an art exhibition, including paintings donated by  Italian artist Michele Kahlil Lombardo, Middle Eastern rugs donated by Rug Express, and African Art donated by The Cave.

11/15/00:  A Discussion about "The Economic Developments in the Al-Maghreb Countries," with Dr. Tarik M. Yousef, professor of Economics at Georgetown University (in Arabic).

11/8/00Open Discussion about "The US Presidential Election and the Arab-Israeli Conflict" (in Arabic).

11/1/00:  A Conversation with Ambassador of Lebanon Dr. Farid Abboud about "The Political Developments in Lebanon"  (in Arabic).

10/18/00: "The Israeli and Arab Lobbies: A Comparison," with Mr. Khalil Jahshan (ADC/NAAA) and Mr. Khalid Safuri (Islamic Institute in Washington) (in Arabic).

10/11/00:  A conversation with Dr. El-Tigani Abdelgadir Hamid, professor at the Graduate School of Islamic and Social Sciences (SISS) in Leesburg, Virginia, on "About Sudan:  Internal Crises and External Challenges" (in Arabic). Followed by an open discussion about "The Looming Developments in the Middle East" (in Arabic). 

10/4/00:  "The Current Developments in Al-Quds and the Palestinian-Israeli Negotiating Track", remarks by Palestinian writers and journalists Dr. Fawzi Al-Asmar and Dr. Ahmed Youssef  (in Arabic). 

9/27/00:  A Panel Discussion about "30 Years After Gamal Abdul Nasser: How Arabs Understand Nasserism", with the participation of  Dr. Khalid Abdalla and Mr. Sadek Sulaiman (in Arabic).

9/20/00 A conversation with Mr. Sadek Sulaiman and Dr. Edmond Ghareeb about "Changes in American Thought and Politics" (in Arabic).

9/13/00:  Open Discussion about The Palestinian State and the Palestinian Issue (in Arabic).

8/30/00:  A conversation and slide presentation with Iraqi researcher Dr. Mohammed Al-Sadoun about  "The Search for an Arab Identity in Contemporary Arab Art"  (in Arabic).   Followed by a half hour reading by Dr. Adnan Salim of the poetry of the  Late Iraqi Poet Mohammed Mahdi Al-Jawahiri (in Arabic)

8/16/00:  A conversation with Dr. Rushdi Said about his new book "A Life Journey" with introductions by Dr. Fawzi Heikal and Mr. Mohamad Hakki (in Arabic).  Followed by a Conversation with Al-Sayed Murtada El-Shirazi about "Al-Shoura" (in Arabic).

8/2/00: "Iraq and the Gulf 10 Years After the Invasion of Kuwait" with introductory remarks by Dr. Khalid Abdalla and Dr. Ashraf Bayoumi  (in Arabic).

7/26/00:  Panel Discussion about "Egypt: The Location, the Identity, the Role," with introductory remarks by Dr. Rushdi Said and Dr. Abdel-Monem Al-Mashat (in Arabic).

7/19/00:  Discussion with Dr. Bassem Khafaji about "Globalism and the Future of the Arabic Economy" with remarks by Dr. Khalid Abdalla and Dr. Anwar Ashqi (in Arabic).

7/12/00:  An Open Discussion about "Syria After Hafez Al-Assad," with an introduction by the Charge d'Affaires and acting Head of Mission of the Syrian Embassy in Washington, Dr. Rostom Al-Zou'bi (in Arabic).  Followed by a discussion with Qadi Hussain Ahmad, president of the Islamic University of Pakistan (in Arabic).

6/28/00: "Getting Involved in the Political Process and How to Raise Arab American Issues in the 2000 Elections," a discussion with David Nasser and Abdallah Al-Zuabi, National Field Director and Field Organizer, respectively, of the Arab American Institute (AAI) (in English and Arabic).

6/14/00:  An Evening of Literature and Poetry prepared by Ms. Nahida Fadli Dajani on the occasion of the 11th Anniversary of Al-Hewar Magazine (in Arabic).  With special guest famous Sudanese Writer Al-Tayeb Al-Saleh.

6/7/00: "Remarks on the Methods of Change and Resistance in the Arab World," and Open Discussion with an introduction by Dr. Nasr Arif and Sobhi Ghandour (in Arabic).

5/24/00:  A Conversation with Immigration and Tax Attorney Joseph Skeen about "What's New in Immigration Law?" (in English).

5/17/00:  An Open Discussion about "The Palestinian Issue and Proposed Solutions for the Refugee Problem" (in Arabic).

5/10/00 "The Role of Women in the Syrian Social Life," a conversation with a visiting delegation of four women from Syria: Ms. Sahirah Hussaini, a lawyer and president of the Child's Protection Society in Homs; Ms. Zuha Ranne, a mechanical engineer, lawyer and member of the Executive Committee of the Youth Protection Center in Aleppo; Ms. Yumna Mohamad Mohamad, who works for the Directorate of Labor and Social Affairs and is responsible for 28 NGOs in Lattakia; and Ms. Roud Ziadeh, a professor of civil engineering and member of the Executive Committee of the Family Protection Organization in Damascus (in Arabic).  This event was organized in coordination with The Arab Women's Council.

5/3/00:  "A Point of View About the Various Methods of Interpreting Tradition," an Open Discussion with an introduction by Dr. Ahmad Al-Hassan (in Arabic).

4/19/00:  A Conversation with Dr. Taha Jaber Al-Alwani, President of the Graduate School of Islamic and Social Sciences (GSISS), about "An Islamic Perspective on Reform:  Between the Traditional and the Contemporary" (in Arabic).

5/12/00: "Thoughts About How to Confront Arab-Israeli Normalization," an Open Discussion with an introduction by Dr. Kamal Khaldi, Head of the Palestinian Writers' Union in Damascus (in Arabic).

4/5/00:  A Conversation with Mr. Mazhar Samman, Vice President of the U.S.-Arab Chamber of Commerce, and Dr. Louay Safi, Director of the Center for Balanced Development, about "The Global Economy and the Greater Arab Free Trade Zone" (in Arabic).

3/22/00:  "Earth, Water, and Fire: The Middle East Trilogy," a conversation with Middle East expert Dr. Laura Drake (who recently returned from trips to Iraq, Lebanon, and Syria) about regional strategy and geopolitics in Al-Mashreq (in English).

3/15/00: A Conversation with Dr. Azizah Y. al-Hibri about "Women and Personal Status Codes in Select Arab Countries" (in Arabic).

3/1/00: An Evening of Poetry prepared by Mrs. Nahida Fadli Dajani (in Arabic).

2/23/00:  A conversation with Syrian foreign policy analyst, Dr. Murhaf Jouejati about "A Syrian Perspective on the Syrian-Israeli Track" (in English and Arabic), followed by a conversation with Charge d'Affaires of the Lebanese Embassy Mr. Hassan Najem.

2/9/00:  An Open Discussion about "The Middle East Peace Process and the Future of the Arab World" (in Arabic).

2/2/00:  A Conversation with Sudanese scholars Dr. Ahmed El-Bashir and Dr. Ahmed Kheir about "Conflicts within the Sudanese Government and Their Effect on Foreign Policy" (in Arabic).

1/19/00:  A Conversation with Ambassador of Egypt Nabil Fahmy about "American Egyptian Relations and New Developments in the Middle East" (in Arabic).

1/12/00: Open discussion about "Lessons that the Arabs can Learn from the Experiences of the Twentieth Century" (in Arabic).

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